Publishing Applications - Amazon Serverless Application Repository
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Publishing Applications

When you publish a serverless application to the Amazon Serverless Application Repository, you make it available for others to find and deploy.

You first define your application with an Amazon Serverless Application Model (Amazon SAM) template. When you define your application, you must consider whether consumers of your application will be required to acknowledge the application's capabilities. For more information about using Amazon SAM and acknowledging capabilities, see Using Amazon SAM with the Amazon Serverless Application Repository.

You can publish serverless applications by using the Amazon Web Services Management Console, the Amazon SAM command line interface (Amazon SAM CLI), or an Amazon SDK. To learn more about the procedures for publishing applications to the Amazon Serverless Application Repository, see How to Publish Applications.

When you publish your application, it's initially set to private, which means that it's only available to the Amazon account that created it. To share your application with others, you must either set it to privately shared (shared only with a specific set of Amazon accounts), or publicly shared (shared with everyone).

When you publish an application to the Amazon Serverless Application Repository and set it to public, the service makes the application available to consumers in all Regions. When a consumer deploys a public application to a Region other than the Region in which the application was first published, the Amazon Serverless Application Repository copies the application’s deployment artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket in the destination Region. It updates any resources in the Amazon SAM template that use those artifacts to instead reference the files in the Amazon S3 bucket for the destination Region. Deployment artifacts can include Lambda function code, API definition files, and so on.


Private and privately shared applications are only available in the Amazon Region that they're created in. Publicly shared applications are available in all Amazon Regions. To learn more about sharing applications, see Amazon Serverless Application Repository Application Policy Examples.