Understanding Snowball Edge jobs - Amazon Snowball Edge Developer Guide
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Understanding Snowball Edge jobs

A job in Amazon Snowball is a discrete unit of work, defined when you create it in the console or the job management API. With the Amazon Snowball Edge device, there are three different job types, all of which are capable of local storage and compute functionality. This functionality uses the file interface or the Amazon S3 interface to read and write data. It triggers Lambda functions based on Amazon S3 PUT object API actions running locally on the Amazon Snowball Edge device.

  • Jobs to import data into Amazon S3 using a Snowball Edge device – The transfer of 80 TB or less of your local data copied onto a single device, and then moved into Amazon S3. For import jobs, Snowball devices and jobs have a one-to-one relationship. Each job has exactly one device associated with it. If you need to import more data, you can create new import jobs or clone existing ones. When you return a device of this job type, that data on it is imported into Amazon S3.

  • Jobs to export data from Amazon S3 using a Snowball Edge device – The transfer of any amount of data (located in Amazon S3), copied onto any number of Snowball Edge devices, and then moved one Amazon Snowball Edge device at a time into your on-premises data destination. When you create an export job, it's split into job parts. Each job part is no more than 80 TB in size, and each job part has exactly one Amazon Snowball Edge device associated with it. When you return a device of this job type, it's erased.

  • Information about using Snowball Edge devices to provide local compute and storage functionality – These jobs involve one Amazon Snowball Edge device, or multiple devices used in a cluster. These jobs don't start with data in their buckets like an export job, and they can't have data imported into Amazon S3 at the end like an import job. When you return a device of this job type, it's erased. With this job type, you also have the option of creating a cluster of devices. A cluster improves local storage durability and you can scale up or down with local storage capacity.

    In Regions where Lambda is not available, this job type is called Local storage only.

Details about Snowball Edge jobs

Before creating a job, ensure the prerequisites are met. Each job is defined by the details that you specify when it's created. The following table describes all the details of a job.