SageMaker 使用 for JavaScript (v3) SDK 的示例 - Amazon SDK for JavaScript
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Amazon SDK for JavaScript V3 API 参考指南详细描述了 Amazon SDK for JavaScript 版本 3 (V3) 的所有API操作。


SageMaker 使用 for JavaScript (v3) SDK 的示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何通过使用 Amazon SDK for JavaScript (v3) 来执行操作和实现常见场景 SageMaker。


场景是向您展示如何通过在一个服务中调用多个函数或与其他 Amazon Web Services 服务结合来完成特定任务的代码示例。



以下代码示例展示了如何开始使用 SageMaker。

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

import { SageMakerClient, ListNotebookInstancesCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker"; const client = new SageMakerClient({ region: "us-west-2", }); export const helloSagemaker = async () => { const command = new ListNotebookInstancesCommand({ MaxResults: 5 }); const response = await client.send(command); console.log( "Hello Amazon SageMaker! Let's list some of your notebook instances:", ); const instances = response.NotebookInstances || []; if (instances.length === 0) { console.log( "• No notebook instances found. Try creating one in the AWS Management Console or with the CreateNotebookInstanceCommand.", ); } else { console.log( instances .map( (i) => `• Instance: ${i.NotebookInstanceName}\n Arn:${ i.NotebookInstanceArn } \n Creation Date: ${i.CreationTime.toISOString()}`, ) .join("\n"), ); } return response; };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 ListNotebookInstances” 中的。


以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreatePipeline

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

一种使用本地提供的JSON定义创建 SageMaker 管道的函数。

/** * Create the Amazon SageMaker pipeline using a JSON pipeline definition. The definition * can also be provided as an Amazon S3 object using PipelineDefinitionS3Location. * @param {{roleArn: string, name: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient}} props */ export async function createSagemakerPipeline({ // Assumes an AWS IAM role has been created for this pipeline. roleArn, name, // Assumes an AWS Lambda function has been created for this pipeline. functionArn, sagemakerClient, }) { const pipelineDefinition = readFileSync( // dirnameFromMetaUrl is a local utility function. You can find its implementation // on GitHub. `${dirnameFromMetaUrl( import.meta.url, )}../../../../../workflows/sagemaker_pipelines/resources/GeoSpatialPipeline.json`, ) .toString() .replace(/\*FUNCTION_ARN\*/g, functionArn); let arn = null; const createPipeline = () => sagemakerClient.send( new CreatePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name, PipelineDefinition: pipelineDefinition, RoleArn: roleArn, }), ); try { const { PipelineArn } = await createPipeline(); arn = PipelineArn; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "ValidationException" && caught.message.includes( "Pipeline names must be unique within an AWS account and region", ) ) { const { PipelineArn } = await sagemakerClient.send( new DescribePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); arn = PipelineArn; } else { throw caught; } } return { arn, cleanUp: async () => { await sagemakerClient.send( new DeletePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); }, }; }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 CreatePipeline” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeletePipeline

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

删除 SageMaker 管道的语法。这段代码是更大函数的一部分。有关更多上下文,请参阅 “创建管道” 或 GitHub 存储库。

await sagemakerClient.send( new DeletePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), );
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeletePipeline” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DescribePipelineExecution

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

等待 SageMaker 管道执行成功、失败或停止。

/** * Poll the executing pipeline until the status is 'SUCCEEDED', 'STOPPED', or 'FAILED'. * @param {{ arn: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient, wait: (ms: number) => Promise<void>}} props */ export async function waitForPipelineComplete({ arn, sagemakerClient, wait }) { const command = new DescribePipelineExecutionCommand({ PipelineExecutionArn: arn, }); let complete = false; const intervalInSeconds = 15; const COMPLETION_STATUSES = [ PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED, PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED, PipelineExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED, ]; do { const { PipelineExecutionStatus: status, FailureReason } = await sagemakerClient.send(command); complete = COMPLETION_STATUSES.includes(status); if (!complete) { console.log( `Pipeline is ${status}. Waiting ${intervalInSeconds} seconds before checking again.`, ); await wait(intervalInSeconds); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED) { throw new Error(`Pipeline failed because: ${FailureReason}`); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED) { throw new Error("Pipeline was forcefully stopped."); } else { console.log(`Pipeline execution ${status}.`); } } while (!complete); }

