Configure patching for instances in an organization using Quick Setup - Amazon Systems Manager
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Configure patching for instances in an organization using Quick Setup

With Quick Setup, a tool in Amazon Systems Manager, you can create patch policies powered by Patch Manager. A patch policy defines the schedule and baseline to use when automatically patching your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances and other managed nodes. Using a single patch policy configuration, you can define patching for all accounts in multiple Amazon Web Services Regions in your organization, for only the accounts and Regions you choose, or for a single account-Region pair. For more information about patch policies, see Patch policy configurations in Quick Setup.


To define a patch policy for a node using Quick Setup, the node must be a managed node. For more information about managing your nodes, see Setting up Systems Manager unified console for an organization.


Patch compliance scanning methods – Systems Manager supports several methods for scanning managed nodes for patch compliance. If you implement more than one of these methods at a time, the patch compliance information you see is always the result of the most recent scan. Results from previous scans are overwritten. If the scanning methods use different patch baselines, with different approval rules, the patch compliance information can change unexpectedly. For more information, see Avoiding unintentional patch compliance data overwrites.

Association compliance status and patch policies – The patching status for a managed node that's under a Quick Setup patch policy matches the status of the State Manager association execution for that node. If the association execution status is Compliant, the patching status for the managed node is also marked Compliant. If the association execution status is Non-Compliant, the patching status for the managed node is also marked Non-Compliant.

Supported Regions for patch policy configurations

Patch policy configurations in Quick Setup are currently supported in the following Regions:

  • US East (Ohio) (us-east-2)

  • US East (N. Virginia) (us-east-1)

  • US West (N. California) (us-west-1)

  • US West (Oregon) (us-west-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Mumbai) (ap-south-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Seoul) (ap-northeast-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Singapore) (ap-southeast-1)

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney) (ap-southeast-2)

  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo) (ap-northeast-1)

  • Canada (Central) (ca-central-1)

  • Europe (Frankfurt) (eu-central-1)

  • Europe (Ireland) (eu-west-1)

  • Europe (London) (eu-west-2)

  • Europe (Paris) (eu-west-3)

  • Europe (Stockholm) (eu-north-1)

  • South America (São Paulo) (sa-east-1)

Permissions for the patch policy S3 bucket

When you create a patch policy, Quick Setup creates an Amazon S3 bucket that contains a file named baseline_overrides.json. This file stores information about the patch baselines that you specified for your patch policy.

The S3 bucket is named in the format aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy-account-id-quick-setup-configuration-id.

For example: aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy-123456789012-abcde

If you're creating a patch policy for an organization, the bucket is created in your organization's management account.

There are two use cases when you must provide other Amazon resources with permission to access this S3 bucket using Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies:

The permissions policy you need in either case is located in the section below, Policy permissions for Quick Setup S3 buckets.

Case 1: Use your own instance profile or service role with your managed nodes instead of one provided by Quick Setup

Patch policy configurations include an option to Add required IAM policies to existing instance profiles attached to your instances.

If you don't choose this option but want Quick Setup to patch your managed nodes using this patch policy, you must ensure that the following are implemented:

  • The IAM managed policy AmazonSSMManagedInstanceCore must be attached to the IAM instance profile or IAM service role that's used to provide Systems Manager permissions to your managed nodes.

  • You must add permissions to access your patch policy bucket as an inline policy to the IAM instance profile or IAM service role. You can provide wildcard access to all aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy buckets or only the specific bucket created for your organization or account, as shown in the earlier code samples.

  • You must tag your IAM instance profile or IAM service role with the following key-value pair.

    Key: QSConfigId-quick-setup-configuration-id, Value: quick-setup-configuration-id

    quick-setup-configuration-id represents the value of the parameter applied to the Amazon CloudFormation stack that is used in creating your patch policy configuration. To retrieve this ID, do the following:

    1. Open the Amazon CloudFormation console at

    2. Select the name of the stack that is used to create your patch policy. The name is in a format such as StackSet-AWS-QuickSetup-PatchPolicy-LA-q4bkg-52cd2f06-d0f9-499e-9818-d887cEXAMPLE.

    3. Choose the Parameters tab.

    4. In the Parameters list, in the Key column, locate the key QSConfigurationId. In the Value column for its row, locate the configuration ID, such as abcde.

      In this example, for the tag to apply to your instance profile or service role, the key is QSConfigId-abcde, and the value is abcde.

