Verifying the signature of SSM Agent - Amazon Systems Manager
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).

Verifying the signature of SSM Agent

The Amazon Systems Manager Agent (SSM Agent) deb and rpm installer packages for Linux instances are cryptographically signed. You can use a public key to verify that the agent package is original and unmodified. If the files are damaged or have been altered, the verification fails. You can verify the signature of the installer package using either RPM or GPG. The following information is for SSM Agent versions 3.1.1141.0 or later.


The public key shown later in this topic expires on 2026-07-17 (July 15, 2026). Systems Manager will publish a new public key in this topic before the old one expires. We encourage you to subscribe to the RSS feed for this topic to get a notification when the new key is available.

To find the correct signature file for your instance's architecture and operating system, see the following table.

region represents the identifier for an Amazon Web Services Region supported by Amazon Systems Manager, such as us-east-2 for the US East (Ohio) Region. For a list of supported region values, see the Region column in Systems Manager service endpoints in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Architecture Operating system Signature file URL Agent download file name

AlmaLinux, Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023, CentOS, CentOS Stream, RHEL, Oracle Linux, Rocky Linux, SLES



Debian Server, Ubuntu Server


Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023, CentOS, RHEL



Ubuntu Server



Amazon Linux 1, Amazon Linux 2, Amazon Linux 2023, CentOS, RHEL

Before you begin

Before verifying the signature of SSM Agent, you must download the appropriate agent package for your operating system. For example, For more information about downloading SSM Agent packages, see Manually installing and uninstalling SSM Agent on EC2 instances for Linux.

To verify the SSM Agent package on a Linux server
  1. Copy the following public key, and save it to a file named amazon-ssm-agent.gpg.