以下代码示例演示如何使用 StartPipelineExecution

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

开始 SageMaker 管道执行。

/** * Start the execution of the Amazon SageMaker pipeline. Parameters that are * passed in are used in the AWS Lambda function. * @param {{ * name: string, * sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient, * roleArn: string, * queueUrl: string, * s3InputBucketName: string, * }} props */ export async function startPipelineExecution({ sagemakerClient, name, bucketName, roleArn, queueUrl, }) { /** * The Vector Enrichment Job requests CSV data. This configuration points to a CSV * file in an Amazon S3 bucket. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").VectorEnrichmentJobInputConfig} */ const inputConfig = { DataSourceConfig: { S3Data: { S3Uri: `s3://${bucketName}/input/sample_data.csv`, }, }, DocumentType: VectorEnrichmentJobDocumentType.CSV, }; /** * The Vector Enrichment Job adds additional data to the source CSV. This configuration points * to an Amazon S3 prefix where the output will be stored. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").ExportVectorEnrichmentJobOutputConfig} */ const outputConfig = { S3Data: { S3Uri: `s3://${bucketName}/output/`, }, }; /** * This job will be a Reverse Geocoding Vector Enrichment Job. Reverse Geocoding requires * latitude and longitude values. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").VectorEnrichmentJobConfig} */ const jobConfig = { ReverseGeocodingConfig: { XAttributeName: "Longitude", YAttributeName: "Latitude", }, }; const { PipelineExecutionArn } = await sagemakerClient.send( new StartPipelineExecutionCommand({ PipelineName: name, PipelineExecutionDisplayName: `${name}-example-execution`, PipelineParameters: [ { Name: "parameter_execution_role", Value: roleArn }, { Name: "parameter_queue_url", Value: queueUrl }, { Name: "parameter_vej_input_config", Value: JSON.stringify(inputConfig), }, { Name: "parameter_vej_export_config", Value: JSON.stringify(outputConfig), }, { Name: "parameter_step_1_vej_config", Value: JSON.stringify(jobConfig), }, ], }), ); return { arn: PipelineExecutionArn, }; }
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 StartPipelineExecution” 中的。



