Using queries to filter log entries - Amazon Transfer Family
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Using queries to filter log entries

You can use CloudWatch queries to filter and identify log entries for Transfer Family. This section contains some examples.

  1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the CloudWatch console at

  2. You can create queries or rules.

    • To create a Logs Insights query, choose Logs Insights from the left navigation panel, and then enter the details for your query.

    • To create a Contributor Insights rule, choose Insights > Contributor Insights from the left navigation panel and then enter the details for your rule.

  3. Run the query or rule that you created.

View the top authentication failure contributors

In your structured logs, an authentication failure log entry looks similar to the following:

{ "method":"password", "activity-type":"AUTH_FAILURE", "source-ip":"999.999.999.999", "resource-arn":"arn:aws:transfer:us-east-1:999999999999:server/s-0123456789abcdef", "message":"Invalid user name or password", "user":"exampleUser" }

Run the following query to view the top contributors to authentication failures.

filter @logStream = 'ERRORS' | filter `activity-type` = 'AUTH_FAILURE' | stats count() as AuthFailures by user, method | sort by AuthFailures desc | limit 10

Rather than using CloudWatch Logs Insights, you can create a CloudWatch Contributors Insights rule to view authentication failures. Create a rule similar to the following.

{ "AggregateOn": "Count", "Contribution": { "Filters": [ { "Match": "$.activity-type", "In": [ "AUTH_FAILURE" ] } ], "Keys": [ "$.user" ] }, "LogFormat": "JSON", "Schema": { "Name": "CloudWatchLogRule", "Version": 1 }, "LogGroupARNs": [ "arn:aws:logs:us-east-1:999999999999:log-group:/customer/structured_logs" ] }

View log entries where a file was opened

In your structured logs, a file read log entry looks similar to the following:

{ "mode":"READ", "path":"/fs-0df669c89d9bf7f45/avtester/example", "activity-type":"OPEN", "resource-arn":"arn:aws:transfer:us-east-1:999999999999:server/s-0123456789abcdef", "session-id":"0049cd844c7536c06a89" }

Run the following query to view log entries that indicate a file was opened.

filter `activity-type` = 'OPEN' | display @timestamp, @logStream, `session-id`, mode, path