Use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions with an Amazon SDK or CLI - Amazon Systems Manager
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Use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions with an Amazon SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeAutomationStepExecutions.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To describe all steps for an automation execution

The following describe-automation-step-executions example displays details about the steps of an Automation execution.

aws ssm describe-automation-step-executions \ --automation-execution-id 73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE


{ "StepExecutions": [ { "StepName": "startInstances", "Action": "aws:changeInstanceState", "ExecutionStartTime": 1583737234.134, "ExecutionEndTime": 1583737234.672, "StepStatus": "Success", "Inputs": { "DesiredState": "\"running\"", "InstanceIds": "[\"i-0cb99161f6EXAMPLE\"]" }, "Outputs": { "InstanceStates": [ "running" ] }, "StepExecutionId": "95e70479-cf20-4d80-8018-7e4e2EXAMPLE", "OverriddenParameters": {} } ] }

Example 2: To describe a specific step for an automation execution

The following describe-automation-step-executions example displays details about a specific step of an Automation execution.

aws ssm describe-automation-step-executions \ --automation-execution-id 73c8eef8-f4ee-4a05-820c-e354fEXAMPLE \ --filters Key=StepExecutionId,Values=95e70479-cf20-4d80-8018-7e4e2EXAMPLE

For more information, see Running an Automation Workflow Step by Step (Command Line) in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This exmaple displays information about all active and terminated step executions in an Automation workflow.

Get-SSMAutomationStepExecution -AutomationExecutionId e1d2bad3-4567-8901-ae23-456c7c8901be | Select-Object StepName, Action, StepStatus


StepName Action StepStatus -------- ------ ---------- LaunchInstance aws:runInstances Success OSCompatibilityCheck aws:runCommand Success RunPreUpdateScript aws:runCommand Success UpdateEC2Config aws:runCommand Cancelled UpdateSSMAgent aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSPVDriver aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSEnaNetworkDriver aws:runCommand Pending UpdateAWSNVMe aws:runCommand Pending InstallWindowsUpdates aws:runCommand Pending RunPostUpdateScript aws:runCommand Pending RunSysprepGeneralize aws:runCommand Pending StopInstance aws:changeInstanceState Pending CreateImage aws:createImage Pending TerminateInstance aws:changeInstanceState Pending

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using Systems Manager with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.