Bot Control example: Simple configuration - Amazon WAF, Amazon Firewall Manager, and Amazon Shield Advanced
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Bot Control example: Simple configuration

The following JSON listing shows an example web ACL with an Amazon WAF Bot Control managed rule group. Note the visibility configuration, which causes Amazon WAF to store request samples and metrics for monitoring purposes.

{ "Name": "Bot-WebACL", "Id": "...", "ARN": "...", "DefaultAction": { "Allow": {} }, "Description": "Bot-WebACL", "Rules": [ { ... }, { "Name": "AWS-AWSBotControl-Example", "Priority": 5, "Statement": { "ManagedRuleGroupStatement": { "VendorName": "AWS", "Name": "AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet", "ManagedRuleGroupConfigs": [ { "AWSManagedRulesBotControlRuleSet": { "InspectionLevel": "COMMON" } } ], "RuleActionOverrides": [], "ExcludedRules": [] }, "VisibilityConfig": { "SampledRequestsEnabled": true, "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true, "MetricName": "AWS-AWSBotControl-Example" } } } ], "VisibilityConfig": { ... }, "Capacity": 1496, "ManagedByFirewallManager": false, "RetrofittedByFirewallManager": false }