Managing SSH and PGP keys in Transfer Family - Amazon Transfer Family
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Managing SSH and PGP keys in Transfer Family

In this section, you can find information about SSH keys, including how to generate them and how to rotate them. For details about using Transfer Family with Amazon Lambda to manage keys, see the blog post Enabling user self-service key management with AAmazon Transfer Family and Amazon Lambda.


Amazon Transfer Family accepts RSA, ECDSA, and ED25519 keys.

This section also covers how to generate and manage Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) keys.

Supported algorithms for user and server keys

The following key algorithms are supported for user and server key-pairs within Amazon Transfer Family.


For algorithms to use with PGP decryption in workflows, see Algorithms supported for PGP key-pairs.

  • For ED25519: ssh-ed25519

  • For RSA:

    • rsa-sha2-256

    • rsa-sha2-512

  • For ECDSA:

    • ecdsa-sha2-nistp256

    • ecdsa-sha2-nistp384

    • ecdsa-sha2-nistp521


We support ssh-rsa with SHA1 for our older security policies. For details, see Cryptographic algorithms.

Generate SSH keys for service-managed users

You can set up your server to authenticate users using the service managed authentication method, where usernames and SSH keys are stored within the service. The user's public SSH key is uploaded to the server as a user's property. This key is used by the server as part of a standard key-based authentication process. Each user can have multiple public SSH keys on file with an individual server. For limits on number of keys that can be stored per user, see Amazon Transfer Family endpoints and quotas in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

As an alternative to the service managed authentication method, you can authenticate users using a custom identity provider, or Amazon Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory. For more information, see Working with custom identity providers or Using Amazon Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory.

A server can only authenticate users using one method (service managed, directory service, or custom identity provider), and that method cannot be changed after the server is created.

Creating SSH keys on macOS, Linux, or Unix

On the macOS, Linux, or Unix operating systems, you use the ssh-keygen command to create an SSH public key and SSH private key also known as a key pair.

To create SSH keys on a macOS, Linux, or Unix operating system
  1. On macOS, Linux, or Unix operating systems, open a command terminal.

  2. Amazon Transfer Family accepts RSA-, ECDSA-, and ED25519-formatted keys. Choose the appropriate command based on the type of key-pair you are generating.


    In the following examples, we do not specify a passphrase: in this case, the tool asks you to enter your passphrase and then repeat it to verify. Creating a passphrase offers better protection for your private key, and might also improve overall system security. You cannot recover your passphrase: if you forget it, you must create a new key.

    However, if you are generating a server host key, you must specify an empty passphrase, by specifying the -N "" option in the command (or by pressing Enter twice when prompted), because Transfer Family servers cannot request a password at start-up.

    • To generate an RSA 4096-bit key pair:

      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f key_name
    • To generate an ECDSA 521-bit key-pair (ECDSA has bit sizes of 256, 384, and 521):

      ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521 -f key_name
    • To generate an ED25519 key pair:

      ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f key_name

    key_name is the SSH key pair file name.

    The following shows an example of the ssh-keygen output.

    ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f key_name Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in key_name. Your public key has been saved in The key fingerprint is: SHA256:8tDDwPmanTFcEzjTwPGETVWOGW1nVz+gtCCE8hL7PrQ The key's randomart image is: +---[RSA 4096]----+ | . ....E | | . = ... | |. . . = ..o | | . o + oo = | | + = .S.= * | | . o o ..B + o | | .o.+.* . | | =o*+*. | | ..*o*+. | +----[SHA256]-----+

    When you run the ssh-keygen command as shown preceding, it creates the public and private keys as files in the current directory.

    Your SSH key pair is now ready to use. Follow steps 3 and 4 to store the SSH public key for your service-managed users. These users use the keys when they transfer files on Transfer Family server endpoints.

  3. Navigate to the file and open it.

  4. Copy the text and paste it in SSH public key for the service-managed user.

    1. Open the Amazon Transfer Family console at, then select Servers from the navigation pane.

    2. On the Servers page, select the Server ID for server that contains the user that you want to update.

    3. Select the user for which you are adding a public key.

    4. In the SSH public keys pane, choose Add SSH public key.

      The Amazon Transfer Family console, showing the user details for a selected user.
    5. Paste the text of the public key you generated into the SSH public key text box, and then choose Add key.

      The Amazon Transfer Family console, showing the Add key page for adding a public key.

      The new key is listed in the SSH public key pane.

      The Amazon Transfer Family console, showing the newly added public key in the SSH public keys section.

Creating SSH keys on Microsoft Windows

Windows uses a slightly different SSH key pair format. The public key must be in the PUB format, and the private key must be in the PPK format. On Windows, you can use PuTTYgen to create an SSH key pair in the appropriate formats. You can also use PuTTYgen to convert a private key generated using ssh-keygen to a .ppk file.


If you present WinSCP with a private key file not in .ppk format, that client offers to convert the key into .ppk format for you.

For a tutorial about creating SSH keys by using PuTTYgen on Windows, see the website.

