Edit Distributor package tags in the console - Amazon Systems Manager
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Edit Distributor package tags in the console

After you have added a package to Distributor, a tool in Amazon Systems Manager, you can edit the package's tags in the Systems Manager console. These tags are applied to the package, and aren't connected to tags on the managed node on which you want to deploy the package. Tags are case sensitive key and value pairs that can help you group and filter your packages by criteria that are relevant to your organization. If you don't want to add tags, you're ready to install your package or add a new version.

To edit package tags in the console
  1. Open the Amazon Systems Manager console at https://console.amazonaws.cn/systems-manager/.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Distributor.

  3. On the Packages page, choose the package for which you want to edit tags.

  4. On the Package details tab, in Tags, choose Edit.

  5. For Add tags, enter a tag key, or a tag key and value pair, and then choose Add. Repeat if you want to add more tags. To delete tags, choose X on the tag at the bottom of the window.

  6. When you're finished adding tags to your package, choose Save.