  • 为管道设置资源。

  • 设置用于执行地理空间作业的管道。

  • 启动管道执行。

  • 监控执行的状态。

  • 查看管道的输出。

  • 清理资源。

有关更多信息,请参阅在 Amazon SDKs 上使用创建和运行 SageMaker 管道

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

还有更多相关信息 GitHub。查找完整示例,学习如何在 Amazon 代码示例存储库中进行设置和运行。

以下文件摘录包含使用 SageMaker 客户端管理管道的函数。

import { readFileSync } from "node:fs"; import { CreateRoleCommand, DeleteRoleCommand, CreatePolicyCommand, DeletePolicyCommand, AttachRolePolicyCommand, DetachRolePolicyCommand, GetRoleCommand, ListPoliciesCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-iam"; import { PublishLayerVersionCommand, DeleteLayerVersionCommand, CreateFunctionCommand, Runtime, DeleteFunctionCommand, CreateEventSourceMappingCommand, DeleteEventSourceMappingCommand, GetFunctionCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-lambda"; import { PutObjectCommand, CreateBucketCommand, DeleteBucketCommand, DeleteObjectCommand, GetObjectCommand, ListObjectsV2Command, } from "@aws-sdk/client-s3"; import { CreatePipelineCommand, DeletePipelineCommand, DescribePipelineCommand, DescribePipelineExecutionCommand, PipelineExecutionStatus, StartPipelineExecutionCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker"; import { VectorEnrichmentJobDocumentType } from "@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial"; import { CreateQueueCommand, DeleteQueueCommand, GetQueueAttributesCommand, GetQueueUrlCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-sqs"; import { dirnameFromMetaUrl } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-fs.js"; import { retry } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-timers.js"; /** * Create the AWS IAM role that will be assumed by AWS Lambda. * @param {{ name: string, iamClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-iam').IAMClient }} props */ export async function createLambdaExecutionRole({ name, iamClient }) { const createRole = () => iamClient.send( new CreateRoleCommand({ RoleName: name, AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({ Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Action: ["sts:AssumeRole"], Principal: { Service: [""] }, }, ], }), }), ); let role = null; try { const { Role } = await createRole(); role = Role; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "EntityAlreadyExistsException" ) { const { Role } = await iamClient.send( new GetRoleCommand({ RoleName: name }), ); role = Role; } else { throw caught; } } return { arn: role.Arn, cleanUp: async () => { await iamClient.send(new DeleteRoleCommand({ RoleName: name })); }, }; } /** * Create an AWS IAM policy that will be attached to the AWS IAM role assumed by the AWS Lambda function. * The policy grants permission to work with Amazon SQS, Amazon CloudWatch, and Amazon SageMaker. * @param {{name: string, iamClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-iam').IAMClient, pipelineExecutionRoleArn: string}} props */ export async function createLambdaExecutionPolicy({ name, iamClient, pipelineExecutionRoleArn, }) { const policyConfig = { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Action: [ "sqs:ReceiveMessage", "sqs:DeleteMessage", "sqs:GetQueueAttributes", "logs:CreateLogGroup", "logs:CreateLogStream", "logs:PutLogEvents", "sagemaker-geospatial:StartVectorEnrichmentJob", "sagemaker-geospatial:GetVectorEnrichmentJob", "sagemaker:SendPipelineExecutionStepFailure", "sagemaker:SendPipelineExecutionStepSuccess", "sagemaker-geospatial:ExportVectorEnrichmentJob", ], Resource: "*", }, { Effect: "Allow", // The AWS Lambda function needs permission to pass the pipeline execution role to // the StartVectorEnrichmentCommand. This restriction prevents an AWS Lambda function // from elevating privileges. For more information, see: // Action: ["iam:PassRole"], Resource: `${pipelineExecutionRoleArn}`, Condition: { StringEquals: { "iam:PassedToService": [ "", "", ], }, }, }, ], }; const createPolicy = () => iamClient.send( new CreatePolicyCommand({ PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify(policyConfig), PolicyName: name, }), ); let policy = null; try { const { Policy } = await createPolicy(); policy = Policy; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "EntityAlreadyExistsException" ) { const { Policies } = await iamClient.send(new ListPoliciesCommand({})); if (Policies) { policy = Policies.find((p) => p.PolicyName === name); } else { throw new Error("No policies found."); } } else { throw caught; } } return { arn: policy?.Arn, policyConfig, cleanUp: async () => { await iamClient.send(new DeletePolicyCommand({ PolicyArn: policy?.Arn })); }, }; } /** * Attach