Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions,
see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China
Code examples for the Amazon WAF mobile SDK
This section provides code examples for using the mobile SDK.
Initializing the token provider and getting tokens
You initiate your token provider instance using a configuration object. Then you can
retrieve tokens using the available operations. The following shows the basic
components of the required code.
- iOS
let url: URL = URL(string: "Web ACL integration URL
let configuration = WAFConfiguration(applicationIntegrationUrl: url, domainName: "Domain name
let tokenProvider = WAFTokenProvider(configuration)
//onTokenReady can be add as an observer for UIApplication.willEnterForegroundNotification
self.tokenProvider.onTokenReady() { token, error in
if let token = token {
//token available
if let error = error {
//error occurred after exhausting all retries
let token = tokenProvider.getToken()
- Android
Java example:
String applicationIntegrationURL = "Web ACL integration URL
URL applicationIntegrationURL = new URL("Web ACL integration URL
String domainName = "Domain name
WAFConfiguration configuration = WAFConfiguration.builder().applicationIntegrationURL(applicationIntegrationURL).domainName(domainName).build();
WAFTokenProvider tokenProvider = new WAFTokenProvider(Application context
, configuration);
// implement a token result callback
WAFTokenResultCallback callback = (wafToken, error) -> {
if (wafToken != null) {
// token available
} else {
// error occurred in token refresh
// Add this callback to application creation or activity creation where token will be used
// Once you have token in token result callback
// if background refresh is enabled you can call getToken() from same tokenprovider object
// if background refresh is disabled you can directly call getToken()(blocking call) for new token
WAFToken token = tokenProvider.getToken();
Kotlin example:
import com.amazonaws.waf.mobilesdk.token.WAFConfiguration
import com.amazonaws.waf.mobilesdk.token.WAFTokenProvider
private lateinit var wafConfiguration: WAFConfiguration
private lateinit var wafTokenProvider: WAFTokenProvider
private val WAF_INTEGRATION_URL = "Web ACL integration URL
private val WAF_DOMAIN_NAME = "Domain name
fun initWaf() {
// Initialize the tokenprovider instance
val applicationIntegrationURL = URL(WAF_INTEGRATION_URL)
wafConfiguration =
wafTokenProvider = WAFTokenProvider(getApplication(), wafConfiguration)
// getToken from tokenprovider object
println("WAF: "+ wafTokenProvider.token.value)
// implement callback for where token will be used
wafTokenProvider.onTokenReady {
wafToken, sdkError ->
run {
println("WAF Token:" + wafToken.value)
Allowing the SDK to provide the token cookie in your HTTP requests
If setTokenCookie
, the token provider includes the token
cookie for you in your web requests to all locations under the path that's
specified in tokenCookiePath
. By
is /
You can narrow the scope of the requests that include a token cookie by
specifying the token cookie path, for example, /web/login
. If you
do this, check that your Amazon WAF rules don't inspect for tokens in the requests
that you send to other paths. When you use the AWSManagedRulesACFPRuleSet
rule group, you
configure the account registration and creation paths, and the rule group checks for tokens in requests that
are sent to those paths. For more information, see Adding the ACFP managed rule group to your web
ACL. Similarly, when you use the AWSManagedRulesATPRuleSet
rule group, you
configure the login path, and the rule group checks for tokens in requests that
are sent to that path. For more information, see Adding the ATP managed rule group to your web ACL.
- iOS
When setTokenCookie
, the token provider stores the Amazon WAF token in a HTTPCookieStorage.shared
and automatically includes the cookie in requests to the domain that you specified in WAFConfiguration
let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: domainEndpointUrl)!)
//The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, urlResponse, error in
- Android
When setTokenCookie
, the token provider stores the Amazon WAF token in a CookieHandler
instance that's shared application wide. The token provider automatically includes the cookie in requests to the domain that you specified in WAFConfiguration
Java example:
URL url = new URL("Domain name
//The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
Kotlin example:
val url = URL("Domain name
//The token cookie is set automatically as cookie header
val connection = (url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection)
If you already have the CookieHandler
instance initialized, the token provider will use it to manage
cookies. If not, the token provider will initialize a new
instance with the Amazon WAF token and
and then set
this new instance as the default instance in
The following code shows how the SDK initializes the cookie manager
and cookie handler when they aren't available in your app.
Java example:
CookieManager cookieManager = (CookieManager) CookieHandler.getDefault();
if (cookieManager == null) {
// Cookie manager is initialized with CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
cookieManager = new CookieManager();
Kotlin example:
var cookieManager = CookieHandler.getDefault() as? CookieManager
if (cookieManager == null) {
// Cookie manager is initialized with CookiePolicy.ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
cookieManager = CookieManager()
Manually providing the token cookie in your HTTP requests
If you set setTokenCookie
, then you need to
provide the token cookie manually, as a Cookie HTTP request header, in your
requests to your protected endpoint. The following code shows how to do
- iOS
var request = URLRequest(url: wafProtectedEndpoint)
request.setValue("aws-waf-token=token from token provider
", forHTTPHeaderField: "Cookie")
request.httpShouldHandleCookies = true
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, error in }
- Android
Java example:
URL url = new URL("Domain name
HttpsURLConnection connection = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
String wafTokenCookie = "aws-waf-token=token from token provider
connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", wafTokenCookie);
Kotlin example:
val url = URL("Domain name
val connection = (url.openConnection() as HttpsURLConnection)
val wafTokenCookie = "aws-waf-token=token from token provider"
connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", wafTokenCookie)