Publishing a New Version of an Existing Application - Amazon Serverless Application Repository
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Publishing a New Version of an Existing Application

This section shows you how to publish a new version of an existing application to the Amazon Serverless Application Repository by using the Amazon SAM CLI or the Amazon Web Services Management Console. For instructions on publishing a new application, see How to Publish Applications.

Publishing a New Version of an Existing Application (Amazon CLI)

The easiest way to publish a new version of an existing application is to use a set of Amazon SAM CLI commands. For more information, see Publishing an Application Using the Amazon SAM CLI in the Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM) Developer Guide.

Publishing a New Version of an Existing Application (Console)

To publish a new version of an application that you have previously published, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Amazon Serverless Application Repository console.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose My Applications to bring up the list of applications that you've created.

  3. Choose the application that you want to publish a new version for.

  4. Choose Publish new version.

  5. In Versions, enter the following application information:

    Property Required Description
    Semantic version TRUE

    The semantic version of the application. For more information, see the Semantic Versioning website.

    You must provide a value for this property in order to make your application public.

    Source code Url FALSE A link to a public repository for the source code of your application.
    SAM template TRUE

    A valid Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM) template that defines the Amazon resources that are used.

  6. Choose Publish version.