an AWS IAM policy to an AWS IAM role. * @param {{roleName: string, policyArn: string, iamClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-iam').IAMClient}} props */ export async function attachPolicy({ roleName, policyArn, iamClient }) { const attachPolicyCommand = new AttachRolePolicyCommand({ RoleName: roleName, PolicyArn: policyArn, }); await iamClient.send(attachPolicyCommand); return { cleanUp: async () => { await iamClient.send( new DetachRolePolicyCommand({ RoleName: roleName, PolicyArn: policyArn, }), ); }, }; } /** * Create an AWS Lambda layer that contains the Amazon SageMaker and Amazon SageMaker Geospatial clients * in the runtime. The default runtime supports v3.188.0 of the JavaScript SDK. The Amazon SageMaker * Geospatial client wasn't introduced until v3.221.0. * @param {{ name: string, lambdaClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-lambda').LambdaClient }} props */ export async function createLambdaLayer({ name, lambdaClient }) { const layerPath = `${dirnameFromMetaUrl(import.meta.url)}lambda/`; const { LayerVersionArn, Version } = await lambdaClient.send( new PublishLayerVersionCommand({ LayerName: name, Content: { ZipFile: Uint8Array.from(readFileSync(layerPath)), }, }), ); return { versionArn: LayerVersionArn, version: Version, cleanUp: async () => { await lambdaClient.send( new DeleteLayerVersionCommand({ LayerName: name, VersionNumber: Version, }), ); }, }; } /** * Deploy the AWS Lambda function that will be used to respond to Amazon SageMaker pipeline * execution steps. * @param {{roleArn: string, name: string, lambdaClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-lambda').LambdaClient, layerVersionArn: string}} props */ export async function createLambdaFunction({ name, roleArn, lambdaClient, layerVersionArn, }) { const lambdaPath = `${dirnameFromMetaUrl( import.meta.url, )}lambda/dist/`; // If a function of the same name already exists, return that // function's ARN instead. By default this is // "sagemaker-wkflw-lambda-function", so collisions are // unlikely. const createFunction = async () => { try { return await lambdaClient.send( new CreateFunctionCommand({ Code: { ZipFile: Uint8Array.from(readFileSync(lambdaPath)), }, Runtime: Runtime.nodejs18x, Handler: "index.handler", Layers: [layerVersionArn], FunctionName: name, Role: roleArn, }), ); } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "ResourceConflictException" ) { const { Configuration } = await lambdaClient.send( new GetFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: name }), ); return Configuration; } throw caught; } }; // Function creation fails if the Role is not ready. This retries // function creation until it succeeds or it times out. const { FunctionArn } = await retry( { intervalInMs: 1000, maxRetries: 60 }, createFunction, ); return { arn: FunctionArn, cleanUp: async () => { await lambdaClient.send( new DeleteFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: name }), ); }, }; } /** * This uploads some sample coordinate data to an Amazon S3 bucket. * The Amazon SageMaker Geospatial vector enrichment job will take the simple Lat/Long * coordinates in this file and augment them with more detailed location data. * @param {{bucketName: string, s3Client: import('@aws-sdk/client-s3').S3Client}} props */ export async function uploadCSVDataToS3({ bucketName, s3Client }) { const s3Path = `${dirnameFromMetaUrl( import.meta.url, )}../../../../../workflows/sagemaker_pipelines/resources/latlongtest.csv`; await s3Client.send( new PutObjectCommand({ Bucket: bucketName, Key: "input/sample_data.csv", Body: readFileSync(s3Path), }), ); } /** * Create the AWS IAM role that will be assumed by the Amazon SageMaker pipeline. * @param {{name: string, iamClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-iam').IAMClient, wait: (ms: number) => Promise<void>}} props */ export async function createSagemakerRole({ name, iamClient, wait }) { let role = null; const createRole = () => iamClient.send( new CreateRoleCommand({ RoleName: name, AssumeRolePolicyDocument: JSON.stringify({ Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Action: ["sts:AssumeRole"], Principal: { Service: [ "", "", ], }, }, ], }), }), ); try { const { Role } = await createRole(); role = Role; // Wait for the role to be ready. await wait(10); } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "EntityAlreadyExistsException" ) { const { Role } = await iamClient.send( new GetRoleCommand({ RoleName: name }), ); role = Role; } else { throw caught; } } return { arn: role.Arn, cleanUp: async () => { await