Subscribing to Amazon Shield Advanced
This page explains how to subscribe your accounts to Shield Advanced, to start using the service.
You must subscribe to Shield Advanced for each Amazon Web Services account that you want to protect. You do not need to subscribe to Shield Standard.
Shield Advanced subscription billing
If you’re an Amazon Channel Reseller, talk to your account team for information and guidance. This billing information is for customers that are not Amazon Channel Resellers.
For all others, the following subscription and billing guidelines apply:
For accounts that are members of an Amazon Organizations organization, Amazon bills the Shield Advanced subscriptions against the payer account for the organization, regardless of whether the payer account itself is subscribed.
When you subscribe multiple accounts that are in the same Amazon Organizations consolidated billing account family, one subscription price covers all subscribed accounts in the family. The organization must own all of the Amazon Web Services accounts and all of their resources.
When you subscribe multiple accounts for multiple organizations, you can still pay one subscription fee across all of the organizations, accounts, and resources providing you own all of them. Contact your account manager or Amazon support and request a fee waiver on the Amazon Shield Advanced subscription charges for all but one of the organizations.
For detailed pricing information and examples, see Amazon Shield Pricing
Consider simplifying subscriptions with Amazon Firewall Manager
If your accounts are part of an organization, we recommend that you use Amazon Firewall Manager if you can, to automate your subscriptions and protections for the organization. Firewall Manager supports all protected resource types except for Amazon Route 53 and Amazon Global Accelerator. To use Firewall Manager, see Amazon Firewall Manager and Setting up Amazon Firewall Manager Amazon Shield Advanced policies.
If you don't use Firewall Manager, for each account with resources to protect, subscribe and add protections using the following procedures.
To subscribe an account to Amazon Shield Advanced
Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console and open the Amazon WAF & Shield console at
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In the Amazon Shield navigation bar, choose Getting started. Choose Subscribe to Shield Advanced.
In the Subscribe to Shield Advanced page, read each term of the agreement, and then select all of the check boxes to indicate that you accept the terms. For accounts in a consolidated billing family, you must agree to the terms for each account.
When you are subscribed, to unsubscribe you must contact Amazon Web Services Support
. To disable autorenewal for your subscription, you must use the Shield API operation UpdateSubscription or the CLI command update-subscription.
Choose Subscribe to Shield Advanced. This subscribes your account to Shield Advanced and activates the service.
Your account is subscribed. Continue through the following steps to protect your account's resources with Shield Advanced.
Shield Advanced doesn't automatically protect your resources after you subscribe. You must specify the resources you want Shield Advanced to protect configure the protections.