Monitor your WorkSpaces health using the CloudWatch automatic dashboard - Amazon WorkSpaces
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Monitor your WorkSpaces health using the CloudWatch automatic dashboard

You can monitor WorkSpaces using CloudWatch automatic dashboard, which collects raw data and processes it into readable, near real-time metrics. The metrics are kept for 15 months to access historical information and to monitor the performance of your web application or service. You can also set alarms that watch for certain thresholds, and send notifications or take actions when those thresholds are met. For more information, see the Amazon CloudWatch User Guide.

The CloudWatch dashboard is automatically created when you use your Amazon account to configure your WorkSpaces. The dashboard allows you to monitor your WorkSpaces metrics, such as their health and performance, across Regions. You can also use the dashboard for the following purposes:

  • Identify unhealthy WorkSpace instances.

  • Identify running modes, protocols, and operating systems that have unhealthy WorkSpace instances.

  • View critical resource utilization over time.

  • Identify anomalies to help with troubleshooting.

WorkSpaces CloudWatch automatic dashboards are available in all Amazon commercial Regions.

To use the WorkSpaces CloudWatch automatic dashboard
  1. Open the CloudWatch console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboards.

  3. Choose the Automatic dashboards tab.

  4. Choose WorkSpaces.

Understanding your WorkSpaces CloudWatch automatic dashboard

The CloudWatch automatic dashboard allows you to gain insight into the performance of your WorkSpaces resources and helps you identify performance issues.

WorkSpaces client sign in screen
The dashboard consists of the following features:
  1. View historical data using time and date range controls.

  2. Add customized dashboard view to the CloudWatch custom dashboards.

  3. Monitor the overall health and utilization status of your WorkSpaces by doing the following:

    1. View the total number of provisioned WorkSpaces, number of users connected, number of unhealthy and healthy WorkSpace instances.

    2. View unhealthy WorkSpaces and their different variables, such as protocol and compute mode.

    3. Hover over the line chart to view the number of healthy or unhealthy WorkSpace instances for a specific protocol and running mode over a period of time.

    4. Choose the ellipsis menu, then choose View in metrics to view the metrics on a time scale chart.

  4. View your connection metrics and their different variables, such as number of connection attempts, successful connections, and failed connections in your WorkSpaces environment at any given time.

  5. View InSession latencies that impact your user's experience, such as round trip time (RTT), to determine connection health and packet loss to monitor network health.

  6. View host performance and resource utilization to identify and troubleshoot potential performance issues.