Troubleshooting rules in Network Firewall - Amazon Network Firewall
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Troubleshooting rules in Network Firewall

Use the information here to help you diagnose common issues that you might encounter when working with rules in Network Firewall.

Rules with the HOME_NET variable are not working as expected with managed rule groups

If your firewall is deployed in a centralized inspection VPC the HOME_NET variable uses the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) ranges of VPC where the firewall is deployed. You can override the HOME_NET in your firewall policy to add the CIDR ranges of your application (spoke) VPCs that you want to filter. Once you define the HOME_NET variable, Network Firewall maintains that the value of EXTERNAL_NET in the rule group is the negation of the HOME_NET value that you define at the firewall policy level. Policy variables affect all rule groups that don't already define HOME_NET. For more information, see Firewall policy settings.

I created a rule to allow only outbound traffic from HOME_NET to EXTERNAL_NET, but EXTERNAL_NET was also able to initiate a connection back to HOME_NET. How do I prevent this from happening?

You have to ensure that your firewall rules are not wide open to allow unintended traffic. The following example ensures that only trusted traffic is allowed to pass through the firewall in Network Firewall.

Example 1 - Do not use

In this example, Network Firewall allows TCP traffic from HOME_NET to EXTERNAL_NET. However, this rule also allows inbound traffic from EXTERNAL_NET to HOME_NET because <> means "any direction."

pass tcp $HOME_NET any <> $EXTERNAL_NET any. (msg:“sid1”; sid:1;)
Example 2 - Do not use

In this example traffic from HOME_NET is allowed to initiate TCP connections to EXTERNAL_NET, but since the rule is missing the flow:to_server keyword, there are scenarios where this rule will also allow EXTERNAL_NET to initiate connections to HOME_NET.

pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET any (msg:“sid1”; sid:1;)

You should write rules such that only trusted traffic is allowed through the firewall, and only in the direction you intend.

Example 3

If combined with the Network Firewall stateful default action Drop established, this rule ensures that traffic initiated by clients in HOME_NET to servers in EXTERNAL_NET is allowed, but clients in EXTERNAL_NET cannot initiate a connection to servers in HOME_NET.

pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 22 (msg:“sid1”; flow:to_server; sid:1;)

I'm using strict ordering, but stateful rules near the bottom of my ruleset appear to be handling traffic before rules near the top of my ruleset

When network connections traverse Network Firewall's stateful rule engine, it will see the lower level protocol being used (for example TCP) before it sees the application layer protocol (for example HTTP). This means that it's possible to have a blanket TCP (layer 4) rule that comes later in the ruleset take action on traffic that an earlier HTTP (layer 7) rule in the ruleset was intended to handle. Example 1 below may accidentally allow unwanted traffic because rule 2 (TCP) will take action on the port 80 traffic before rule 1 (HTTP), since the TCP part of the connection will be seen by the firewall first. Example 2 uses the flow:to_server; keyword to ensure that only the intended traffic is allowed and “ (” continues to be blocked.

Example 1 - Do not use

# Rule 1 is intended to block http traffic to reject http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (; content:""; startswith; endswith; sid:1;) # Rule 2 accidently allows the TCP port 80 traffic even before any application protocol is inspected pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (sid:2;)
Example 2

# Rule 1 blocks http traffic to reject http $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (; content:""; startswith; endswith; sid:1;) # Rule 2 waits until later in the connection (when the application protocol can also be detected) before allowing it pass tcp $HOME_NET any -> $EXTERNAL_NET 80 (flow:to_server; sid:2;)

I've configured a drop action rule but traffic still goes through the firewall

The Amazon Network Firewall stateful rule engine supports action order, previous known as default order, and strict rule evaluation order. Action rule order dictates that Network Firewall evaluates firewall rules based on a rule action. Network Firewall evaluates rules with a pass first, followed by drop, reject, and alert action rules. The stateful default action for a policy configured to use action order is pass. It's likely that the traffic matched one of the pass rules in your rule group and therefore it was not dropped by Network Firewall. We recommend that you use strict order so that Network Firewall will evaluate the rules in the order in which they are defined. When configuring a policy that uses strict order, configure the stateful default actions as Drop established and Alert established. For more information about evaluation order, see Evaluation order for stateful rule groups.