Interface AwsV4FamilyHttpSigner<T extends Identity>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AwsV4aHttpSigner, AwsV4HttpSigner
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultAwsCrtV4aHttpSigner, DefaultAwsV4HttpSigner

public interface AwsV4FamilyHttpSigner<T extends Identity> extends HttpSigner<T>
An interface shared by AwsV4HttpSigner and AwsV4aHttpSigner for defining signer properties that are common across both signers.
  • Field Details


      static final SignerProperty<String> SERVICE_SIGNING_NAME
      The name of the AWS service. This property is required.

      static final SignerProperty<Boolean> DOUBLE_URL_ENCODE
      A boolean to indicate whether to double url-encode the resource path when constructing the canonical request. This property defaults to true.

      static final SignerProperty<Boolean> NORMALIZE_PATH
      A boolean to indicate whether the resource path should be "normalized" according to RFC3986 when constructing the canonical request. This property defaults to true.

      The location where auth-related data is inserted, as a result of signing. This property defaults to HEADER.

      static final SignerProperty<Duration> EXPIRATION_DURATION
      The duration for the request to be valid. This property defaults to null. This can be set to presign the request for later use. The maximum allowed value for this property is 7 days. This is only supported when AuthLocation=QUERY.

      static final SignerProperty<Boolean> PAYLOAD_SIGNING_ENABLED
      Whether to indicate that a payload is signed or not. This property defaults to true. This can be set false to disable payload signing.

      static final SignerProperty<Boolean> CHUNK_ENCODING_ENABLED
      Whether to indicate that a payload is chunk-encoded or not. This property defaults to false. This can be set true to enable the `aws-chunk` content-encoding

      static final SignerProperty<ChecksumAlgorithm> CHECKSUM_ALGORITHM
      The algorithm to use for calculating a "flexible" checksum. This property is optional.