AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU - Amazon Systems Manager Automation runbook reference
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The AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU runbook provides an automated solution to collect diagnostic data from an Amazon OpenSearch Service domain to troubleshoot high CPU issues.

How does it work?

The AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU runbook helps to troubleshoot high CPU utilization in the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain.

The runbook performs the following steps:

  • Runs the DescribeDomain API against the provided Amazon OpenSearch Service domain to get the cluster metadata.

  • Checks whether the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain is public or Amazon VPC-based and with the help of Amazon CloudFormation, creates a public or Amazon VPC-based Amazon Lambda function.

  • The Lambda function fetches diagnostic data from the Amazon OpenSearch Service domains.

  • Uses an Amazon Step Functions state machine to orchestrate multiple Lambda function executions to gather more comprehensive data.

  • Stores the collected data in an Amazon CloudWatch log group for 24 hours by default.

  • Deletes the created resources, except the CloudWatch log group.

Required IAM permissions

The AutomationAssumeRole parameter requires the following actions to use the runbook successfully.

  • cloudformation:CreateStack

  • cloudformation:CreateStack

  • cloudformation:DescribeStacks

  • cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents

  • cloudformation:DeleteStack

  • lambda:CreateFunction

  • lambda:DeleteFunction

  • lambda:InvokeFunction

  • lambda:GetFunction

  • lambda:TagResource

  • es:DescribeDomain

  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups

  • ec2:DescribeSubnets

  • ec2:DescribeVpcs

  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces

  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface

  • ec2:DescribeInstances

  • ec2:AttachNetworkInterface

  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface

  • logs:CreateLogGroup

  • logs:PutRetentionPolicy

  • logs:TagResource

  • states:CreateStateMachine

  • states:DeleteStateMachine

  • states:StartExecution

  • states:TagResource

  • states:DescribeStateMachine

  • states:DescribeExecution

  • iam:PassRole

  • iam:CreateRole

  • iam:DeleteRole

  • iam:GetRole

  • iam:PutRolePolicy

  • iam:DeleteRolePolicy

  • ssm:DescribeAutomationExecutions

  • ssm:GetAutomationExecution

The LambdaExecutionRole parameter requires the following actions to successfully use the runbook:

  • es:ESHttpGet

  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface

  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces

  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface

  • logs:CreateLogStream

  • logs:PutLogEvents

The Lambda execution role grants the function permission to access Amazon services and resources required by this runbook. For more information, see Lambda execution role.


The ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces, ec2:CreateNetworkInterface, and ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface are only required if your OpenSearch Service cluster is Amazon VPC-based to allow the Lambda function to create and manage the Amazon VPC network interfaces. For more information, see Connecting outbound networking to resources in a Amazon VPC and Lambda execution role.


Follow these steps to configure the automation:

  1. Navigate to the AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU in the Amazon Systems Manager console.

  2. Select Execute automation.

  3. For the input parameters enter the following:

    • AutomationAssumeRole (Optional):

      The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that allows Systems Manager Automation to perform the actions on your behalf. If no role is specified, Systems Manager Automation uses the permissions of the user that starts this runbook.

    • DomainName (Required):

      The name of the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain that you want to troubleshoot for high CPU issues.

    • LambdaExecutionRoleForOpenSearch (Required):

      The ARN of the IAM role to attach to the Lambda function. The Lambda function uses the credentials from this role to sign requests to the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. If fine-grained access control is enabled on the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain, you must map this role to an OpenSearch Service Dashboards backend role with a minimum of "cluster_monitor" permission.

    • DataRetentionDays (Optional):

      The number of days to retain the diagnostic data collected from the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. By default, the data is retained for 24 hours (one day). You can choose to retain the data for a maximum of up to 30 days.

    • NumberOfDataSamples (Optional):

      The number of data samples to collect from the Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. By default, 5 data sample are collected. You can collect up to 10 samples and the Lambda function will be invoked for each sample collection.

  4. If you have enabled fine-grained access control on an OpenSearch Service cluster, make sure that the LambdaExecutionRole role arn is mapped to a role with at least cluster_monitor permission.

  5. Select Execute.

  6. The automation initiates.

  7. The automation runbook performs the following steps:

    • checkConcurrency:

      Ensures that there is only one execution of this runbook targeting the specified Amazon OpenSearch Service domain. If the runbook finds another execution targeting the same domain name, it returns an error and ends.

    • getDomainConfig:

      Gets the configuration details for the target OpenSearch Service domain.

    • provisionResources:

      Provisions the resources for data collection using Amazon CloudFormation.

    • waitForStackCreation:

      Waits for the Amazon CloudFormation stack to complete.

    • describeStackResources:

      Describes the Amazon CloudFormation stack and gets the ARN of the state machine.

    • runStateMachine:

      Invokes the data collector Lambda function one or more times by running a Step Functions state machine.

    • describeErrorsFromStackEvents:

      Describes errors from the Amazon CloudFormation stack for errors.

    • unstageOpenSearchHighCPUAutomation:

      Deletes the AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU Amazon CloudFormation stack.

    • describeErrorsFromStackDeletion:

      Describes errors encountered while deleting the Amazon CloudFormation stack.

    • finalStatus:

      Returns the final output of the AWSSupport-TroubleshootOpenSearchHighCPU runbook.

  8. After completed, review the Outputs section for the detailed results of the execution.

    • finalStatus.FinalOutput:

      Provides the CloudWatch log group where the diagnostic data is stored.


Systems Manager Automation

Amazon service documentation