Convert an SSH2 public key to PEM format

Amazon Transfer Family only accepts PEM formatted public keys. If you have an SSH2 public key, you need to convert it. An SSH2 public key has the following format:

---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- Comment: "rsa-key-20160402" AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAgEAiL0jjDdFqK/kYThqKt7THrjABTPWvXmB3URI : : ---- END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ----

A PEM public key has the following format:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAA...

Run the following command to convert an SSH2-formatted public key into a PEM-formatted public key. Replace ssh2-key with the name of your SSH2 key, and PEM-key with the name of your PEM key.

ssh-keygen -i -f >

Rotate SSH keys

For security, we recommend the best practice of rotating your SSH keys. Usually, this rotation is specified as a part of a security policy and is implemented in some automated fashion. Depending upon the level of security, for a highly sensitive communication, an SSH key pair might be used only once. Doing this eliminates any risk due to stored keys. However, it is much more common to store SSH credentials for a period of time and set an interval that doesn't place undue burden on users. A time interval of three months is common.

There are two methods used to perform SSH key rotation:

  • On the console, you can upload a new SSH public key and delete an existing SSH public key.

  • Using the API, you can update existing users by using the DeleteSshPublicKey API to delete a user's Secure Shell (SSH) public key and the ImportSshPublicKey API to add a new Secure Shell (SSH) public key to the user's account.

To perform a key rotation in the console
  1. Open the Amazon Transfer Family console at

  2. Navigate to the Servers page.

  3. Choose the identifier in the Server ID column to see the Server details page.

  4. Under Users, select the check box of the user whose SSH public key that you want to rotate, then choose Actions, and then choose Add key to see the Add key page.


    Choose the username to see the User details page, and then choose Add SSH public key to see the Add key page.

  5. Enter the new SSH public key and choose Add key.


    The format of the SSH public key depends on the type of key you generated.

    • For RSA keys, the format is ssh-rsa string.

    • For ED25519 keys, the format is ssh-ed25519 string.

    • For ECDSA keys, the key begins with ecdsa-sha2-nistp256, ecdsa-sha2-nistp384, or ecdsa-sha2-nistp521, depending on the size of the key you generated. The beginning string is then followed by string, similar to the other key types.

    You are returned to the User details page, and the new SSH public key that you just entered appears in the SSH public keys section.

  6. Select the check box of the old you key that you want to delete and then choose Delete.

  7. Confirm the deletion operation by entering the word delete, and then choose Delete.

To perform a key rotation using the API
  1. On macOS, Linux, or Unix operating systems, open a command terminal.

  2. Retrieve the SSH key that you want to delete by entering the following command. To use this command, replace serverID with the server ID for your Transfer Family server, and replace username with your username.

    aws transfer describe-user --server-id='serverID' --user-name='username'

    The command returns details about the user. Copy the contents of the "SshPublicKeyId": field. You will need to enter this value later in this procedure.

    "SshPublicKeys": [ { "SshPublicKeyBody": "public-key", "SshPublicKeyId": "keyID", "DateImported": 1621969331.072 } ],
  3. Next, import a new SSH key for your user. At the prompt, enter the following command. To use this command, replace serverID with the server ID for your Transfer Family server, replace username with your username, and replace public-key with the fingerprint of your new public key.

    aws transfer import-ssh-public-key --server-id='serverID' --user-name='username' --ssh-public-key-body='public-key'

    If the command is successful, no output is returned.

  4. Finally, delete the old key by running the following command. To use this command, replace serverID with the server ID for your Transfer Family server, replace username with your username, and replace keyID-from-step-2 with the key ID value that you copied in step 2 of this procedure

    aws transfer delete-ssh-public-key --server-id='serverID' --user-name='username' --ssh-public-key-id='keyID-from-step-2'
  5. (Optional) To confirm that the old key no longer exists, repeat step 2.

Generate and manage PGP keys

You can use Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) decryption with the files that Transfer Family processes with workflows. To use decryption in a workflow step, provide a PGP key.

The Amazon storage blog has a post that describes how to simply decrypt files without writing any code using Transfer Family Managed workflows, Encrypt and decrypt files with PGP and Amazon Transfer Family.

Generate PGP keys

The operator that you use to generate your PGP keys depends on your operating system and the version of the key-generation software that you're using.

If you're using Linux or Unix, use your package installer to install gpg. Depending on your Linux distribution, one of the following commands should work for you.

sudo yum install gnupg
sudo apt-get install gnupg

For Windows or macOS, you can download what you need from

After you install your PGP key generator software, you run the gpg --full-gen-key or gpg --gen-key command to generate a key pair.


If you're using GnuPG version 2.3.0 or newer, you must run gpg --full-gen-key. When prompted for the type of key to create, choose RSA or ECC. However, if you choose ECC, make sure to choose either NIST or BrainPool for the elliptic curve. Do not choose Curve 25519.

Algorithms supported for PGP key-pairs

We support the following algorithms for PGP key pairs:

  • RSA

  • Elgamal

  • ECC:

    • NIST

    • BrainPool


We don't support cCurve25519 keys.

Useful gpg subcommands

The following are some useful subcommands for gpg:

  • gpg --help – This command lists the available options and might include some examples.

  • gpg --list-keys – This command lists the details for all the key pairs that you have created.

