RollbackApplication - Amazon Managed Service for Apache Flink (formerly Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics for Apache Flink)
Services or capabilities described in Amazon Web Services documentation might vary by Region. To see the differences applicable to the China Regions, see Getting Started with Amazon Web Services in China (PDF).


Reverts the application to the previous running version. You can roll back an application if you suspect it is stuck in a transient status or in the running status.

You can roll back an application only if it is in the UPDATING, AUTOSCALING, or RUNNING statuses.

When you rollback an application, it loads state data from the last successful snapshot. If the application has no snapshots, Managed Service for Apache Flink rejects the rollback request.

Request Syntax

{ "ApplicationName": "string", "CurrentApplicationVersionId": number }

Request Parameters

The request accepts the following data in JSON format.


The name of the application.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 128.

Pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+

Required: Yes


The current application version ID. You can retrieve the application version ID using DescribeApplication.

Type: Long

Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 999999999.

Required: Yes

Response Syntax

{ "ApplicationDetail": { "ApplicationARN": "string", "ApplicationConfigurationDescription": { "ApplicationCodeConfigurationDescription": { "CodeContentDescription": { "CodeMD5": "string", "CodeSize": number, "S3ApplicationCodeLocationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "FileKey": "string", "ObjectVersion": "string" }, "TextContent": "string" }, "CodeContentType": "string" }, "ApplicationSnapshotConfigurationDescription": { "SnapshotsEnabled": boolean }, "ApplicationSystemRollbackConfigurationDescription": { "RollbackEnabled": boolean }, "EnvironmentPropertyDescriptions": { "PropertyGroupDescriptions": [ { "PropertyGroupId": "string", "PropertyMap": { "string" : "string" } } ] }, "FlinkApplicationConfigurationDescription": { "CheckpointConfigurationDescription": { "CheckpointingEnabled": boolean, "CheckpointInterval": number, "ConfigurationType": "string", "MinPauseBetweenCheckpoints": number }, "JobPlanDescription": "string", "MonitoringConfigurationDescription": { "ConfigurationType": "string", "LogLevel": "string", "MetricsLevel": "string" }, "ParallelismConfigurationDescription": { "AutoScalingEnabled": boolean, "ConfigurationType": "string", "CurrentParallelism": number, "Parallelism": number, "ParallelismPerKPU": number } }, "RunConfigurationDescription": { "ApplicationRestoreConfigurationDescription": { "ApplicationRestoreType": "string", "SnapshotName": "string" }, "FlinkRunConfigurationDescription": { "AllowNonRestoredState": boolean } }, "SqlApplicationConfigurationDescription": { "InputDescriptions": [ { "InAppStreamNames": [ "string" ], "InputId": "string", "InputParallelism": { "Count": number }, "InputProcessingConfigurationDescription": { "InputLambdaProcessorDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" } }, "InputSchema": { "RecordColumns": [ { "Mapping": "string", "Name": "string", "SqlType": "string" } ], "RecordEncoding": "string", "RecordFormat": { "MappingParameters": { "CSVMappingParameters": { "RecordColumnDelimiter": "string", "RecordRowDelimiter": "string" }, "JSONMappingParameters": { "RecordRowPath": "string" } }, "RecordFormatType": "string" } }, "InputStartingPositionConfiguration": { "InputStartingPosition": "string" }, "KinesisFirehoseInputDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "KinesisStreamsInputDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "NamePrefix": "string" } ], "OutputDescriptions": [ { "DestinationSchema": { "RecordFormatType": "string" }, "KinesisFirehoseOutputDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "KinesisStreamsOutputDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "LambdaOutputDescription": { "ResourceARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" }, "Name": "string", "OutputId": "string" } ], "ReferenceDataSourceDescriptions": [ { "ReferenceId": "string", "ReferenceSchema": { "RecordColumns": [ { "Mapping": "string", "Name": "string", "SqlType": "string" } ], "RecordEncoding": "string", "RecordFormat": { "MappingParameters": { "CSVMappingParameters": { "RecordColumnDelimiter": "string", "RecordRowDelimiter": "string" }, "JSONMappingParameters": { "RecordRowPath": "string" } }, "RecordFormatType": "string" } }, "S3ReferenceDataSourceDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "FileKey": "string", "ReferenceRoleARN": "string" }, "TableName": "string" } ] }, "VpcConfigurationDescriptions": [ { "SecurityGroupIds": [ "string" ], "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "VpcConfigurationId": "string", "VpcId": "string" } ], "ZeppelinApplicationConfigurationDescription": { "CatalogConfigurationDescription": { "GlueDataCatalogConfigurationDescription": { "DatabaseARN": "string" } }, "CustomArtifactsConfigurationDescription": [ { "ArtifactType": "string", "MavenReferenceDescription": { "ArtifactId": "string", "GroupId": "string", "Version": "string" }, "S3ContentLocationDescription": { "BucketARN": "string", "FileKey": "string", "ObjectVersion": "string" } } ], "DeployAsApplicationConfigurationDescription": { "S3ContentLocationDescription": { "BasePath": "string", "BucketARN": "string" } }, "MonitoringConfigurationDescription": { "LogLevel": "string" } } }, "ApplicationDescription": "string", "ApplicationMaintenanceConfigurationDescription": { "ApplicationMaintenanceWindowEndTime": "string", "ApplicationMaintenanceWindowStartTime": "string" }, "ApplicationMode": "string", "ApplicationName": "string", "ApplicationStatus": "string", "ApplicationVersionCreateTimestamp": number, "ApplicationVersionId": number, "ApplicationVersionRolledBackFrom": number, "ApplicationVersionRolledBackTo": number, "ApplicationVersionUpdatedFrom": number, "CloudWatchLoggingOptionDescriptions": [ { "CloudWatchLoggingOptionId": "string", "LogStreamARN": "string", "RoleARN": "string" } ], "ConditionalToken": "string", "CreateTimestamp": number, "LastUpdateTimestamp": number, "RuntimeEnvironment": "string", "ServiceExecutionRole": "string" }, "OperationId": "string" }

Response Elements

If the action is successful, the service sends back an HTTP 200 response.

The following data is returned in JSON format by the service.


Describes the application, including the application Amazon Resource Name (ARN), status, latest version, and input and output configurations.

Type: ApplicationDetail object


The operation ID that can be used to track the request.

Type: String

Length Constraints: Minimum length of 1. Maximum length of 64.



Exception thrown as a result of concurrent modifications to an application. This error can be the result of attempting to modify an application without using the current application ID.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The specified input parameter value is not valid.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request JSON is not valid for the operation.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The application is not available for this operation.

HTTP Status Code: 400


Specified application can't be found.

HTTP Status Code: 400


The request was rejected because a specified parameter is not supported or a specified resource is not valid for this operation.

HTTP Status Code: 400

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: