Amazon Service Catalog API Overview
The Amazon Service Catalog API can be logically divided into the following categories.
Operations by category
Product Discovery
Use these operations to discover or get information about products and the launch requirements for them. These operations do not create or modify resources.
- SearchProducts
Lists all products to which the caller has access.
- DescribeProduct
Get detailed information about a product.
- DescribeProductView
Functionally identical to
, except that it takes the ID of a product view instead of the ID of a product. - ListLaunchPaths
Lists all of the ways the user has access to a specified product, referred to as paths to the product. A user must select a path in order to provision the product.
- DescribeProvisioningParameters
Gets the parameters needed to provision a specified product, and provides additional metadata about what will happen when the product is provisioned.
is something the user must specify in order to successfully provision the product (for example, the size of an EC2 instance). TheConstraintSummary
objects contain the list of allowable values and additional metadata about theProvisioningArtifactParameter
Provisioning Requests
Use these operations to request, update, or terminate provisioning for a product.
- ProvisionProduct
Requests provisioning for a product. To provision a product is to launch the resources needed to bring that product online for actual use. For example, provisioning a product backed by an Amazon CloudFormation template means launching an Amazon CloudFormation stack and all its underlying resources.
- UpdateProvisionedProduct
Updates the configuration of a provisioned product. For example, a product backed by Amazon CloudFormation gets its underlying Amazon CloudFormation stack updated. The requester must have sufficient access permissions to the specified ProvisionedProduct.
- TerminateProvisionedProduct
Requests termination of a provisioned product. For example, for a product backed by Amazon CloudFormation, this deletes the underlying Amazon CloudFormation stack. The requester must have sufficient access permissions to the specified provisioned product.
Provisioned Products
Use these operations to get information about provisioned products. These operations do not create or modify resources.
- ListRecordHistory
Lists all requests performed, even for terminated provisioned products.
- DescribeRecord
Gets information about a request. Use this operation after the request operation to obtain current
information. - SearchProvisionedProducts
Gets information about the provisioned products that meet specified criteria.
- ScanProvisionedProducts
Lists the provisioned products that are not terminated.
- DescribeProvisionedProduct
Gets information about a provisioned product.
- ImportAsProvisionedProduct
Requests the import of a resource as a Service Catalog provisioned product that is associated to a Service Catalog product and provisioning artifact. Once imported, all supported Service Catalog governance actions are supported on the provisioned product.
- UpdateProvisionedProductProperties
Requests updates to the properties of the specified provisioned product.
Provisioned Product Plans
Use these operations to manage your provisioned product plans. A plan includes the list of resources to create or modify when you execute the plan.
- CreateProvisionedProductPlan
Creates a plan.
- DescribeProvisionedProductPlan
Gets information about the resource changes for a plan.
- ExecuteProvisionedProductPlan
Provisions or modifies a product based on a plan.
- ListProvisionedProductPlans
Lists the plans for a provisioned product.
- DeleteProvisionedProductPlan
Deletes a plan.
Catalog administrators use these operations provide all necessary operations for portfolio management.
- CreatePortfolio
Creates a portfolio.
- DeletePortfolio
Deletes a portfolio.
- DescribePortfolio
Gets detailed information about a portfolio.
- DescribePortfolioShares
Returns a summary of each of the portfolio shares that were created for the specified portfolio.
- ListPortfolios
Lists all portfolios in the catalog.
- ListPortfoliosForProduct
Lists all portfolios that a product is associated with.
- UpdatePortfolio
Updates a portfolio.
- UpdatePortfolioShare
Updates a portfolio share.
- CreatePortfolioShare
Shares a portfolio with an Amazon account.
- DeletePortfolioShare
Stops sharing a portfolio.
- AcceptPortfolioShare
Accepts an offer to share a portfolio.
- RejectPortfolioShare
Rejects an offer to share a portfolio.
- ListAcceptedPortfolioShares
Lists details of all portfolios for which sharing was accepted by this account.
- ListPortfolioAccess
Lists the account IDs that have access to a portfolio.
Principal Association
Catalog administrators use these operations provide all necessary operations for principal association.
- AssociatePrincipalWithPortfolio
Associates a principal ARN with a portfolio.
- DisassociatePrincipalFromPortfolio
Disassociates a principal ARN from a portfolio.
