Creating change templates using Builder
Using the Builder for change templates in Change Manager, a tool in Amazon Systems Manager, you can configure the runbook workflow defined in your change template without having to use JSON or YAML syntax. After you specify your options, the system converts your input into the YAML format that Systems Manager can use to run runbook workflows.
To create a change template using Builder
Open the Amazon Systems Manager console at
. In the navigation pane, choose Change Manager.
Choose Create template.
For Name, enter a name for the template that makes its purpose easy to identify, such as
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In the Change template details section, do the following:
For Description, provide a brief explanation of how and when the change template you're creating is to be used.
This description helps users who create change requests determine whether they're using the correct change template. It helps those who review change requests understand whether the request should be approved.
For Change template type, specify whether you're creating a standard change template or an emergency change template.
An emergency change template is used for situations when a change must be made even if changes are otherwise blocked by an event in the calendar in use by Amazon Systems Manager Change Calendar. Change requests created from an emergency change template must still be approved by its designated approvers, but the requested changes can still run even when the calendar is blocked.
For Runbook options, specify the runbooks that users can choose from when creating a change request. You can add a single runbook or multiple runbooks. Alternatively, you can allow requesters to specify which runbook to use. In any of these cases, only one runbook can be included in the change request.
For Runbook, select the names of the runbooks and the versions of those runbooks that users can choose from for their change requests. No matter how many runbooks you add to the change template, only one can be selected per change request.
You don't specify a runbook if you chose Any runbook can be used earlier.
Select a runbook and runbook version, and then choose View to examine the contents of the runbook in the Systems Manager Documents interface.
In the Template information section, use Markdown to enter information for users who create change requests from this change template. We have provided a set of questions that you can include for users who create change requests, or you can add other information and questions instead.
Markdown is a markup language that allows you to add wiki-style descriptions to documents and individual steps within the document. For more information about using Markdown, see Using Markdown in Amazon.
We recommend providing questions for users to answer about their change requests to help approvers decide whether or not to grant each change request, such as listing any manual steps required to run as part of the change and a rollback plan.
Toggle between Hide preview and Show preview to see what your content looks like as you compose.
In the Change request approvals section, do the following:
(Optional) If you want to allow change requests that are created from this change template to run automatically, without review by any approvers (with the exception of change freeze events), select Enable auto-approval.
Enabling auto-approvals in a change template provides users with the option of bypassing reviewers. They can still choose to specify reviewers when creating a change request. Therefore, you must still specify reviewer options in the change template.
If you enable auto-approval for a change template, users can submit change requests using that template that do not require review by reviewers before they run (with the exception of change freeze event approvers). If you want to restrict a particular user, group, or IAM role from submitting auto-approval requests, you can use a condition in an IAM policy for this purpose. For more information, see Controlling access to auto-approval runbook workflows.
For Number of approvals required at this level, choose the number of approvals that change requests created from this change template must receive for this level.
To add mandatory first-level approvers, choose Add approver, and then choose from the following:
Template specified approvers – Choose one or more users, groups, or Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles from your account to approve change requests created from this change template. Any change requests that are created using this template must be reviewed and approved by each approver you specify.
Request specified approvers – The user who makes the change request specifies reviewers at the time they make the request and can choose from a list of users in your account.
The number you enter in the Required column determines how many reviewers must be specified by a change request that uses this change template.
Prior to January 23, 2023, the Builder tab supported specifying per-line approvals only. New change templates and new levels you add to existing change templates using the Builder tab support per-level approvals only. We recommend using only per-level approvals in your Change Manager operations.
For more information, see About approvals in your change templates.
For SNS topic to notify approvers, do the following:
Choose one of the following to specify the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic in your account to use for sending notifications to approvers that a change request is ready for their review:
Enter an SNS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) – For Topic ARN, enter the ARN of an existing Amazon SNS topic. This topic can be in any of your organization's accounts.
Select an existing SNS topic – For Target notification topic, select the ARN of an existing Amazon SNS topic in your current Amazon Web Services account. (This option isn't available if you haven't yet created any Amazon SNS topics in your current Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Web Services Region.)
Specify SNS topic when the change request is created – The user who creates a change request can specify the Amazon SNS topic to use for notifications.
The Amazon SNS topic you select must be configured to specify the notifications it sends and the subscribers they're sent to. Its access policy must also grant permissions to Systems Manager so Change Manager can send notifications. For information, see Configuring Amazon SNS topics for Change Manager notifications.
Choose Add notification.
(Optional) To add an additional level of approvers, choose Add approval level and choose between template-specified approvers and request-specified approvers for this level. Then choose an SNS topic to notify this level of approvers.
After all approvals have been received by first-level approvers, second-level approvers are notified, and so on.
You can add a maximum of five levels of approvers in each template. You might, for example, require approvals from users in technical roles for the first level, then managerial approval for the second level.
In the Monitoring section, for CloudWatch alarm to monitor, enter the name of an Amazon CloudWatch alarm in the current account to monitor the progress of runbook workflows that are based on this template.
To create a new alarm, or to review the settings of an alarm you want to specify, choose Open the Amazon CloudWatch console. For information about working with CloudWatch alarms, see Using CloudWatch Alarms in the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.
In the Notifications section, do the following:
Choose one of the following to specify the Amazon SNS topic in your account to use for sending notifications about change requests that are created using this change template:
Enter an SNS Amazon Resource Name (ARN) – For Topic ARN, enter the ARN of an existing Amazon SNS topic. This topic can be in any of your organization's accounts.
Select an existing SNS topic – For Target notification topic, select the ARN of an existing Amazon SNS topic in your current Amazon Web Services account. (This option isn't available if you haven't yet created any Amazon SNS topics in your current Amazon Web Services account and Amazon Web Services Region.)
The Amazon SNS topic you select must be configured to specify the notifications it sends and the subscribers they're sent to. Its access policy must also grant permissions to Systems Manager so Change Manager can send notifications. For information, see Configuring Amazon SNS topics for Change Manager notifications.
Choose Add notification.
(Optional) In the Tags section, apply one or more tag key name/value pairs to the change template.
Tags are optional metadata that you assign to a resource. By using tags, you can categorize a resource in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, or environment. For example, you might want to tag a change template to identify the type of change it makes and the environment it runs in. In this case, you could specify the following key name/value pairs:
Choose Save and preview.
Review the details of the change template you're creating.
If you want to make change to the change template before submitting it for review, choose Actions, Edit.
If you're satisfied with the contents of the change template, choose Submit for review. The users in your organization or account who have been specified as template reviewers on the Settings tab in Change Manager are notified that a new change template is pending their review.
If an Amazon SNS topic has been specified for change templates, notifications are sent when the change template is rejected or approved. If you don't receive notifications related to this change template, you can return to Change Manager later to check on its status.