View packages in Distributor - Amazon Systems Manager
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View packages in Distributor

To view packages that are available for installation, you can use the Amazon Systems Manager console or your preferred Amazon command line tool. Distributor is a tool in Amazon Systems Manager. To access Distributor, open the Amazon Systems Manager console and choose Distributor in the left navigation pane. You will see all of the packages available to you.

The following section describes how you can view Distributor packages using your preferred command line tool.

View packages using the command line

This section contains information about how you can use your preferred command line tool to view Distributor packages using the provided commands.

Linux & macOS
To view packages using the Amazon CLI on Linux
  • To view all packages, excluding shared packages, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents \ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package
  • To view all packages owned by Amazon, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents \ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package Key=Owner,Values=Amazon
  • To view all packages owned by third parties, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents \ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package Key=Owner,Values=ThirdParty
To view packages using the Amazon CLI on Windows
  • To view all packages, excluding shared packages, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents ^ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package
  • To view all packages owned by Amazon, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents ^ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package Key=Owner,Values=Amazon
  • To view all packages owned by third parties, run the following command.

    aws ssm list-documents ^ --filters Key=DocumentType,Values=Package Key=Owner,Values=ThirdParty
To view packages using the Tools for PowerShell
  • To view all packages, excluding shared packages, run the following command.

    $filter = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.DocumentKeyValuesFilter $filter.Key = "DocumentType" $filter.Values = "Package" Get-SSMDocumentList ` -Filters @($filter)
  • To view all packages owned by Amazon, run the following command.

    $typeFilter = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.DocumentKeyValuesFilter $typeFilter.Key = "DocumentType" $typeFilter.Values = "Package" $ownerFilter = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.DocumentKeyValuesFilter $ownerFilter.Key = "Owner" $ownerFilter.Values = "Amazon" Get-SSMDocumentList ` -Filters @($typeFilter,$ownerFilter)
  • To view all packages owned by third parties, run the following command.

    $typeFilter = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.DocumentKeyValuesFilter $typeFilter.Key = "DocumentType" $typeFilter.Values = "Package" $ownerFilter = New-Object Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.DocumentKeyValuesFilter $ownerFilter.Key = "Owner" $ownerFilter.Values = "ThirdParty" Get-SSMDocumentList ` -Filters @($typeFilter,$ownerFilter)