SftpConnectorConfig - Amazon Transfer Family
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Contains the details for an SFTP connector object. The connector object is used for transferring files to and from a partner's SFTP server.


Because the SftpConnectorConfig data type is used for both creating and updating SFTP connectors, its parameters, TrustedHostKeys and UserSecretId are marked as not required. This is a bit misleading, as they are not required when you are updating an existing SFTP connector, but are required when you are creating a new SFTP connector.



The public portion of the host key, or keys, that are used to identify the external server to which you are connecting. You can use the ssh-keyscan command against the SFTP server to retrieve the necessary key.

The three standard SSH public key format elements are <key type>, <body base64>, and an optional <comment>, with spaces between each element. Specify only the <key type> and <body base64>: do not enter the <comment> portion of the key.

For the trusted host key, Amazon Transfer Family accepts RSA and ECDSA keys.

  • For RSA keys, the <key type> string is ssh-rsa.

  • For ECDSA keys, the <key type> string is either ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, depending on the size of the key you generated.

Run this command to retrieve the SFTP server host key, where your SFTP server name is ftp.host.com.

ssh-keyscan ftp.host.com

This prints the public host key to standard output.

ftp.host.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nza...<long-string-for-public-key

Copy and paste this string into the TrustedHostKeys field for the create-connector command or into the Trusted host keys field in the console.

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Minimum number of 1 item. Maximum number of 10 items.

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2048.

Required: No


The identifier for the secret (in Amazon Secrets Manager) that contains the SFTP user's private key, password, or both. The identifier must be the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 2048.

Required: No

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: