Generate the CloudFormation template using the Amazon CLI - Amazon Virtual Private Cloud
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Generate the CloudFormation template using the Amazon CLI

After the first flow logs are delivered to your S3 bucket, you can generate and use a CloudFormation template to integrate with Athena.

Use the following get-flow-logs-integration-template command to generate the CloudFormation template.

aws ec2 get-flow-logs-integration-template --cli-input-json file://config.json

The following is an example of the config.json file.

{ "FlowLogId": "fl-12345678901234567", "ConfigDeliveryS3DestinationArn": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::my-flow-logs-athena-integration/templates/", "IntegrateServices": { "AthenaIntegrations": [ { "IntegrationResultS3DestinationArn": "arn:aws-cn:s3:::my-flow-logs-analysis/athena-query-results/", "PartitionLoadFrequency": "monthly", "PartitionStartDate": "2021-01-01T00:00:00", "PartitionEndDate": "2021-12-31T00:00:00" } ] } }

Use the following create-stack command to create a stack using the generated CloudFormation template.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name my-vpc-flow-logs --template-body file://my-cloudformation-template.json