Use SendCommand with an Amazon SDK or CLI - Amazon Systems Manager
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Use SendCommand with an Amazon SDK or CLI

The following code examples show how to use SendCommand.

Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:

Amazon CLI

Example 1: To run a command on one or more remote instances

The following send-command example runs an echo command on a target instance.

aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --parameters 'commands=["echo HelloWorld"]' \ --targets "Key=instanceids,Values=i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --comment "echo HelloWorld"


{ "Command": { "CommandId": "92853adf-ba41-4cd6-9a88-142d1EXAMPLE", "DocumentName": "AWS-RunShellScript", "DocumentVersion": "", "Comment": "echo HelloWorld", "ExpiresAfter": 1550181014.717, "Parameters": { "commands": [ "echo HelloWorld" ] }, "InstanceIds": [ "i-0f00f008a2dcbefe2" ], "Targets": [], "RequestedDateTime": 1550173814.717, "Status": "Pending", "StatusDetails": "Pending", "OutputS3BucketName": "", "OutputS3KeyPrefix": "", "MaxConcurrency": "50", "MaxErrors": "0", "TargetCount": 1, "CompletedCount": 0, "ErrorCount": 0, "DeliveryTimedOutCount": 0, "ServiceRole": "", "NotificationConfig": { "NotificationArn": "", "NotificationEvents": [], "NotificationType": "" }, "CloudWatchOutputConfig": { "CloudWatchLogGroupName": "", "CloudWatchOutputEnabled": false } } }

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Examle 2: To get IP information about an instance

The following send-command example retrieves the IP information about an instance.

aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "IP config" \ --parameters "commands=ifconfig"

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 3: To run a command on instances with specific tags

The following send-command example runs a command on instances that have the tag key "ENV" and the value "Dev".

aws ssm send-command \ --targets "Key=tag:ENV,Values=Dev" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --parameters "commands=ifconfig"

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 4: To run a command that sends SNS notifications

The following send-command example runs a command that sends SNS notifications for all notification events and the Command notification type.

aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "IP config" \ --parameters "commands=ifconfig" \ --service-role-arn "arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/SNS_Role" \ --notification-config "NotificationArn=arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:123456789012:SNSTopicName,NotificationEvents=All,NotificationType=Command"

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 5: To run a command that outputs to S3 and CloudWatch

The following send-command example runs a command that outputs command details to an S3 bucket and to a CloudWatch Logs log group.

aws ssm send-command \ --instance-ids "i-1234567890abcdef0" \ --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" \ --comment "IP config" \ --parameters "commands=ifconfig" \ --output-s3-bucket-name "s3-bucket-name" \ --output-s3-key-prefix "runcommand" \ --cloud-watch-output-config "CloudWatchOutputEnabled=true,CloudWatchLogGroupName=CWLGroupName"

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 6: To run commands on multiple instances with different tags

The following send-command example runs a command on instances with two different tag keys and values.

aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" \ --parameters commands=["echo helloWorld"] \ --targets Key=tag:Env,Values=Dev Key=tag:Role,Values=WebServers

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 7: To target multiple instances with the same tag key

The following send-command example runs a command on instances that have the same tag key but with different values.

aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" \ --parameters commands=["echo helloWorld"] \ --targets Key=tag:Env,Values=Dev,Test

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Running Commands Using Systems Manager Run Command in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

Example 8: To run a command that uses a shared document

The following send-command example runs a shared document on a target instance.

aws ssm send-command \ --document-name "arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:123456789012:document/ExampleDocument" \ --targets "Key=instanceids,Values=i-1234567890abcdef0"

See example 1 for sample output.

For more information, see Using shared SSM documents in the Amazon Systems Manager User Guide.

  • For API details, see SendCommand in Amazon CLI Command Reference.