iamClient.send(new DeleteRoleCommand({ RoleName: name })); }, }; } /** * Create the Amazon SageMaker execution policy. This policy grants permission to * invoke the AWS Lambda function, read/write to the Amazon S3 bucket, and send messages to * the Amazon SQS queue. * @param {{ name: string, sqsQueueArn: string, lambdaArn: string, iamClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-iam').IAMClient, s3BucketName: string}} props */ export async function createSagemakerExecutionPolicy({ sqsQueueArn, lambdaArn, iamClient, name, s3BucketName, }) { const policyConfig = { Version: "2012-10-17", Statement: [ { Effect: "Allow", Action: ["lambda:InvokeFunction"], Resource: lambdaArn, }, { Effect: "Allow", Action: ["s3:*"], Resource: [ `arn:aws:s3:::${s3BucketName}`, `arn:aws:s3:::${s3BucketName}/*`, ], }, { Effect: "Allow", Action: ["sqs:SendMessage"], Resource: sqsQueueArn, }, ], }; const createPolicy = () => iamClient.send( new CreatePolicyCommand({ PolicyDocument: JSON.stringify(policyConfig), PolicyName: name, }), ); let policy = null; try { const { Policy } = await createPolicy(); policy = Policy; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "EntityAlreadyExistsException" ) { const { Policies } = await iamClient.send(new ListPoliciesCommand({})); if (Policies) { policy = Policies.find((p) => p.PolicyName === name); } else { throw new Error("No policies found."); } } else { throw caught; } } return { arn: policy?.Arn, policyConfig, cleanUp: async () => { await iamClient.send(new DeletePolicyCommand({ PolicyArn: policy?.Arn })); }, }; } /** * Create the Amazon SageMaker pipeline using a JSON pipeline definition. The definition * can also be provided as an Amazon S3 object using PipelineDefinitionS3Location. * @param {{roleArn: string, name: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient}} props */ export async function createSagemakerPipeline({ // Assumes an AWS IAM role has been created for this pipeline. roleArn, name, // Assumes an AWS Lambda function has been created for this pipeline. functionArn, sagemakerClient, }) { const pipelineDefinition = readFileSync( // dirnameFromMetaUrl is a local utility function. You can find its implementation // on GitHub. `${dirnameFromMetaUrl( import.meta.url, )}../../../../../workflows/sagemaker_pipelines/resources/GeoSpatialPipeline.json`, ) .toString() .replace(/\*FUNCTION_ARN\*/g, functionArn); let arn = null; const createPipeline = () => sagemakerClient.send( new CreatePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name, PipelineDefinition: pipelineDefinition, RoleArn: roleArn, }), ); try { const { PipelineArn } = await createPipeline(); arn = PipelineArn; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "ValidationException" && caught.message.includes( "Pipeline names must be unique within an AWS account and region", ) ) { const { PipelineArn } = await sagemakerClient.send( new DescribePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); arn = PipelineArn; } else { throw caught; } } return { arn, cleanUp: async () => { await sagemakerClient.send( new DeletePipelineCommand({ PipelineName: name }), ); }, }; } /** * Create an Amazon SQS queue. The Amazon SageMaker pipeline will send messages * to this queue that are then processed by the AWS Lambda function. * @param {{name: string, sqsClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sqs').SQSClient}} props */ export async function createSQSQueue({ name, sqsClient }) { const createSqsQueue = () => sqsClient.send( new CreateQueueCommand({ QueueName: name, Attributes: { DelaySeconds: "5", ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: "5", VisibilityTimeout: "300", }, }), ); let queueUrl = null; try { const { QueueUrl } = await createSqsQueue(); queueUrl = QueueUrl; } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && === "QueueNameExists") { const { QueueUrl } = await sqsClient.send( new GetQueueUrlCommand({ QueueName: name }), ); queueUrl = QueueUrl; } else { throw caught; } } const { Attributes } = await retry( { intervalInMs: 1000, maxRetries: 60 }, () => sqsClient.send( new GetQueueAttributesCommand({ QueueUrl: queueUrl, AttributeNames: ["QueueArn"], }), ), ); return { queueUrl, queueArn: Attributes.QueueArn, cleanUp: async () => { await sqsClient.send(new DeleteQueueCommand({ QueueUrl: queueUrl })); }, }; } /** * Configure the AWS Lambda function to long poll for messages from the Amazon SQS * queue. * @param {{ * paginateListEventSourceMappings: () => Generator<import('@aws-sdk/client-lambda').ListEventSourceMappingsCommandOutput>, * lambdaName: