将 Amazon GameLift 集成到 Unity 项目中 - Amazon GameLift
Amazon Web Services 文档中描述的 Amazon Web Services 服务或功能可能因区域而异。要查看适用于中国区域的差异,请参阅 中国的 Amazon Web Services 服务入门 (PDF)


将 Amazon GameLift 集成到 Unity 项目中

本主题可帮助您在 Unity 游戏服务器项目中设置 C# 服务器开发工具包。如果您不确定托管 Amazon GameLift 服务是否支持您所使用的操作系统,请参阅适用于游戏服务器

设置适用于 Unity 的 Amazon GameLift 插件后,您可以在 GitHub 上试用 Amazon GameLifthttps://github.com/aws-samples/amazon-gamelift-unity Unity 示例。

设置适用于 Unity 的 C# Server 开发工具包

执行以下步骤以构建适用于 C# 的 Server 开发工具包并将其添加到您的 Unity 游戏服务器项目。

设置适用于 Unity 的 Server 开发工具包
  1. 下载 Amazon GameLift 服务器软件开发工具包。要验证是否支持您的游戏系统要求,请参阅 Amazon 为开发提供支持 GameLift。服务器软件开发工具包 压缩文件包含 C# 服务器软件开发工具包 和源文件,因此您可以根据需要为项目构建软件开发工具包。

  2. 构建 C# 软件开发工具包库。在 IDE 中,加载要使用的解决方案文件。使用 IDE 功能恢复项目的 NuGet 文件。有关最低要求和附加构建选项,请参阅 C# 服务器软件开发工具包的 README.md 文件。生成解决方案以生成 C#软件开发工具包 库。

  3. 检查配置设置。在 Unity 编辑器中,打开您的游戏项目。在 Unity Editor 中,请转到 FileBuild SettingsPlayer Settings。在 Other Settings (其他设置)Configuration (配置) 下,检查以下设置:

    • 脚本运行时版本:设置为要使用的 .NET 解决方案。

  4. 将 Amazon GameLift 库添加到您的 Unity 项目中。在 Unity Editor 中,将构建所生成的库导入项目的 Assets/Plugins 目录中。有关您正在使用的开发工具包版本的完整库列表,请参阅 README.md 文件。

添加 Amazon GameLift 服务器代码

有关添加 功能的更多信息,请参阅以下主题:

以下代码示例使用 MonoBehavior,演示使用 Amazon GameLift 执行的简单游戏服务器初始化。

using UnityEngine; using Aws.GameLift.Server; using System.Collections.Generic; public class GameLiftServerExampleBehavior : MonoBehaviour { //This is an example of a simple integration with GameLift server SDK that makes game server //processes go active on Amazon GameLift public void Start() { //Set the port that your game service is listening on for incoming player connections (hard-coded here for simplicity) var listeningPort = 7777; //InitSDK establishes a local connection with the Amazon GameLift agent to enable //further communication. var initSDKOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.InitSDK(); if (initSDKOutcome.Success) { ProcessParameters processParameters = new ProcessParameters( (gameSession) => { //Respond to new game session activation request. GameLift sends activation request //to the game server along with a game session object containing game properties //and other settings. Once the game server is ready to receive player connections, //invoke GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession() GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession(); }, () => { //OnProcessTerminate callback. GameLift invokes this callback before shutting down //an instance hosting this game server. It gives this game server a chance to save //its state, communicate with services, etc., before being shut down. //In this case, we simply tell GameLift we are indeed going to shut down. GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessEnding(); }, () => { //This is the HealthCheck callback. //GameLift invokes this callback every 60 seconds or so. //Here, a game server might want to check the health of dependencies and such. //Simply return true if healthy, false otherwise. //The game server has 60 seconds to respond with its health status. //GameLift will default to 'false' if the game server doesn't respond in time. //In this case, we're always healthy! return true; }, //Here, the game server tells GameLift what port it is listening on for incoming player //connections. In this example, the port is hardcoded for simplicity. Active game //that are on the same instance must have unique ports. listeningPort, new LogParameters(new List<string>() { //Here, the game server tells GameLift what set of files to upload when the game session ends. //GameLift uploads everything specified here for the developers to fetch later. "/local/game/logs/myserver.log" })); //Calling ProcessReady tells GameLift this game server is ready to receive incoming game sessions! var processReadyOutcome = GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessReady(processParameters); if (processReadyOutcome.Success) { print("ProcessReady success."); } else { print("ProcessReady failure : " + processReadyOutcome.Error.ToString()); } } else { print("InitSDK failure : " + initSDKOutcome.Error.ToString()); } } void OnApplicationQuit() { //Make sure to call GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessEnding() when the application quits. //This resets the local connection with GameLift's agent. GameLiftServerAPI.ProcessEnding(); } }