Use DescribeInstanceInformation with an Amazon SDK or CLI - Amazon Systems Manager
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Use DescribeInstanceInformation with an Amazon SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use DescribeInstanceInformation.

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To describe managed instance information

The following describe-instance-information example retrieves details of each of your managed instances.

aws ssm describe-instance-information

Example 2: To describe information about a specific managed instance

The following describe-instance-information example shows details of the managed instance i-028ea792daEXAMPLE.

aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --filters "Key=InstanceIds,Values=i-028ea792daEXAMPLE"

Example 3: To describe information about managed instances with a specific tag key

The following describe-instance-information example shows details for managed instances that have the tag key DEV.

aws ssm describe-instance-information \ --filters "Key=tag-key,Values=DEV"


{ "InstanceInformationList": [ { "InstanceId": "i-028ea792daEXAMPLE", "PingStatus": "Online", "LastPingDateTime": 1582221233.421, "AgentVersion": "2.3.842.0", "IsLatestVersion": true, "PlatformType": "Linux", "PlatformName": "SLES", "PlatformVersion": "15.1", "ResourceType": "EC2Instance", "IPAddress": "", "ComputerName": "", "AssociationStatus": "Success", "LastAssociationExecutionDate": 1582220806.0, "LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate": 1582220806.0, "AssociationOverview": { "DetailedStatus": "Success", "InstanceAssociationStatusAggregatedCount": { "Success": 2 } } } ] }

For more information, see Managed Instances in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example shows details of each of your instances.



ActivationId : AgentVersion : 2.0.672.0 AssociationOverview : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview AssociationStatus : Success ComputerName : IamRole : InstanceId : i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f IPAddress : IsLatestVersion : True LastAssociationExecutionDate : 2/24/2017 3:18:09 AM LastPingDateTime : 2/24/2017 3:35:03 AM LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate : 2/24/2017 3:18:09 AM Name : PingStatus : ConnectionLost PlatformName : Amazon Linux AMI PlatformType : Linux PlatformVersion : 2016.09 RegistrationDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ResourceType : EC2Instance

Example 2: This example shows how to use the -Filter parameter to filter results to only those Amazon Systems Manager instances in region us-east-1 with an AgentVersion of 2.2.800.0. You can find a list of valid -Filter key values in the InstanceInformation API reference topic (

$Filters = @{ Key="AgentVersion" Values="2.2.800.0" } Get-SSMInstanceInformation -Region us-east-1 -Filter $Filters


ActivationId : AgentVersion : 2.2.800.0 AssociationOverview : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview AssociationStatus : Success ComputerName : EXAMPLE-EXAMPLE.WORKGROUP IamRole : InstanceId : i-EXAMPLEb0792d98ce IPAddress : IsLatestVersion : False LastAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:02:50 AM LastPingDateTime : 8/16/2018 7:40:27 PM LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:02:50 AM Name : PingStatus : Online PlatformName : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter PlatformType : Windows PlatformVersion : 10.0.14393 RegistrationDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ResourceType : EC2Instance ActivationId : AgentVersion : 2.2.800.0 AssociationOverview : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview AssociationStatus : Success ComputerName : EXAMPLE-EXAMPLE.WORKGROUP IamRole : InstanceId : i-EXAMPLEac7501d023 IPAddress : IsLatestVersion : False LastAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:00:20 AM LastPingDateTime : 8/16/2018 7:40:35 PM LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:00:20 AM Name : PingStatus : Online PlatformName : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter PlatformType : Windows PlatformVersion : 10.0.14393 RegistrationDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ResourceType : EC2Instance

Example 3: This example shows how to use the -InstanceInformationFilterList parameter to filter results to only those Amazon Systems Manager instances in region us-east-1 with PlatformTypes of Windows or Linux. You can find a list of valid -InstanceInformationFilterList key values in the InstanceInformationFilter API reference topic (

$Filters = @{ Key="PlatformTypes" ValueSet=("Windows","Linux") } Get-SSMInstanceInformation -Region us-east-1 -InstanceInformationFilterList $Filters


ActivationId : AgentVersion : 2.2.800.0 AssociationOverview : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview AssociationStatus : Success ComputerName : EXAMPLE-EXAMPLE.WORKGROUP IamRole : InstanceId : i-EXAMPLEb0792d98ce IPAddress : IsLatestVersion : False LastAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:02:50 AM LastPingDateTime : 8/16/2018 7:40:27 PM LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:02:50 AM Name : PingStatus : Online PlatformName : Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS PlatformType : Linux PlatformVersion : 18.04 RegistrationDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ResourceType : EC2Instance ActivationId : AgentVersion : 2.2.800.0 AssociationOverview : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.InstanceAggregatedAssociationOverview AssociationStatus : Success ComputerName : EXAMPLE-EXAMPLE.WORKGROUP IamRole : InstanceId : i-EXAMPLEac7501d023 IPAddress : IsLatestVersion : False LastAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:00:20 AM LastPingDateTime : 8/16/2018 7:40:35 PM LastSuccessfulAssociationExecutionDate : 8/16/2018 12:00:20 AM Name : PingStatus : Online PlatformName : Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Datacenter PlatformType : Windows PlatformVersion : 10.0.14393 RegistrationDate : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM ResourceType : EC2Instance

Example 4: This example lists ssm managed instances and exports InstanceId, PingStatus, LastPingDateTime and PlatformName to a csv file.

Get-SSMInstanceInformation | Select-Object InstanceId, PingStatus, LastPingDateTime, PlatformName | Export-Csv Instance-details.csv -NoTypeInformation

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using Systems Manager with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.