For information about adding tags to an IAM role, see Tagging IAM roles and Managing tags on instance profiles (Amazon CLI or Amazon API) in the IAM User Guide.

Case 2: Use VPC endpoints to connect to Systems Manager

If you use VPC endpoints to connect to Systems Manager, your VPC endpoint policy for S3 must allow access to your Quick Setup patch policy S3 bucket.

For information about adding permissions to a VPC endpoint policy for S3, see Controlling access from VPC endpoints with bucket policies in the Amazon S3 User Guide.

Policy permissions for Quick Setup S3 buckets

You can provide wildcard access to all aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy buckets or only the specific bucket created for your organization or account. To provide the necessary permissions for the two cases described below, use either format.

All patch policy buckets
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AccessToAllPatchPolicyRelatedBuckets", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy-*" } ] }
Specific patch policy bucket
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "AccessToMyPatchPolicyRelatedBucket", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": "s3:GetObject", "Resource": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy-account-id-quick-setup-configuration-id"Footnote callout 1 to explain a line in a JSON policy } ] }

1After the patch policy configuration is created, you can locate the full name of your bucket in the S3 console. For example: aws-quicksetup-patchpolicy-123456789012-abcde

Random patch baseline IDs in patch policy operations

Patching operations for patch policies utilize the BaselineOverride parameter in the AWS-RunPatchBaseline SSM Command document.

When you use AWS-RunPatchBaseline for patching outside of a patch policy, you can use BaselineOverride to specify a list of patch baselines to use during the operation that are different from the specified defaults. You create this list in a file named baseline_overrides.json and manually add it to an Amazon S3 bucket that you own, as explained in Using the BaselineOverride parameter.

For patching operations based on patch policies, however, Systems Manager automatically creates an S3 bucket and adds a baseline_overrides.json file to it. Then, every time Quick Setup runs a patching operation (using the Run Command tool, the system generates a random ID for each patch baseline. This ID is different for every patch policy patching operation, and the patch baseline it represents is not stored or accessible to you in your account.

As a result, you will not see the ID of the patch baseline selected in your configuration in patching logs. This applies to both Amazon managed patch baselines and custom patch baselines you might have selected. The baseline ID reported in the log is instead that one that was generated for that specific patching operation.

In addition, if you attempt to view details in Patch Manager about a patch baseline that was generated with a random ID, the system reports that the patch baseline doesn't exist. This is expected behavior and can be ignored.

Creating a patch policy

To create a patch policy, perform the following tasks in the Systems Manager console.

To create a patch policy with Quick Setup
  1. Open the Amazon Systems Manager console at

    If you are setting up patching for an organization, make sure you are signed in to the management account for the organization. You can't set up the policy using the delegated administrator account or a member account.

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Quick Setup.

  3. On the Patch Manager card, choose Create.


    If you already have one or more configurations in your account, first choose the Library tab or the Create button in the Configurations section to view the cards.

  4. For Configuration name, enter a name to help identify the patch policy.

  5. In the Scanning and installation section, under Patch operation, choose whether the patch policy will Scan the specified targets or Scan and install patches on the specified targets.

  6. Under Scanning schedule, choose Use recommended defaults or Custom scan schedule. The default scan schedule will scan your targets daily at 1:00 AM UTC.

    • If you choose Custom scan schedule, select the Scanning frequency.

    • If you choose Daily, enter the time, in UTC, that you want to scan your targets.

    • If you choose Custom CRON Expression, enter the schedule as a CRON expression. For more information about formatting CRON expressions for Systems Manager, see Reference: Cron and rate expressions for Systems Manager.

      Also, select Wait to scan targets until first CRON interval. By default, Patch Manager immediately scans nodes as they become targets.

  7. If you chose Scan and install, choose the Installation schedule to use when installing patches to the specified targets. If you choose Use recommended defaults, Patch Manager will install weekly patches at 2:00 AM UTC on Sunday.

    • If you choose Custom install schedule, select the Installation Frequency.

    • If you choose Daily, enter the time, in UTC, that you want to install updates on your targets.

    • If you choose Custom CRON expression, enter the schedule as a CRON expression. For more information about formatting CRON expressions for Systems Manager, see Reference: Cron and rate expressions for Systems Manager.

      Also, clear Wait to install updates until first CRON interval to immediately install updates on nodes as they become targets. By default, Patch Manager waits until the first CRON interval to install updates.

    • Choose Reboot if needed to reboot the nodes after patch installation. Rebooting after installation is recommended but can cause availability issues.