    -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGeRNq4BEACrlf5h6Pz+k+M+QCJJ2LfK7d2Tn9J8iJ9qBK2Vwvuxco1rpSO+ KEI3nTeysPuheximps8WOCADX4VlbsKxMZQLjQM4mA26m1Tiw9nAI4kod4bKjiuM BMUTCD1wfnjH3zQi4kDUdbpfAEMiPgNLVLH85Wf+lhK+Zm+V38DYzLyVj03kX4wK iG6RMoxzOBZa5gNsVq+j+oCUITGz/URxH713Rgo8WeoEegI0+7iCBLKg+PM0b7GV 2nzkwWJz796HdkqSg8BwXsYaLTrHxa2P1IpwPCisAkyO7gZaMd6Uj69dtMFO+V8a Qee6b57qGuFKZw7h1Vvc85PbF1Gy/wNIpary57kUHBFUg1vYep/roJuEbJCq97r5 I2liLl4NAyrWb9r/TAVxlXvqM4iZUhxm8GAp0FywMdBr9ZECClKa5HxuVmlm0Wgl TXoYTOZKeDg6ZoCvyhNxWneCNip74fohXymeFF5L/budhBwy5wuwSniOgTGLo/4C VgZHWCcN+d0Q3bx/sl2QNqPg5/xzsxEtymXLdVdwLIsLdEQUnIvy8KTs5jol3Dwi nnEEyhly6wdaw+qDOhkSOT/VnErrSMkYF8VJfa5GjhCBWKw9JVSkaP2CI/VHOgHM MKROnulq0hRQBR7RmLYt98xu38BHJWMmF8Ga/HJuIxzD1VmkZOPvDDESUwARAQAB tCdTU00gQWdlbnQgPHNzbS1hZ2VudC1zaWduZXJAYW1hem9uLmNvbT6JAj8EEwEC ACkFAmeRNq4CGy8FCQLGmIAHCwkIBwMCAQYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBR qOBQ0AUuXTdND/9qldQ1E3dYjBVXOnbhiUQL594bkS5VoEX7D4fZ5UMVZa5pGiz+ husnoRUS9rH1cSeq7aHJu9hSCMuMdvRpuoo0CwLB+7HtzJvAO2M01hcEkUYa6Qdj njTzP0ZjnoenJmqF9SYmVqAI/VPa9mNQ1OJ+HQ3qh5i6w+FoWlVqEdXjZGrWijub TqyN33i1Y26t7Os/x8I9fUeNx37y/7Kama8LTdtv9GhWiMVBg2IuVf27HCMYofrQ m2uCGe61IhtsnhsYaYupmljl+6qgdiuCiS9BAsoIGtqTnu8lnKcGyGz6YnRszN+U 1bNE4w+UFpXWJF8ogpYcghJ06aW/LhjZnQSx3VliLdW8eOJzou41yWmiuL3ZY8eW KAlD+7eYKS6N6fEJCeNO2VX2lcKtDfaOX+lqGIVyexKayMfpi+0frNzt/92YCpF5 3jkeS77vMMVqKIUiIp1OCGv3XsFpIr6Bt2c2throYPDoQL3zvq6vvG40BKeRQ4tT Y+5vTc8MeNn3LdzTl9pusxTcKifrJq7f5FIsL2CpAX8uQ+Qz+XWsYQQ5PvyUDtOz nU/MRZaP6HnqY42bzI9ZlKgXi9IE3MXIwoET9YyzFjkIDvat7SlB4uJCpeIqp/KM OIrTMb7paGLYmBU6YqxNBkDWItNG7NeZzyhh/R/Qqb4vJaf4S+ZqD1RZXokCHAQQ AQIABgUCZ5E2rwAKCRB90Jej2tf1/CdnD/46It+RNoE00TesZK5n2bijH5Eljw0E 4/UpMi1SV6t2zY7lIm7TcKNn18tynJNFqB6YXXOwSbBG/fbN2E9RaoUCZw23TmAv amuHwrfsDqsHb7zzPF0bISYjqEDLQJj/gtEugUc6XY1dEpFSlWJIOvgryG04cFXI uD2KY87ya4s1R+sEVAJ14K4RlUCiMmzJdR0NJNYJOwBi1gkLEp6jG86ttiG2U7fY pE2ibV+c0GeIFq8PIzqqENsn9KBuRH5EcbdBwfnsj2XfM4aR3ZtRIdWXkKkdP9Rs yU5dTF/Y7XPId5h8/gp00+DMlXFBinQ1jE7A7eDYviEFd1ba8P7dIom3Q3gzKiWu KTGpnykShs5NvpQmvGUF6JqDHI4RK9s3kLqsNyZkhenJfRBrJ/45fQAuP4CRedkF 7PSfX0Xp7kDnKuyK6wEUEfXXrqmuLGDmigTXblO5qgdyMwkOLjiY9znBZbHoKs76 VplOoNgGnN19i3nuMcPf2npFICJv7kTIyn5Fh7pjWDCahl3U/PwoLjrrlEzpyStU oXSZrK3kiAADEdSODXJl8KYU0Pb27JbRr1ZbWnxb+O39TOhtssstulkR0v+IDGDQ rQE1b12sKgcNFSzInzWrNGu4S06WN8DYzlrTZ9aSHj+37ZqpXAevi8WOFXKPV3PA E6+O8RI2451Dcg== =aDkv -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
  2. Import the public key into your keyring, and note the returned key value.

    gpg --import amazon-ssm-agent.gpg
  3. Verify the fingerprint. Be sure to replace key-value with the value from the preceding step. We recommend that you use GPG to verify the fingerprint even if you use RPM to verify the installer package.

    gpg --fingerprint key-value

    This command returns output similar to the following.

    pub   4096R/D0052E5D 2025-01-22 [expires: 2026-07-15]
          Key fingerprint = 4855 A9E6 8332 16D6 A77D  8FE4 51A8 E050 D005 2E5D
    uid                  SSM Agent <>

    The fingerprint should match the following.

    4855 A9E6 8332 16D6 A77D 8FE4 51A8 E050 D005 2E5D

    If the fingerprint doesn't match, don't install the agent. Contact Amazon Web Services Support.

  4. Download the signature file according to your instance's architecture and operating system if you haven't already done so.

