Transferring data from EC2-compatible compute instances to S3 buckets on the same Snowball Edge - Amazon Snowball Edge Developer Guide
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Transferring data from EC2-compatible compute instances to S3 buckets on the same Snowball Edge

You can transfer data between compute instances and Amazon S3 buckets on the same Snowball Edge device. You do this by using the supported Amazon CLI commands and the appropriate endpoints. For example, assume that you want to move data from a directory in my sbe1.xlarge instance into the Amazon S3 bucket, amzn-s3-demo-bucket on the same device. Assume that you're using the Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices endpoint https://S3-object-API-endpoint:443. You use the following procedure.

To transfer data between a compute instance and a bucket on the same Snowball Edge
  1. Use SSH to connect to your compute instance.

  2. Download and install the Amazon CLI. If your instance doesn't already have the Amazon CLI, download and install it. For more information, see Installing the Amazon Command Line Interface.

  3. Configure the Amazon CLI on your compute instance to work with the Amazon S3 endpoint on the Snowball Edge. For more information, see Getting and using local Amazon S3 credentials on Snow Family devices.

  4. Use the supported Amazon S3 compatible storage on Snow Family devices commands to transfer data. For example:

    aws s3 cp ~/june2018/results s3://amzn-s3-demo-bucket/june2018/results --recursive --endpoint https://S3-object-API-endpoint:443