- ListPrincipalsForPortfolio
Lists all principal ARNs associated with a portfolio.
Catalog administrators use these operations provide all necessary operations for product management.
- SearchProductsAsAdmin
Gets summary and status information for products.
- DescribeProductAsAdmin
Gets information about a product.
- CreateProduct
Creates a product.
- CopyProduct
Copies a product.
- DescribeCopyProductStatus
Gets the status of a copy product operation.
- UpdateProduct
Updates a product.
- DeleteProduct
Deletes a product.
- AssociateProductWithPortfolio
Associates a product with a portfolio.
- DisassociateProductFromPortfolio
Disassociates a product from a portfolio.
Provisioning Artifacts
Catalog administrators use these operations to manage provisioning artifacts (also known as product versions).
- DescribeProvisioningArtifact
Gets information about a provisioning artifact.
- CreateProvisioningArtifact
Creates a provisioning artifact for a product.
- DeleteProvisioningArtifact
Deletes a provisioning artifact.
- ListProvisioningArtifacts
Lists all provisioning artifacts associated with a product.
- UpdateProvisioningArtifact
Updates a provisioning artifact.
Catalog administrator use these operations manage constraints.
- CreateConstraint
Creates a constraint.
- DeleteConstraint
Deletes a constraint.
- DescribeConstraint
Gets information about a constraint.
- UpdateConstraint
Updates a constraint.
- ListConstraintsForPortfolio
Gets constraint information for the a portfolio and product.
Service Actions
Catalog administrators use these operations to manage service actions.
- AssociateServiceActionWithProvisioningArtifact
Associates a self-service action with a provisioning artifact.
- CreateServiceAction
Creates a self-service action.
- DeleteServiceAction
Deletes a self-service action.
- DescribeServiceAction
Describes a self-service action.
- DescribeServiceActionExecutionParameters
Finds the default parameters for a specific self-service action on a specific provisioned product and returns a map of the results to the user.
- ExecuteProvisionedProductServiceAction
Executes a self-service action against a provisioned product.
- UpdateServiceAction
Updates a self-service action.
Catalog administrators use these operations to manage TagOptions.
- CreateTagOption
Creates a TagOption.
- ListTagOptions
Lists your TagOptions.
- DescribeTagOption
Describes a TagOption.
- UpdateTagOption
Updates a TagOption.
- AssociateTagOptionWithResource
Associates a TagOption with a resource.
- DisassociateTagOptionFromResource
Disassociates a TagOption from a resource.
- ListResourcesForTagOption
Lists the resources for a TagOption.
- DeleteTagOption
Deletes a TagOption.
Serves as a repository for your applications, their resources, and the application metadata that you use in your enterprise.
- AssociateAttributeGroup
Associates an attribute group with an application to augment the application's metadata with the group's attributes.
- AssociateResource
Associates a resource with an application.
- CreateApplication
Creates a new application that is the top-level node in a hierarchy of related cloud resource abstractions.
- CreateAttributeGroup
Creates a new attribute group as a container for user-defined attributes.
- DeleteApplication
Deletes an application that is specified either by its application ID or name.
- DeleteAttributeGroup
Deletes an attribute group, specified either by its attribute group ID or name.
- DisassociateAttributeGroup
Disassociates an attribute group from an application to remove the extra attributes contained in the attribute group from the application's metadata.
- DisassociateResource
Disassociates a resource from application.
- GetApplication
Retrieves metadata information about one of your applications.
- GetAssociatedResource
Gets the resource associated with the application.
- GetAttributeGroup
Retrieves an attribute group, either by its name or its ID.
- ListApplications
Lists all attribute groups that are associated with specified application.
- ListAssociatedAttributeGroups
Lists all attribute groups that are associated with specified application.
- ListAssociatedResources
Lists all resources that are associated with specified application.
- ListAttributeGroups
Lists all attribute groups of which you have access.
- ListAttributeGroupsForApplication
Lists the details of all attribute groups associated with a specific application.
- ListTagsForResource
Lists all of the tags on the resource.
- TagResource
Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified resource.
- SyncResource
Syncs the resource with what is currently recorded in AppRegistry.
- UntagResource
Removes tags from a resource.
- UpdateApplication
Updates an existing application with new attributes.
- UpdateAttributeGroup
Updates an existing attribute group with new details.