  5. Verify the installer package signature. Be sure to replace the signature-filename and agent-download-filename with the values you specified when downloading the signature file and agent, as listed in the table earlier in this topic.

    gpg --verify signature-filename agent-download-filename

    For example, for the x86_64 architecture on Amazon Linux 2:

    gpg --verify amazon-ssm-agent.rpm.sig amazon-ssm-agent.rpm

    This command returns output similar to the following.

    gpg: Signature made Sat 08 Feb 2025 12:05:08 AM UTC using RSA key ID D0052E5D
    gpg: Good signature from "SSM Agent <>"
    gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
    gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
    Primary key fingerprint: 4855 A9E6 8332 16D6 A77D  8FE4 51A8 E050 D005 2E5D

    If the output includes the phrase BAD signature, check whether you performed the procedure correctly. If you continue to get this response, contact Amazon Web Services Support and don't install the agent. The warning message about the trust doesn't mean that the signature isn't valid, only that you haven't verified the public key. A key is trusted only if you or someone who you trust has signed it. If the output includes the phrase Can't check signature: No public key, verify you downloaded SSM Agent version 3.1.1141.0 or later.

To verify the SSM Agent package on a Linux server
  1. Copy the following public key, and save it to a file named amazon-ssm-agent.gpg.

    -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux) mQINBGeRNq4BEACrlf5h6Pz+k+M+QCJJ2LfK7d2Tn9J8iJ9qBK2Vwvuxco1rpSO+ KEI3nTeysPuheximps8WOCADX4VlbsKxMZQLjQM4mA26m1Tiw9nAI4kod4bKjiuM BMUTCD1wfnjH3zQi4kDUdbpfAEMiPgNLVLH85Wf+lhK+Zm+V38DYzLyVj03kX4wK iG6RMoxzOBZa5gNsVq+j+oCUITGz/URxH713Rgo8WeoEegI0+7iCBLKg+PM0b7GV 2nzkwWJz796HdkqSg8BwXsYaLTrHxa2P1IpwPCisAkyO7gZaMd6Uj69dtMFO+V8a Qee6b57qGuFKZw7h1Vvc85PbF1Gy/wNIpary57kUHBFUg1vYep/roJuEbJCq97r5 I2liLl4NAyrWb9r/TAVxlXvqM4iZUhxm8GAp0FywMdBr9ZECClKa5HxuVmlm0Wgl TXoYTOZKeDg6ZoCvyhNxWneCNip74fohXymeFF5L/budhBwy5wuwSniOgTGLo/4C VgZHWCcN+d0Q3bx/sl2QNqPg5/xzsxEtymXLdVdwLIsLdEQUnIvy8KTs5jol3Dwi nnEEyhly6wdaw+qDOhkSOT/VnErrSMkYF8VJfa5GjhCBWKw9JVSkaP2CI/VHOgHM MKROnulq0hRQBR7RmLYt98xu38BHJWMmF8Ga/HJuIxzD1VmkZOPvDDESUwARAQAB tCdTU00gQWdlbnQgPHNzbS1hZ2VudC1zaWduZXJAYW1hem9uLmNvbT6JAj8EEwEC ACkFAmeRNq4CGy8FCQLGmIAHCwkIBwMCAQYVCAIJCgsEFgIDAQIeAQIXgAAKCRBR qOBQ0AUuXTdND/9qldQ1E3dYjBVXOnbhiUQL594bkS5VoEX7D4fZ5UMVZa5pGiz+ husnoRUS9rH1cSeq7aHJu9hSCMuMdvRpuoo0CwLB+7HtzJvAO2M01hcEkUYa6Qdj njTzP0ZjnoenJmqF9SYmVqAI/VPa9mNQ1OJ+HQ3qh5i6w+FoWlVqEdXjZGrWijub TqyN33i1Y26t7Os/x8I9fUeNx37y/7Kama8LTdtv9GhWiMVBg2IuVf27HCMYofrQ m2uCGe61IhtsnhsYaYupmljl+6qgdiuCiS9BAsoIGtqTnu8lnKcGyGz6YnRszN+U 1bNE4w+UFpXWJF8ogpYcghJ06aW/LhjZnQSx3VliLdW8eOJzou41yWmiuL3ZY8eW KAlD+7eYKS6N6fEJCeNO2VX2lcKtDfaOX+lqGIVyexKayMfpi+0frNzt/92YCpF5 3jkeS77vMMVqKIUiIp1OCGv3XsFpIr6Bt2c2throYPDoQL3zvq6vvG40BKeRQ4tT Y+5vTc8MeNn3LdzTl9pusxTcKifrJq7f5FIsL2CpAX8uQ+Qz+XWsYQQ5PvyUDtOz nU/MRZaP6HnqY42bzI9ZlKgXi9IE3MXIwoET9YyzFjkIDvat7SlB4uJCpeIqp/KM OIrTMb7paGLYmBU6YqxNBkDWItNG7NeZzyhh/R/Qqb4vJaf4S+ZqD1RZXokCHAQQ AQIABgUCZ5E2rwAKCRB90Jej2tf1/CdnD/46It+RNoE00TesZK5n2bijH5Eljw0E 4/UpMi1SV6t2zY7lIm7TcKNn18tynJNFqB6YXXOwSbBG/fbN2E9RaoUCZw23TmAv amuHwrfsDqsHb7zzPF0bISYjqEDLQJj/gtEugUc6XY1dEpFSlWJIOvgryG04cFXI uD2KY87ya4s1R+sEVAJ14K4RlUCiMmzJdR0NJNYJOwBi1gkLEp6jG86ttiG2U7fY pE2ibV+c0GeIFq8PIzqqENsn9KBuRH5EcbdBwfnsj2XfM4aR3ZtRIdWXkKkdP9Rs yU5dTF/Y7XPId5h8/gp00+DMlXFBinQ1jE7A7eDYviEFd1ba8P7dIom3Q3gzKiWu KTGpnykShs5NvpQmvGUF6JqDHI4RK9s3kLqsNyZkhenJfRBrJ/45fQAuP4CRedkF 7PSfX0Xp7kDnKuyK6wEUEfXXrqmuLGDmigTXblO5qgdyMwkOLjiY9znBZbHoKs76 VplOoNgGnN19i3nuMcPf2npFICJv7kTIyn5Fh7pjWDCahl3U/PwoLjrrlEzpyStU oXSZrK3kiAADEdSODXJl8KYU0Pb27JbRr1ZbWnxb+O39TOhtssstulkR0v+IDGDQ rQE1b12sKgcNFSzInzWrNGu4S06WN8DYzlrTZ9aSHj+37ZqpXAevi8WOFXKPV3PA E6+O8RI2451Dcg== =aDkv -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
  2. Import the public key into your keyring, and note the returned key value.

