AutoMLAlgorithmConfig - Amazon SageMaker
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The selection of algorithms trained on your dataset to generate the model candidates for an Autopilot job.



The selection of algorithms trained on your dataset to generate the model candidates for an Autopilot job.

  • For the tabular problem type TabularJobConfig:


    Selected algorithms must belong to the list corresponding to the training mode set in AutoMLJobConfig.Mode (ENSEMBLING or HYPERPARAMETER_TUNING). Choose a minimum of 1 algorithm.

    • In ENSEMBLING mode:

      • "catboost"

      • "extra-trees"

      • "fastai"

      • "lightgbm"

      • "linear-learner"

      • "nn-torch"

      • "randomforest"

      • "xgboost"


      • "linear-learner"

      • "mlp"

      • "xgboost"

  • For the time-series forecasting problem type TimeSeriesForecastingJobConfig:

    • Choose your algorithms from this list.

      • "cnn-qr"

      • "deepar"

      • "prophet"

      • "arima"

      • "npts"

      • "ets"

Type: Array of strings

Array Members: Maximum number of 11 items.

Valid Values: xgboost | linear-learner | mlp | lightgbm | catboost | randomforest | extra-trees | nn-torch | fastai | cnn-qr | deepar | prophet | npts | arima | ets

Required: Yes

See Also

For more information about using this API in one of the language-specific Amazon SDKs, see the following: