Security group policies - Amazon WAF, Amazon Firewall Manager, and Amazon Shield Advanced
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Security group policies

You can use Amazon Firewall Manager security group policies to manage Amazon Virtual Private Cloud security groups for your organization in Amazon Organizations. You can apply centrally controlled security group policies to your entire organization or to a select subset of your accounts and resources. You can also monitor and manage the security group policies that are in use in your organization, with auditing and usage security group policies.

Firewall Manager continuously maintains your policies and applies them to accounts and resources as they are added or updated across your organization. For information about Amazon Organizations, see Amazon Organizations User Guide.

For information about Amazon Virtual Private Cloud security groups, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

You can use Firewall Manager security group policies to do the following across your Amazon organization:

  • Apply common security groups to specified accounts and resources.

  • Audit security group rules, to locate and remediate noncompliant rules.

  • Audit usage of security groups, to clean up unused and redundant security groups.

This section covers how Firewall Manager security groups policies work and provides guidance for using them. For procedures to create security group policies, see Creating an Amazon Firewall Manager policy.

Common security group policies

With a common security group policy, Firewall Manager provides a centrally controlled association of security groups to accounts and resources across your organization. You specify where and how to apply the policy in your organization.

You can apply common security group policies to the following resource types:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance

  • Elastic Network Interface

  • Application Load Balancer

  • Classic Load Balancer

For guidance on creating a common security group policy using the console, see Creating a common security group policy.

Shared VPCs

In the policy scope settings for a common security group policy, you can choose to include shared VPCs. This choice includes VPCs that are owned by another account and shared with an in-scope account. VPCs that in-scope accounts own are always included. For information about shared VPCs, see Working with shared VPCs in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

The following caveats apply to including shared VPCs. These are in addition to the general caveats for security group policies at Security group policy caveats and limitations.

  • Firewall Manager replicates the primary security group into the VPCs for each in-scope account. For a shared VPC, Firewall Manager replicates the primary security group once for each in-scope account that the VPC is shared with. This can result in multiple replicas in a single shared VPC.

  • When you create a new shared VPC, you won’t see it represented in the Firewall Manager security group policy details until after you create at least one resource in the VPC that's within the scope of the policy.

  • When you disable shared VPCs in a policy that had shared VPCs enabled, in the shared VPCs, Firewall Manager deletes the replica security groups that aren’t associated with any resources. Firewall Manager leaves the remaining replica security groups in place, but stops managing them. Removal of these remaining security groups requires manual management in each shared VPC instance.

Primary security groups

For each common security group policy, you provide Amazon Firewall Manager with one or more primary security groups:

  • Primary security groups must be created by the Firewall Manager administrator account and can reside in any Amazon VPC instance in the account.

  • You manage your primary security groups through Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). For information, see Working with Security Groups in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

  • You can name one or more security groups as primaries for a Firewall Manager security group policy. By default, the number of security groups allowed in a policy is one, but you can submit a request to increase it. For information, see Amazon Firewall Manager quotas.

Policy rules settings

You can choose one or more of the following change control behaviors for the security groups and resources of your common security group policy:

  • Identify and report on any changes made by local users to replica security groups.

  • Disassociate any other security groups from the Amazon resources that are within the policy scope.

  • Distribute tags from the primary group to the replica security groups.


    Firewall Manager won't distribute system tags added by Amazon services into the replica security groups. System tags begin with the aws: prefix. Additionally, Firewall Manager won't update the tags of existing security groups or create new security groups if the policy has tags that conflict with the organization's tag policy. For information about tag policies, see Tag policies in the Amazon Organizations User Guide.

  • Distribute security group references from the primary group to the replica security groups.

    This enables you to easily establish common security group referencing rules across all in-scope resources to instances associated with the specified security group's VPC. When you enable this option, Firewall Manager only propagates the security group references if the security groups reference peer security groups in Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. If the replica security groups don't correctly reference the peer security group, Firewall Manager marks these replicated security groups as non-compliant. For information about how to reference peer security groups in Amazon VPC, see Update your security groups to reference peer security groups in the Amazon VPC Peering Guide.

    If you don't enable this option, Firewall Manager doesn't propagate security group references to the replica security groups. For information about VPC peering in Amazon VPC, see the Amazon VPC Peering Guide.

Policy creation and management

When you create your common security group policy, Firewall Manager replicates the primary security groups to every Amazon VPC instance within the policy scope, and associates the replicated security groups to accounts and resources that are in scope of the policy. When you modify a primary security group, Firewall Manager propagates the change to the replicas.

When you delete a common security group policy, you can choose whether to clean up the resources created by the policy. For Firewall Manager common security groups, these resources are the replica security groups. Choose the cleanup option unless you want to manually manage each individual replica after the policy is deleted. For most situations, choosing the cleanup option is the simplest approach.

How replicas are managed

The replica security groups in the Amazon VPC instances are managed like other Amazon VPC security groups. For information, see Security Groups for Your VPC in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

Content audit security group policies

Use Amazon Firewall Manager content audit security group policies to audit and apply policy actions to the rules that are in use in your organization's security groups. Content audit security group policies apply to all customer-created security groups in use in your Amazon organization, according to the scope that you define in the policy.

For guidance on creating a content audit security group policy using the console, see Creating a content audit security group policy.

Policy scope resource type

You can apply content audit security group policies to the following resource types:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance

  • Elastic Network Interface

  • Amazon VPC security group

Security groups are considered in scope of the policy if they explicitly are in scope or if they're associated with resources that are in scope.

Policy rule options

You can use either managed policy rules or custom policy rules for each content audit policy, but not both.

  • Managed policy rules – In a policy with managed rules, you can use application and protocol lists to control which rules that Firewall Manager audits and either marks as compliant or non-compliant. You can use lists that are managed by Firewall Manager. You can also create and use your own application and protocol lists. For information about these types of lists and your management options for custom lists, see Managed lists.

  • Custom policy rules – In a policy with custom policy rules, you specify an existing security group as the audit security group for your policy. You can use the audit security group rules as a template that defines the rules that Firewall Manager audits and either marks as compliant or non-compliant.

Audit security groups

You must create audit security groups using your Firewall Manager administrator account, before you can use them in your policy. You can manage security groups through Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) or Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). For information, see Working with Security Groups in the Amazon VPC User Guide.

A security group that you use for a content audit security group policy is used by Firewall Manager only as a comparison reference for the security groups that are in scope of the policy. Firewall Manager doesn't associate it with any resources in your organization.

The way that you define the rules in the audit security group depends on your choices in the policy rules settings:

  • Managed policy rules – For managed policy rules settings, you use an audit security group to override other settings in the policy, to explicitly allow or deny rules that otherwise might have another compliance outcome.

    • If you choose to always allow the rules that are defined in the audit security group, any rule that matches one that's defined in the audit security group is considered compliant with the policy, regardless of the other policy settings.

    • If you choose to always deny the rules that are defined in the audit security group, any rule that matches one that's defined in the audit security group is considered noncompliant with the policy, regardless of the other policy settings.

  • Custom policy rules – For custom policy rules settings, the audit security group provides the example of what is acceptable or not acceptable in the in-scope security group rules:

    • If you choose to allow the use of the rules, all in-scope security groups must only have rules that are within the allowed range of the policy's audit security group rules. In this case, the policy's security group rules provide the example of what's acceptable to do.

    • If you choose to deny the use of the rules, all in-scope security groups must only have rules that are not within the allowed range of the policy's audit security group rules. In this case, the policy's security group provides the example of what's not acceptable to do.

Policy creation and management

When you create an audit security group policy, you must have automatic remediation disabled. The recommended practice is to review the effects of policy creation before enabling automatic remediation. After you review the expected effects, you can edit the policy and enable automatic remediation. When automatic remediation is enabled, Firewall Manager updates or removes rules that are noncompliant in in-scope security groups.

Security groups affected by an audit security group policy

All security groups in your organization that are customer-created are eligible to be in scope of an audit security group policy.

Replica security groups are not customer-created and so aren't eligible to be directly in scope of an audit security group policy. However, they can be updated as a result of the policy's automatic remediation activities. A common security group policy's primary security group is customer-created and can be in scope of an audit security group policy. If an audit security group policy makes changes to a primary security group, Firewall Manager automatically propagates those changes to the replicas.

Usage audit security group policies

Use Amazon Firewall Manager usage audit security group policies to monitor your organization for unused and redundant security groups and optionally perform cleanup. When you enable automatic remediation for this policy, Firewall Manager does the following:

  1. Consolidates redundant security groups, if you've chosen that option.

  2. Removes unused security groups, if you've chosen that option.

You can apply usage audit security group policies to the following resource type:

  • Amazon VPC security group

For guidance on creating a usage audit security group policy using the console, see Creating a usage audit security group policy.

How Firewall Manager detects and remediates redundant security groups

For security groups to be considered redundant, they must have exactly the same rules set and be in the same Amazon VPC instance.

To remediate a redundant security group set, Firewall Manager selects one of the security groups in the set to keep, and then associates it to all resources that are associated with the other security groups in the set. Firewall Manager then disassociates the other security groups from the resources they were associated with, which renders them unused.


If you have also chosen to remove unused security groups, Firewall Manager does that next. This can result in the removal of the security groups that are in the redundant set.

How Firewall Manager detects and remediates unused security groups

Firewall Manager considers a security group to be unused if both of the following are true:

  • The security group is not used by any Amazon EC2 instance or Amazon EC2 elastic network interface.

  • Firewall Manager hasn't received a configuration item for it within the number of minutes specified in the policy rule time period.

The policy rule time period has a default setting of zero minutes, but you can increase the time up to 365 days (525,600 minutes), to give yourself time to associate new security groups with resources.


If you specify a number of minutes other than the default value of zero, you must enable indirect relationships in Amazon Config. Otherwise, your usage audit security group policies will not work as intended. For information about indirect relationships in Amazon Config, see Indirect Relationships in Amazon Config in the Amazon Config Developer Guide.

Firewall Manager remediates unused security groups by deleting them from your account according to your rules settings, if possible. If Firewall Manager is unable to delete a security group, it marks it as noncompliant with the policy. Firewall Manager can't delete a security group that's referenced by another security group.

The timing of the remediation varies according to whether you use the default time period setting or a custom setting:

  • Time period set to zero, the default – With this setting, a security group is considered unused as soon as it's not being used by an Amazon EC2 instance or elastic network interface.

    For this zero time period setting, Firewall Manager remediates the security group immediately.

  • Time period greater than zero – With this setting, a security group is considered unused when it's not being used by an Amazon EC2 instance or elastic network interface and Firewall Manager hasn't received a configuration item for it within the specified number of minutes.

    For the non-zero time period setting, Firewall Manager remediates the security group after it's remained in the unused state for 24 hours.

Default account specification

When you create a usage audit security group policy through the console, Firewall Manager automatically chooses Exclude the specified accounts and include all others. The service then puts the Firewall Manager administrator account in the list to exclude. This is the recommended approach, and allows you to manually manage the security groups that belong to the Firewall Manager administrator account.

Best practices for security group policies

This section lists recommendations for managing security groups using Amazon Firewall Manager.

Exclude the Firewall Manager administrator account

When you set the policy scope, exclude the Firewall Manager administrator account. When you create a usage audit security group policy through the console, this is the default option.

Start with automatic remediation disabled

For content or usage audit security group policies, start with automatic remediation disabled. Review the policy details information to determine the effects that automatic remediation would have. When you are satisfied that the changes are what you want, edit the policy to enable automatic remediation.

Avoid conflicts if you also use outside sources to manage security groups

If you use a tool or service other than Firewall Manager to manage security groups, take care to avoid conflicts between your settings in Firewall Manager and the settings in your outside source. If you use automatic remediation and your settings conflict, you can create a cycle of conflicting remediation that consumes resources on both sides.

For example, say you configure another service to maintain a security group for a set of Amazon resources, and you configure a Firewall Manager policy to maintain a different security group for some or all of the same of resources. If you configure either side to disallow any other security group to be associated with the in-scope resources, that side will remove the security group association that's maintained by the other side. If both sides are configured in this way, you can end up with a cycle of conflicting disassociations and associations.

Additionally, say that you create a Firewall Manager audit policy to enforce a security group configuration that conflicts with the security group configuration from the other service. Remediation applied by the Firewall Manager audit policy can update or delete that security group, putting it out of compliance for the other service. If the other service is configured to monitor and automatically remediate any problems it finds, it will recreate or update the security group, putting it again out of compliance with the Firewall Manager audit policy. If the Firewall Manager audit policy is configured with automatic remediation, it will again update or delete the outside security group, and so on.

To avoid conflicts like these, create configurations that are mutually exclusive, between Firewall Manager and any outside sources.

You can use tagging to exclude outside security groups from automatic remediation by your Firewall Manager policies. To do this, add one or more tags to the security groups or other resources that are managed by the outside source. Then, when you define the Firewall Manager policy scope, in your resources specification, exclude resources that have the tag or tags that you've added.

Similarly, in your outside tool or service, exclude the security groups that Firewall Manager manages from any management or auditing activities. Either don't import the Firewall Manager resources or use Firewall Manager-specific tagging to exclude them from outside management.

Best practices for usage audit security group policies

Follow these guidelines when you use usage audit security group policies.

  • Avoid making multiple changes to the association status of a security group in a short amount of time, such as within a 15-minute window. Doing so can cause Firewall Manager to miss some or all of the corresponding events. For example, don't quickly associate and disassociate a security group with an elastic network interface.

Security group policy caveats and limitations

This section lists the caveats and limitations for using Firewall Manager security group policies.

Resource type: Amazon EC2 instance

This section lists the caveats and limitations for protecting Amazon EC2 instances with Firewall Manager security group policies.

