Class CopySourceInterceptor

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class CopySourceInterceptor extends Object implements ExecutionInterceptor
This interceptor transforms the sourceBucket, sourceKey, and sourceVersionId parameters for CopyObjectRequest and UploadPartCopyRequest into a copySource parameter. The logic needed to construct a copySource can be considered non-trivial, so this interceptor facilitates allowing users to use higher-level constructs that more closely match other APIs, like PutObjectRequest. Additionally, this interceptor is responsible for URL encoding the relevant portions of the copySource value.



  • Constructor Details

    • CopySourceInterceptor

      public CopySourceInterceptor()
  • Method Details

    • modifyRequest

      public SdkRequest modifyRequest(Context.ModifyRequest context, ExecutionAttributes executionAttributes)
      Description copied from interface: ExecutionInterceptor
      Modify an SdkRequest given to a service client before it is marshalled into an SdkHttpFullRequest.
      Specified by:
      modifyRequest in interface ExecutionInterceptor
      context - The current state of the execution, including the current SDK request from the service client call.
      executionAttributes - A mutable set of attributes scoped to one specific request/response cycle that can be used to give data to future lifecycle methods.
      The potentially-modified request that should be used for the rest of the execution. Must not be null.