AWSSupport-TroubleshootPatchManagerLinux - Amazon Systems Manager Automation runbook reference
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The AWSSupport-TroubleshootPatchManagerLinux runbook troubleshoots common issues that can cause a patch failure on Linux-based managed nodes using the Amazon Systems Manager capability “Patch Manager”. The main goal of this runbook is to identify the patch command failure root cause and suggest a remediation plan.

How does it work?

The AWSSupport-TroubleshootPatchManagerLinux runbook considers the couple instance ID/Command ID provided by you for troubleshooting. If no Command ID is provided, it selects the latest failed patch command within the last 30 days on the provided instance. After checking the command status, the prerequisites fulfillment, and the OS distribution, the runbook downloads and runs a log analyzer package. The output includes the issue root cause as well as the needed action to fix the issue.

Document Type





  • Amazon Linux 2 and 2023

  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.X and 9.X

  • Centos 8.X and 9.X

  • SUSE 15.X


Required IAM permissions

The AutomationAssumeRole parameter requires the following actions to use the runbook successfully.

  • ssm:SendCommand

  • ssm:DescribeDocument

  • ssm:GetCommandInvocation

  • ssm:ListCommands

  • ssm:DescribeInstanceInformation

  • ssm:ListCommandInvocations

  • ssm:GetDocument

  • ssm:DescribeAutomationExecutions

  • ssm:GetAutomationExecution


Follow these steps to configure the automation:

  1. Navigate to the AWSSupport-TroubleshootPatchManagerLinux in the Amazon Systems Manager console.

  2. Select Execute automation.

  3. For the input parameters, enter the following:

    • InstanceId (Required):

      Use the interactive instance picker to choose the ID of the Linux Based SSM Managed Node (Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or Hybrid Activated server) that the patch command failed against, or manually enter the ID of the SSM Managed instance.

    • AutomationAssumeRole (Optional):

      Enter the ARN of the IAM role that allows Automation to perform actions on your behalf. If a role isn't specified, Automation uses the permissions of the user who starts this runbook.

    • RunCommandId (Optional):

      Enter the Failed Run Command ID of the AWS-RunPatchBaseline document. If you don't provide a Command ID, the runbook will look for the latest failed patch command within the last 30 days on the selected instance.

  4. Select Execute.

  5. The automation initiates.

  6. The document performs the following steps:

    • CheckConcurrency:

      Ensures that there is only one execution of this runbook targeting the same instance. If the runbook finds another execution in progress targeting the same instance, it returns an error and ends.

    • ValidateCommandID:

      Validates if the provided Command ID, as input parameter, was executed for the AWS-RunPatchBaseline SSM Document. If no Command ID is provided, the runbook will consider the latest failed execution of AWS-RunPatchBaseline within the last 30 days on the selected instance.

    • BranchOnCommandStatus:

      Confirms that the status of the provided command is failed. Otherwise, the runbook ends the execution and generates a report stating that the provided command was successfully executed.

    • VerifyPrerequistes:

      Confirms that the Prerequisites mentioned above are fulfilled.

    • GetPlatformDetails:

      Retrieves the Operating System (OS) distribution and version.

    • GetDownloadURL:

      Retrieves the download URL for the PatchManager Log Analyzer package.

    • EvaluatePatchManagerLogs:

      Downloads and executes the PatchManager Log Analyzer python package on the instance to evaluate the log file.

    • GenerateReport:

      Generates a final report of the runbook execution that includes the identified problem and suggested solution.

  7. After completed, review the Outputs section for the detailed results of the execution:


Systems Manager Automation