Updating a Firewall Manager administrator account
The following procedure describes how to update a Firewall Manager administrator account using the Firewall Manager console.
To update an administrator's scope to include a Region that's disabled by default, you must enable the Region for both the Amazon Organizations organization management account and the default administration account. For information about enabling Regions for an account, see Enable a Region in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
Only an organization's managment account can update Firewall Manager administrator accounts.
To update an administrator account (console)
Sign in to the Firewall Manager Amazon Web Services Management Console using an existing Amazon Organizations management account.
Open the Firewall Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/wafv2/fmsv2
. In the navigation pane, choose Settings.
in the Firewall Manager administrators table, choose the account that you'd like to update.
Select Edit to change details of administrator's account. You can't change the account ID.
Choose Save to save your changes.