SDK for Java 2.x

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

/** * Sends a SSM command to a managed node asynchronously. * * @param documentName The name of the document to use. * @param instanceId The ID of the instance to send the command to. * @return The command ID. * <p> * This method initiates asynchronous requests to send a SSM command to a managed node. * It waits until the document is active, sends the command, and checks the command execution status. */ public String sendSSMCommand(String documentName, String instanceId) throws InterruptedException, SsmException { // Before we use Document to send a command - make sure it is active. CompletableFuture<Void> documentActiveFuture = CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> { boolean isDocumentActive = false; DescribeDocumentRequest request = DescribeDocumentRequest.builder() .name(documentName) .build(); while (!isDocumentActive) { CompletableFuture<DescribeDocumentResponse> response = getAsyncClient().describeDocument(request); String documentStatus = response.join().document().statusAsString(); if (documentStatus.equals("Active")) { System.out.println("The SSM document is active and ready to use."); isDocumentActive = true; } else { System.out.println("The SSM document is not active. Status: " + documentStatus); try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } }); documentActiveFuture.join(); // Create the SendCommandRequest. SendCommandRequest commandRequest = SendCommandRequest.builder() .documentName(documentName) .instanceIds(instanceId) .build(); // Send the command. CompletableFuture<SendCommandResponse> commandFuture = getAsyncClient().sendCommand(commandRequest); final String[] commandId = {null}; commandFuture.whenComplete((commandResponse, ex) -> { if (commandResponse != null) { commandId[0] = commandResponse.command().commandId(); System.out.println("Command ID: " + commandId[0]); // Wait for the command execution to complete. GetCommandInvocationRequest invocationRequest = GetCommandInvocationRequest.builder() .commandId(commandId[0]) .instanceId(instanceId) .build(); try { System.out.println("Wait 5 secs"); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(5); // Retrieve the command execution details. CompletableFuture<GetCommandInvocationResponse> invocationFuture = getAsyncClient().getCommandInvocation(invocationRequest); invocationFuture.whenComplete((commandInvocationResponse, invocationEx) -> { if (commandInvocationResponse != null) { // Check the status of the command execution. CommandInvocationStatus status = commandInvocationResponse.status(); if (status == CommandInvocationStatus.SUCCESS) { System.out.println("Command execution successful"); } else { System.out.println("Command execution failed. Status: " + status); } } else { Throwable invocationCause = (invocationEx instanceof CompletionException) ? invocationEx.getCause() : invocationEx; throw new CompletionException(invocationCause); } }).join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { Throwable cause = (ex instanceof CompletionException) ? ex.getCause() : ex; if (cause instanceof SsmException) { throw (SsmException) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException(cause); } } }).join(); return commandId[0]; }
  • For API details, see SendCommand in Amazon SDK for Java 2.x API Reference.

Tools for PowerShell

Example 1: This example runs an echo command on a target instance.

Send-SSMCommand -DocumentName "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" -Parameter @{commands = "echo helloWorld"} -Target @{Key="instanceids";Values=@("i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f")}


CommandId : d8d190fc-32c1-4d65-a0df-ff5ff3965524 Comment : CompletedCount : 0 DocumentName : AWS-RunPowerShellScript ErrorCount : 0 ExpiresAfter : 3/7/2017 10:48:37 PM InstanceIds : {} MaxConcurrency : 50 MaxErrors : 0 NotificationConfig : Amazon.SimpleSystemsManagement.Model.NotificationConfig OutputS3BucketName : OutputS3KeyPrefix : OutputS3Region : Parameters : {[commands, Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util.AlwaysSendList`1[System.String]]} RequestedDateTime : 3/7/2017 9:48:37 PM ServiceRole : Status : Pending StatusDetails : Pending TargetCount : 0 Targets : {instanceids}

Example 2: This example shows how to run a command that accepts nested parameters.

Send-SSMCommand -DocumentName "AWS-RunRemoteScript" -Parameter @{ sourceType="GitHub";sourceInfo='{"owner": "me","repository": "amazon-ssm","path": "Examples/Install-Win32OpenSSH"}'; "commandLine"=".\Install-Win32OpenSSH.ps1"} -InstanceId i-0cb2b964d3e14fd9f
  • For API details, see SendCommand in Amazon Tools for PowerShell Cmdlet Reference.

SDK for Python (Boto3)

There's more on GitHub. Find the complete example and learn how to set up and run in the Amazon Code Examples Repository.

class DocumentWrapper: """Encapsulates AWS Systems Manager Document actions.""" def __init__(self, ssm_client): """ :param ssm_client: A Boto3 Systems Manager client. """ self.ssm_client = ssm_client = None @classmethod def from_client(cls): ssm_client = boto3.client("ssm") return cls(ssm_client) def send_command(self, instance_ids): """ Sends a command to one or more instances. :param instance_ids: The IDs of the instances to send the command to. :return: The ID of the command. """ try: response = self.ssm_client.send_command( InstanceIds=instance_ids,, TimeoutSeconds=3600 ) return response["Command"]["CommandId"] except ClientError as err: logger.error( "Couldn't send command to %s. Here's why: %s: %s",, err.response["Error"]["Code"], err.response["Error"]["Message"], ) raise
  • For API details, see SendCommand in Amazon SDK for Python (Boto3) API Reference.

For a complete list of Amazon SDK developer guides and code examples, see Using Systems Manager with an Amazon SDK. This topic also includes information about getting started and details about previous SDK versions.