Assign custom compliance metadata using the Amazon CLI - Amazon Systems Manager
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Assign custom compliance metadata using the Amazon CLI

The following procedure walks you through the process of using the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI) to call the Amazon Systems Manager PutComplianceItems API operation to assign custom compliance metadata to a resource. You can also use this API operation to manually assign patch or association compliance metadata to a managed nodes, as shown in the following walkthrough. For more information about custom compliance, see About custom compliance.

To assign custom compliance metadata to a managed instance (Amazon CLI)
  1. Install and configure the Amazon Command Line Interface (Amazon CLI), if you haven't already.

    For information, see Installing or updating the latest version of the Amazon CLI.

  2. Run the following command to assign custom compliance metadata to a managed node. Replace each example resource placeholder with your own information. The ResourceType parameter only supports a value of ManagedInstance. Specify this value even if you are assigning custom compliance metadata to a managed Amazon IoT Greengrass core device.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm put-compliance-items \ --resource-id instance_ID \ --resource-type ManagedInstance \ --compliance-type Custom:user-defined_string \ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value \ --items Id=user-defined_ID,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT
    aws ssm put-compliance-items ^ --resource-id instance_ID ^ --resource-type ManagedInstance ^ --compliance-type Custom:user-defined_string ^ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value ^ --items Id=user-defined_ID,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT
  3. Repeat the previous step to assign additional custom compliance metadata to one or more nodes. You can also manually assign patch or association compliance metadata to managed nodes by using the following commands:

    Association compliance metadata

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm put-compliance-items \ --resource-id instance_ID \ --resource-type ManagedInstance \ --compliance-type Association \ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value \ --items Id=user-defined_ID,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT
    aws ssm put-compliance-items ^ --resource-id instance_ID ^ --resource-type ManagedInstance ^ --compliance-type Association ^ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value ^ --items Id=user-defined_ID,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT

    Patch compliance metadata

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm put-compliance-items \ --resource-id instance_ID \ --resource-type ManagedInstance \ --compliance-type Patch \ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value,ExecutionId=user-defined_ID,ExecutionType=Command \ --items Id=for_example, KB12345,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT,Details="{PatchGroup=name_of_group,PatchSeverity=the_patch_severity, for example, CRITICAL}"
    aws ssm put-compliance-items ^ --resource-id instance_ID ^ --resource-type ManagedInstance ^ --compliance-type Patch ^ --execution-summary ExecutionTime=user-defined_time_and/or_date_value,ExecutionId=user-defined_ID,ExecutionType=Command ^ --items Id=for_example, KB12345,Title=user-defined_title,Severity=one_or_more_comma-separated_severities:CRITICAL, MAJOR, MINOR,INFORMATIONAL, or UNSPECIFIED,Status=COMPLIANT or NON_COMPLIANT,Details="{PatchGroup=name_of_group,PatchSeverity=the_patch_severity, for example, CRITICAL}"
  4. Run the following command to view a list of compliance items for a specific managed node. Use filters to drill down into specific compliance data.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-compliance-items \ --resource-ids instance_ID \ --resource-types ManagedInstance \ --filters one_or_more_filters
    aws ssm list-compliance-items ^ --resource-ids instance_ID ^ --resource-types ManagedInstance ^ --filters one_or_more_filters

    The following examples show you how to use this command with filters.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-compliance-items \ --resource-ids i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE \ --resource-type ManagedInstance \ --filters Key=DocumentName,Values=AWS-RunPowerShellScript Key=Status,Values=NON_COMPLIANT,Type=NotEqual Key=Id,Values=cee20ae7-6388-488e-8be1-a88ccEXAMPLE Key=Severity,Values=UNSPECIFIED
    aws ssm list-compliance-items ^ --resource-ids i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE ^ --resource-type ManagedInstance ^ --filters Key=DocumentName,Values=AWS-RunPowerShellScript Key=Status,Values=NON_COMPLIANT,Type=NotEqual Key=Id,Values=cee20ae7-6388-488e-8be1-a88ccEXAMPLE Key=Severity,Values=UNSPECIFIED
    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=OverallSeverity,Values=UNSPECIFIED
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=OverallSeverity,Values=UNSPECIFIED
    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=OverallSeverity,Values=UNSPECIFIED Key=ComplianceType,Values=Association Key=InstanceId,Values=i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=OverallSeverity,Values=UNSPECIFIED Key=ComplianceType,Values=Association Key=InstanceId,Values=i-02573cafcfEXAMPLE
  5. Run the following command to view a summary of compliance statuses. Use filters to drill down into specific compliance data.

    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries --filters One or more filters.

    The following examples show you how to use this command with filters.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=ExecutionType,Values=Command
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=ExecutionType,Values=Command
    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=OverallSeverity,Values=CRITICAL
    aws ssm list-resource-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=OverallSeverity,Values=CRITICAL
  6. Run the following command to view a summary count of compliant and non-compliant resources for a compliance type. Use filters to drill down into specific compliance data.

    aws ssm list-compliance-summaries --filters One or more filters.

    The following examples show you how to use this command with filters.

    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=PatchGroup,Values=TestGroup
    aws ssm list-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=PatchGroup,Values=TestGroup
    Linux & macOS
    aws ssm list-compliance-summaries \ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=ExecutionId,Values=4adf0526-6aed-4694-97a5-14522EXAMPLE
    aws ssm list-compliance-summaries ^ --filters Key=AWS:InstanceInformation.PlatformType,Values=Windows Key=ExecutionId,Values=4adf0526-6aed-4694-97a5-14522EXAMPLE