  • With security groups that protect Amazon EC2 elastic network interfaces (ENIs), changes to a security group aren't immediately visible to Firewall Manager. Firewall Manager usually detects changes within several hours, but detection can be delayed as much as six hours.

  • Firewall Manager doesn't support security groups for Amazon EC2 ENIs that were created by the Amazon Relational Database Service.

  • Firewall Manager doesn't support updating security groups for Amazon EC2 ENIs that were created using the Fargate service type. You can, however, update security groups for Amazon ECS ENIs with the Amazon EC2 service type.

  • For common security group policies, these caveats concern the interaction between the number of elastic network interfaces (ENIs) that are attached to the EC2 instance and the policy option that specifies whether to remediate only EC2 instances with no added attachments or to remediate all instances. Every EC2 instance has a default primary ENI, and you can attach more ENIs. In the API, the policy option setting for this choice is ApplyToAllEC2InstanceENIs.

    If an in-scope EC2 instance has additional ENIs attached and the policy is configured to include only EC2 instances with just the primary ENI, then Firewall Manager won't attempt any remediation for the EC2 instance. Additionally, If the instance goes out of policy scope, Firewall Manager doesn't attempt to disassociate any security group associations that it might have established for the instance.

    For the following edge cases, during resource cleanup, Firewall Manager can leave replicated security group associations intact, regardless of the policy's resource cleanup specifications:

    • When an instance with additional ENIs was previously remediated by a policy that was configured to include all EC2 instances, and then either the instance went out of policy scope or the policy setting was changed to include only instances without additional ENIs.

    • When an instance with no additional ENIs was remediated by an policy that was configured to include only instances with no additional ENIs, then another ENI was attached to the instance, and then the instance went out of policy scope.

Other caveats and limitations

The following are miscellaneous caveats and limitations for Firewall Manager security group policies.

  • Updating Amazon ECS ENIs is possible only for Amazon ECS services that use the rolling update (Amazon ECS) deployment controller. For other Amazon ECS deployment controllers such as CODE_DEPLOY or external controllers, Firewall Manager currently can't update the ENIs.

  • Firewall Manager doesn't support updating security groups in ENIs for Network Load Balancers.

  • In common security group policies, if a shared VPC is later unshared with an account Firewall Manager won't delete the replica security groups in the account.

  • With usage audit security group policies, if you create multiple policies with a custom delay time setting that all have the same scope, the first policy with compliance findings will be the policy that reports the findings.

Security group policy use cases

You can use Amazon Firewall Manager common security group policies to automate the host firewall configuration for communication between Amazon VPC instances. This section lists standard Amazon VPC architectures and describes how to secure each using Firewall Manager common security group policies. These security group policies can help you apply a unified set of rules to select resources in different accounts and avoid per-account configurations in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud and Amazon VPC.

With Firewall Manager common security group policies, you can tag just the EC2 elastic network interfaces that you need for communication with instances in another Amazon VPC. The other instances in the same Amazon VPC are then more secure and isolated.

Use case: Monitoring and controlling requests to Application Load Balancers and Classic Load Balancers

You can use a Firewall Manager common security group policy to define which requests your in-scope load balancers should serve. You can configure this through the Firewall Manager console. Only requests that comply with the security group's inbound rules can reach your load balancers, and the load balancers will only distribute requests that meet the outbound rules.

Use case: Internet-accessible, public Amazon VPC

You can use a Firewall Manager common security group policy to secure a public Amazon VPC, for example, to allow only inbound port 443. This is the same as only allowing inbound HTTPS traffic for a public VPC. You can tag public resources within the VPC (for example, as "PublicVPC"), and then set the Firewall Manager policy scope to only resources with that tag. Firewall Manager automatically applies the policy to those resources.

Use case: Public and Private Amazon VPC instances

You can use the same common security group policy for public resources as recommended in the prior use case for internet-accessible, public Amazon VPC instances. You can use a second common security group policy to limit communication between the public resources and the private ones. Tag the resources in the public and private Amazon VPC instances with something like "PublicPrivate" to apply the second policy to them. You can use a third policy to define the allowed communication between the private resources and other corporation or private Amazon VPC instances. For this policy, you can use another identifying tag on the private resources.

Use case: Hub and spoke Amazon VPC instances

You can use a common security group policy to define communications between the hub Amazon VPC instance and spoke Amazon VPC instances. You can use a second policy to define communication from each spoke Amazon VPC instance to the hub Amazon VPC instance.

Use case: Default network interface for Amazon EC2 instances

You can use a common security group policy to allow only standard communications, for example internal SSH and patch/OS update services, and to disallow other insecure communication.

Use case: Identify resources with open permissions

You can use an audit security group policy to identify all resources within your organization that have permission to communicate with public IP addresses or that have IP addresses that belong to third-party vendors.