Amazon WAF token domains and domain lists - Amazon WAF, Amazon Firewall Manager, and Amazon Shield Advanced
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Amazon WAF token domains and domain lists

When Amazon WAF creates a token for a client, it configures it with a token domain. When Amazon WAF inspects a token in a web request, it rejects the token as invalid if its domain doesn't match any of the domains that are considered valid for the web ACL.

By default, Amazon WAF only accepts tokens whose domain setting exactly matches the host domain of the resource that's associated with the web ACL. This is the value of the Host header in the web request. In a browser, you can find this domain in the JavaScript window.location.hostname property and in the address that your user sees in their address bar.

You can also specify acceptable token domains in your web ACL configuration, as described in the following section. In this case, Amazon WAF accepts both exact matches with the host header and matches with domains in the token domain list.

You can specify token domains for Amazon WAF to use when setting the domain and when evaluating a token in a web ACL. The domains that you specify can't be public suffixes such as For the domains that you can't use, see the list under Public suffix list.

Amazon WAF web ACL token domain list configuration

You can configure a web ACL to share tokens across multiple protected resources by providing a token domain list with the additional domains that you want Amazon WAF to accept. With a token domain list, Amazon WAF still accepts the resource's host domain. Additionally, it accepts all domains in the token domain list, including their prefixed subdomains.

For example, a domain specification in your token domain list matches (from,, (from, and (from It doesn't match, (from, or (from

You can configure the token domain list in your web ACL when you create or edit it. For general information about managing a web ACL, see Working with web ACLs.

Amazon WAF token domain settings

Amazon WAF creates tokens at the request of the challenge scripts, which are run by the application integration SDKs and the Challenge and CAPTCHA rule actions.

The domain that Amazon WAF sets in a token is determined by the type of challenge script that's requesting it and any additional token domain configuration that you provide. Amazon WAF sets the domain in the token to the shortest, most general setting that it can find in the configuration.

  • JavaScript SDK – You can configure the JavaScript SDK with a token domain specification, which can include one or more domains. The domains that you configure must be domains that Amazon WAF will accept, based on the protected host domain and the web ACL's token domain list.

    When Amazon WAF issues a token for the client, it sets the token domain to one that matches the host domain and is the shortest, from among the host domain and the domains in your configured list. For example, if the host domain is and the token domain list has, Amazon WAF uses in the token, because it matches the host domain and is shorter. If you don't provide a token domain list in the JavaScript API configuration, Amazon WAF sets the domain to the host domain of the protected resource.

    For more information, see Providing domains for use in the tokens.

  • Mobile SDK – In your application code, you must configure the mobile SDK with a token domain property. This property must be a domain that Amazon WAF will accept, based on the protected host domain and the web ACL's token domain list.

    When Amazon WAF issues a token for the client, it uses this property as the token domain. Amazon WAF doesn't use the host domain in the tokens that it issues for the mobile SDK client.

    For more information, see the WAFConfiguration domainName setting at The Amazon WAF mobile SDK specification.

  • Challenge action – If you specify a token domain list in the web ACL, Amazon WAF sets the token domain to one that matches the host domain and is the shortest, from among the host domain and the domains in the list. For example, if the host domain is and the token domain list has, Amazon WAF uses in the token, because it matches the host domain and is shorter. If you don't provide a token domain list in the web ACL, Amazon WAF sets the domain to the host domain of the protected resource.