Viewing product details
The Product details page displays information about a product, including a description of the product, details about product versions, and support information.
To view detailed information about a product
Navigate to the Products page.
Choose the product name.
Viewing the product version
If multiple versions of a product are available, you can decide which version to use when you read the version descriptions. Typically, you should use the latest version of a product.
Launch options
The launch options for the product include identifiers for the product, the portfolio that delivers it, and the constraints or tags the product has during launch.
Launch as – The launch description the Amazon Service Catalog administrator provides.
Rules – The names of template constraints for the product during launch.
Tags – The names and values of tags, inherited from the portfolio or product.
Tags are metadata you assign to a provisioned product to track and analyze information. In addition to the tags you enter when you launch a product, the Amazon Service Catalog administrator might also apply tags to a product or portfolio.
Support details
Support details can include an email address, an external link supplied by the administrator, or both. Administrators are responsible for maintaining the accuracy and access of support information.