    rpm --import amazon-ssm-agent.gpg
  3. Verify the fingerprint. We recommend that you use GPG to verify the fingerprint even if you use RPM to verify the installer package.

    rpm -qa gpg-pubkey --qf '%{Description}' | gpg --with-fingerprint | grep -A 1 ""

    This command returns the following output.

    pub  4096R/D0052E5D 2025-01-22 SSM Agent <>
          Key fingerprint = 4855 A9E6 8332 16D6 A77D  8FE4 51A8 E050 D005 2E5D

    The fingerprint should match the following.

    4855 A9E6 8332 16D6 A77D 8FE4 51A8 E050 D005 2E5D

    If the fingerprint doesn't match, don't install the agent. Contact Amazon Web Services Support.

  4. Verify the installer package signature. Be sure to replace the agent-download-filename with the values you specified when downloading the agent, as listed in the table earlier in this topic.

    rpm --checksig agent-download-filename

    For example, for the x86_64 architecture on Amazon Linux 2:

    rpm --checksig amazon-ssm-agent.rpm

    This command returns output similar to the following.

    amazon-ssm-agent.rpm: rsa sha1 md5 OK

    If pgp is missing from the output and you have imported the public key, then the agent isn't signed. If the output contains the phrase NOT OK (MISSING KEYS: (MD5) key-id), check whether you performed the procedure correctly and verify you downloaded SSM Agent version 3.1.1141.0 or later. If you continue to get this response, contact Amazon Web Services Support and don't install the agent.