Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions,
see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China
Assess impact of BPA and monitor BPA
This section contains information on you can assess the impact of VPC BPA before you turn it on and how you monitor if traffic is being blocked after you turn it on.
Assess the impact of BPA with Network Access Analyzer
In this section, you'll use Network Access Analyzer to
view the resources in your account that use an internet gateway before you enable VPC BPA and block access. Use this analysis to
understand the impact of turning on VPC BPA in your account and blocking traffic.
Network Access Analyzer does not support IPv6; so you will not be able to use it to view the
potential impact of BPA on egress-only internet gateway outbound IPv6
You are charged for the analyses you perform with Network Access Analyzer. For
more information, see Pricing in the
Network Access Analyzer
information about the regional availability of Network Access Analyzer, see Limitations in the Network Access Analyzer Guide.
- Amazon Web Services Management Console
Open the Amazon Network Insights console at
Choose Network Access Analyzer.
Choose Create Network Access Scope.
Choose Assess impact of VPC Block Public Access and choose Next.
The template is already configured to analyze traffic to and from the internet gateways in your account. You can view this under Source and Destination.
Choose Next.
Choose Create Network Access Scope.
Choose the scope you just created and choose Analyze.
Wait for the analysis to complete.
View the findings of the analysis. Each row under Findings shows a network path that a packet can take in a network to or from an internet gateway in your account. In this case, if you turn on VPC BPA and none of the VPCs and or subnets that appear in these findings are configured as BPA exclusions, traffic to those VPCs and subnets will be restricted.
Analyze each finding to understand the impact of BPA on resources in your VPCs.
The impact analysis is complete.
- Amazon CLI
Create a network access scope:
aws ec2 create-network-insights-access-scope --region us-east-2
--match-paths "Source={ResourceStatement={ResourceTypes=["AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"]}}" "Destination={ResourceStatement={ResourceTypes=["AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"]}}"
Start the scope analysis:
aws ec2 start-network-insights-access-scope-analysis --region us-east-2
--network-insights-access-scope-id nis-id
Get the results of the analysis:
aws ec2 get-network-insights-access-scope-analysis-findings --region us-east-2
--network-insights-access-scope-analysis-id nisa-0aa383a1938f94cd1 --max-items 1
The results show the traffic to and from the internet gateways in all the VPCs in your account. The results are organized as "findings". "FindingId": "AnalysisFinding-1" indicates that this is the first finding in the analysis. Note that there are multiple findings and each indicates a traffic flow that will be impacted by turning on VPC BPA. The first finding will show that traffic started at an internet gateway ("SequenceNumber": 1), passed to an NACL ("SequenceNumber": 2) to a security group ("SequenceNumber": 3) and ended at an instance ("SequenceNumber": 4).
Analyze the findings to understand the impact of BPA on resources in your VPCs.
The impact analysis is complete.
Monitor BPA impact with flow logs
VPC Flow Logs is a feature that enables you to capture information about the IP
traffic going to and from Elastic network interfaces in your VPC. You can use this
feature to monitor traffic that is blocked by VPC BPA from reaching your instance
network interfaces.
Create a flow log for your VPC using the steps in Work with flow logs.
When you create the flow log, make sure you use a custom format that includes the field reject-reason
When you view the flow logs, if traffic to an ENI is rejected due to BPA, you'll see a reject-reason
of BPA
in the flow log entry.
In addition to the standard limitations for VPC flow logs, note the following limitations specific
Track exclusion deletion with CloudTrail
This section explains how you can use Amazon CloudTrail to monitor and track the deletion of VPC BPA exclusions.
- Amazon Web Services Management Console
You can view any deleted exclusions in the CloudTrail Event
history by looking up Resource type >
in the Amazon CloudTrail
console at
- Amazon CLI
You can use the lookup-events
command to view the events related to deleting exclusions:
aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=ResourceType,AttributeValue=AWS::EC2::VPCBlockPublicAccessExclusion
Verify connectivity is blocked with Reachability Analyzer
VPC Reachability Analyzer can be used to evaluate whether or not certain network paths
can be reached given your network configuration, including VPC BPA settings.
information about the regional availability of Reachability Analyzer, see Considerations in the Reachability Analyzer Guide.
- Amazon Web Services Management Console
Open the Amazon Network Insights console at
Click Create and analyze path.
For the Source Type, choose
Internet Gateways and select the internet
gateway you want to block traffic from the Source
For the Destination Type, choose Instances and select the instance you want to block traffic to from the Destination dropdown.
Click Create and analyze path.
Wait for the analysis to complete. It could take a few minutes.
Once complete, you should see that the Reachability
Status is Not reachable and
that the Path details shows that
is the cause of
this reachability issue.
- Amazon CLI
Create a network path using the ID of the Internet Gateway you want to block traffic from (source) and the ID of the instance you want to block traffic to (destination):
aws ec2 --region us-east-2
create-network-insights-path --source igw-id
--destination instance-id
--protocol TCP
Start an analysis on the network path:
aws ec2 --region us-east-2
start-network-insights-analysis --network-insights-path-id nip-id
Retrieve the results of the analysis:
aws ec2 --region us-east-2
describe-network-insights-analyses --network-insights-analysis-ids nia-id
is the ExplanationCode
for the lack of reachability.