  8. In the Patch baseline section, choose the patch baselines to use when scanning and updating your targets.

    By default, Patch Manager uses the predefined patch baselines. For more information, see Predefined baselines.

    If you choose Custom patch baseline, change the selected patch baseline for operating systems that you don't want to use a predefined Amazon patch baseline.


    If you use VPC endpoints to connect to Systems Manager, make sure your VPC endpoint policy for S3 allows access to this S3 bucket. For more information, see Permissions for the patch policy S3 bucket.


    If you are using a patch policy configuration in Quick Setup, updates you make to custom patch baselines are synchronized with Quick Setup once an hour.

    If a custom patch baseline that was referenced in a patch policy is deleted, a banner displays on the Quick Setup Configuration details page for your patch policy. The banner informs you that the patch policy references a patch baseline that no longer exists, and that subsequent patching operations will fail. In this case, return to the Quick Setup Configurations page, select the Patch Manager configuration , and choose Actions, Edit configuration. The deleted patch baseline name is highlighted, and you must select a new patch baseline for the affected operating system.

  9. (Optional) In the Patching log storage section, select Write output to S3 bucket to store patching operation logs in an Amazon S3 bucket.


    If you are setting up a patch policy for an organization, the management account for your organization must have at least read-only permissions for this bucket. All organization units included in the policy must have write-access to the bucket. For information about granting bucket access to different accounts, see Example 2: Bucket owner granting cross-account bucket permissions in the Amazon Simple Storage Service User Guide.

  10. Choose Browse S3 to select the bucket that you want to store patch log output in. The management account must have read access to this bucket. All non-management accounts and targets configured in the Targets section must have write access to the provided S3 bucket for logging.

  11. In the Targets section, choose one of the following to identify the accounts and Regions for this patch policy operation.


    If you are working in a single account, options for working with organizations and organizational units (OUs) are not available. You can choose whether to apply this configuration to all Amazon Web Services Regions in your account or only the Regions you select.

    If you previously specified a Home Region for you account and haven't onboarded to the new Quick Setup console experience, you can't exclude that Region from the Targets configuration.

    • Entire organization – All accounts and Regions in your organization.

    • Custom – Only the OUs and Regions that you specify.

      • In the Target OUs section, select the OUs where you want to set up the patch policy.

      • In the Target Regions section, select the Regions where you want to apply the patch policy.

    • Current account – Only the Regions you specify in the account you are currently signed into are targeted. Choose one of the following:

      • Current Region – Only managed nodes in the Region selected in the console are targeted.

      • Choose Regions – Choose the individual Regions to apply the patch policy to.

  12. For Choose how you want to target instances, choose one of the following to identify the nodes to patch:

    • All managed nodes – All managed nodes in the selected OUs and Regions.

    • Specify the resource group – Choose the name of a resource group from the list to target its associated resources.


      Currently, selecting resource groups is supported only for single account configurations. To patch resources in multiple accounts, choose a different targeting option.

    • Specify a node tag – Only nodes tagged with the key-value pair that you specify are patched in all accounts and Regions you have targeted.

    • Manual – Choose managed nodes from all specified accounts and Regions manually from a list.


      This option currently supports only Amazon EC2 instances.

  13. In the Rate control section, do the following:

    • For Concurrency, enter a number or percentage of nodes to run the patch policy on at the same time.

    • For Error threshold, enter the number or percentage of nodes that can experience an error before the patch policy fails.

  14. (Optional) Select the Add required IAM policies to existing instance profiles attached to your instances check box.

    This selection applies the IAM policies created by this Quick Setup configuration to nodes that already have an instance profile attached (EC2 instances) or a service role attached (hybrid-activated nodes). We recommend this selection when your managed nodes already have an instance profile or service role attached, but it doesn't contain all the permissions required for working with Systems Manager.

    Your selection here is applied to managed nodes created later in the accounts and Regions that this patch policy configuration applies to.


    If you don't select this check box but want Quick Setup to patch your managed nodes using this patch policy, you must do the following:

    Add permissions to your IAM instance profile or IAM service role to access the S3 bucket created for your patch policy

    Tag your IAM instance profile or IAM service role with a specific key-value pair.

    For information, see Case 1: Use your own instance profile or service role with your managed nodes instead of one provided by Quick Setup.

  15. Choose Create.

    To review patching status after the patch policy is created, you can access the configuration from the Quick Setup page.