  • gpg --fingerprint – This command lists the details for all your key pairs, including each key's fingerprint.

  • gpg --export -a user-name – This command exports the public key portion of the key for the user-name that was used when the key was generated.

Manage PGP keys

To manage your PGP keys, use Amazon Secrets Manager.


Your secret name includes your Transfer Family server ID. This means you should have already identified or created a server before you can store your PGP key information in Amazon Secrets Manager.

If you want to use one key and passphrase for all of your users, you can store the PGP key block information under the secret name aws/transfer/server-id/@pgp-default, where server-id is the ID for your Transfer Family server. Transfer Family uses this default key if there is no key where the user-name matches the user that's executing the workflow.

You can create a key for a specific user. In this case, the format for the secret name is aws/transfer/server-id/user-name, where user-name matches the user that's running the workflow for a Transfer Family server.


You can store a maximum of 3 PGP private keys, per Transfer Family server, per user.

To configure PGP keys for use with decryption
  1. Depending on the version of GPG that you are using, run one of the following commands to generate a PGP key pair that doesn't use a Curve 25519 encryption algorithm.

    • If you are using GnuPG version 2.3.0 or newer, run the following command:

      gpg --full-gen-key

      You can choose RSA, or, if you choose ECC, you can choose either NIST or BrainPool for the elliptic curve. If you run gpg --gen-key instead, you create a key pair that uses the ECC Curve 25519 encryption algorithm, which we don't currently support for PGP keys.

    • For versions of GnuPG prior to 2.3.0, you can use the following command, since RSA is the default encryption type.

      gpg --gen-key

    During the key-generation process, you must provide a passphrase and an email address. Make sure to take note of these values. You must provide the passphrase when you enter the key's details into Amazon Secrets Manager later in this procedure. And you must provide the same email address to export the private key in the next step.

  2. Run the following command to export the private key. To use this command, replace private.pgp with the name of the file in which to save the private key block, and with the email address that you used when you generated the key pair.

    gpg --output private.pgp --armor --export-secret-key
  3. Use Amazon Secrets Manager to store your PGP key.

    1. Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon Secrets Manager console at

    2. In the left navigation pane, choose Secrets.

    3. On the Secrets page, choose Store a new secret.

    4. On the Choose secret type page, for Secret type, select Other type of secret.

    5. In the Key/value pairs section, choose the Key/value tab.

      • Key – Enter PGPPrivateKey.


        You must enter the PGPPrivateKey string exactly: do not add any spaces before or between characters.

      • value – Paste the text of your private key into the value field. You can find the text of your private key in the file (for example, private.pgp) that you specified when you exported your key earlier in this procedure. The key begins with -----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK----- and ends with -----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----.


        Make sure that the text block contains only the private key and does not contain the public key as well.

    6. Select Add row and in the Key/value pairs section, choose the Key/value tab.

      • Key – Enter PGPPassphrase.


        You must enter the PGPPassphrase string exactly: do not add any spaces before or between characters.

      • value – Enter the passphrase you used when you generated your PGP key pair.

      The Amazon Secrets Manager console, showing the keys and values that you enter to manage your PGP keys.

      You can add up to 3 sets of keys and passphrases. To add a second set, add two new rows, and enter PGPPrivateKey2 and PGPPassphrase2 for the keys, and paste in another private key and passphrase. To add a third set, key values must be PGPPrivateKey3 and PGPPassphrase3.

    7. Choose Next.

    8. On the Configure secret page, enter a name and description for your secret.

      • If you're creating a default key, that is, a key that can be used by any Transfer Family user, enter aws/transfer/server-id/@pgp-default. Replace server-id with the ID of the server that contains the workflow that has a decrypt step.

      • If you're creating a key to be used by a specific Transfer Family user, enter aws/transfer/server-id/user-name. Replace server-id with the ID of the server that contains the workflow that has a decrypt step, and replace user-name with the name of the user that's running the workflow. The user-name is stored in the identity provider that the Transfer Family server is using.

    9. Choose Next and accept the defaults on the Configure rotation page. Then choose Next.

    10. On the Review page, choose Store to create and store the secret.

The following screenshot shows the details for the user marymajor for a specific Transfer Family server. This example shows three keys and their corresponding passphrases.

The Amazon Secrets Manager console, showing the secret details page with three keys and passphrases for a Transfer Family server and user.

Supported PGP clients

The following clients have been tested with Transfer Family and can be used to generate PGP keys, and to encrypt files that you intend to decrypt with a workflow.

  • Gpg4win + Kleopatra.


    When you select Sign / Encrypt Files, make sure to clear the selection for Sign as: we do not currently support signing for encrypted files.

    The Kleopatra options for signing and encrypting files. The option for Sign as is cleared, and the option for Encrypt for me is selected.

    If you sign the encrypted file and attempt to upload it to a Transfer Family server with a decryption workflow, you receive the following error:

    Encrypted file with signed message unsupported
  • Major GnuPG versions: 2.4, 2.3, 2.2, 2.0, and 1.4.

Note that other PGP clients might work as well, but only the clients mentioned here have been tested with Transfer Family.