Viewing service quotas - Service Quotas
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Viewing service quotas


If you are searching for service quotas for a specific Amazon service, review Service endpoints and quotas in the Amazon General Reference guide.

Service Quotas enables you to review the Amazon default value and applied values of a particular quota. Certain resource-level quotas, such as Instances per domain for Amazon OpenSearch Service, also display applied quota values per resource. Refer to Terminology in Service Quotas for detailed definitions of these values.

Your account's actual quota value may be less than the Amazon default quota value if you recently created the account, or if you use the account minimally.

Amazon Management Console
To view the quotas for a service
  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Service Quotas console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Amazon services.

  3. Select an Amazon Web Services service from the list, or enter the name of the service in the search field.

    The console displays details for the selected service's quota, including the quota name, applied quota value, Amazon default quota, utilization, and if the quota is adjustable at the account-level or resource-level.

    If the applied quota value or utilization is not available, the console displays Not available. You can request your applied quota value through the Support Center Console.

  4. Choose a specific quota name to view the Details page, which displays that quota's description, quota code, quota ARN, utilization, applied quota value, and the Amazon default quota.

    If applicable, the Details page also displays any resource-level quota, alarms, quota increase request history, and any of the quota's tags.

Amazon CLI
Viewing default quota values

View the default values for the quotas for a specific Amazon Web Services service.

  • Call the ListDefaultServiceQuotas operation with a service code. If you don't have the service code, you can get a list of supported services with the ListServices operation. The response includes the ServiceCode and ServiceName for each service. The ServiceCode for Amazon OpenSearch Service is es. The following CLI example retrieves default values for Amazon OpenSearch Service quotas.

    $ aws service-quotas list-aws-default-service-quotas \ --service-code es \ { "Quotas": [ { "QuotaName": "Domains per Region", "Adjustable": true, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-076D529E", "Value": 100.0, "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-076D529E", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Dedicated master instances per domain", "Adjustable": false, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-AE676A72", "Value": 5.0, "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-AE676A72", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Warm instances per domain", "Adjustable": false, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-1F053E6F", "Value": 150.0, "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-1F053E6F", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Instances per domain", "Adjustable": true, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-6408ABDE", "Value": 80.0, "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-6408ABDE", "Unit": "None", "QuotaContext": { "ContextScope": "RESOURCE", "ContextScopeType": "AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain", } } ] }
Viewing applied quota values

View the applied quota values for a specified Amazon Web Services service. For some quotas, only the default values are available. If the applied quota value isn't available for a quota, the quota is not returned in the response. If this happens, contact Amazon Web Services Support for the applied quota value.

  • Call the ListServiceQuotas operation with a service code. You can choose to retrieve all applied quota values either at the account-level, resource-level, or all levels by passing ACCOUNT, RESOURCE, or ALL respectively as the value for the parameter QuotaAppliedAtLevel.

    The following CLI example retrieves all quota values applied at the account-level for OpenSearch Service.

    $ aws service-quotas list-service-quotas \ --service-code es \ --quota-applied-at-level ACCOUNT { "Quotas": [ { "QuotaName": "Domains per Region", "Adjustable": true, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-076D529E", "Value": 100.0, "QuotaAppliedAtLevel": "ACCOUNT", "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-076D529E", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Dedicated master instances per domain", "Adjustable": false, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-AE676A72", "Value": 5.0, "QuotaAppliedAtLevel": "ACCOUNT", "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-AE676A72", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Warm instances per domain", "Adjustable": false, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-1F053E6F", "Value": 150.0, "QuotaAppliedAtLevel": "ACCOUNT", "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-1F053E6F", "Unit": "None", }, { "QuotaName": "Instances per domain", "Adjustable": true, "QuotaArn": "arn:aws-cn:servicequotas:us-east-1::123456789012:es/L-6408ABDE", "Value": 80.0, "QuotaAppliedAtLevel": "ACCOUNT", "ServiceName": "Amazon OpenSearch Service", "GlobalQuota": false, "ServiceCode": "es", "QuotaCode": "L-6408ABDE", "Unit": "None", "QuotaContext": { "ContextScope": "RESOURCE", "ContextScopeType": "AWS::OpenSearchService::Domain", "ContextId": "*" } } ] }