string, * queueArn: string, * lambdaClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-lambda').LambdaClient}} props */ export async function configureLambdaSQSEventSource({ lambdaName, queueArn, lambdaClient, paginateListEventSourceMappings, }) { let uuid = null; const createEvenSourceMapping = () => lambdaClient.send( new CreateEventSourceMappingCommand({ EventSourceArn: queueArn, FunctionName: lambdaName, }), ); try { const { UUID } = await createEvenSourceMapping(); uuid = UUID; } catch (caught) { if ( caught instanceof Error && === "ResourceConflictException" ) { const paginator = paginateListEventSourceMappings( { client: lambdaClient }, {}, ); /** * @type {import('@aws-sdk/client-lambda').EventSourceMappingConfiguration[]} */ const eventSourceMappings = []; for await (const page of paginator) { eventSourceMappings.concat(page.EventSourceMappings || []); } const { Configuration } = await lambdaClient.send( new GetFunctionCommand({ FunctionName: lambdaName }), ); uuid = eventSourceMappings.find( (mapping) => mapping.EventSourceArn === queueArn && mapping.FunctionArn === Configuration.FunctionArn, ).UUID; } else { throw caught; } } return { cleanUp: async () => { await lambdaClient.send( new DeleteEventSourceMappingCommand({ UUID: uuid, }), ); }, }; } /** * Create an Amazon S3 bucket that will store the simple coordinate file as input * and the output of the Amazon SageMaker Geospatial vector enrichment job. * @param {{ * s3Client: import('@aws-sdk/client-s3').S3Client, * name: string, * paginateListObjectsV2: () => Generator<import('@aws-sdk/client-s3').ListObjectsCommandOutput> * }} props */ export async function createS3Bucket({ name, s3Client, paginateListObjectsV2, }) { await s3Client.send(new CreateBucketCommand({ Bucket: name })); return { cleanUp: async () => { const paginator = paginateListObjectsV2( { client: s3Client }, { Bucket: name }, ); for await (const page of paginator) { const objects = page.Contents; if (objects) { for (const object of objects) { await s3Client.send( new DeleteObjectCommand({ Bucket: name, Key: object.Key }), ); } } } await s3Client.send(new DeleteBucketCommand({ Bucket: name })); }, }; } /** * Start the execution of the Amazon SageMaker pipeline. Parameters that are * passed in are used in the AWS Lambda function. * @param {{ * name: string, * sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient, * roleArn: string, * queueUrl: string, * s3InputBucketName: string, * }} props */ export async function startPipelineExecution({ sagemakerClient, name, bucketName, roleArn, queueUrl, }) { /** * The Vector Enrichment Job requests CSV data. This configuration points to a CSV * file in an Amazon S3 bucket. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").VectorEnrichmentJobInputConfig} */ const inputConfig = { DataSourceConfig: { S3Data: { S3Uri: `s3://${bucketName}/input/sample_data.csv`, }, }, DocumentType: VectorEnrichmentJobDocumentType.CSV, }; /** * The Vector Enrichment Job adds additional data to the source CSV. This configuration points * to an Amazon S3 prefix where the output will be stored. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").ExportVectorEnrichmentJobOutputConfig} */ const outputConfig = { S3Data: { S3Uri: `s3://${bucketName}/output/`, }, }; /** * This job will be a Reverse Geocoding Vector Enrichment Job. Reverse Geocoding requires * latitude and longitude values. * @type {import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-geospatial").VectorEnrichmentJobConfig} */ const jobConfig = { ReverseGeocodingConfig: { XAttributeName: "Longitude", YAttributeName: "Latitude", }, }; const { PipelineExecutionArn } = await sagemakerClient.send( new StartPipelineExecutionCommand({ PipelineName: name, PipelineExecutionDisplayName: `${name}-example-execution`, PipelineParameters: [ { Name: "parameter_execution_role", Value: roleArn }, { Name: "parameter_queue_url", Value: queueUrl }, { Name: "parameter_vej_input_config", Value: JSON.stringify(inputConfig), }, { Name: "parameter_vej_export_config", Value: JSON.stringify(outputConfig), }, { Name: "parameter_step_1_vej_config", Value: JSON.stringify(jobConfig), }, ], }), ); return { arn: PipelineExecutionArn, }; } /** * Poll the executing pipeline until the status is 'SUCCEEDED', 'STOPPED', or 'FAILED'. * @param {{ arn: string, sagemakerClient: import('@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker').SageMakerClient, wait: (ms: number) => Promise<void>}} props */ export async function waitForPipelineComplete({ arn, sagemakerClient, wait }) { const command = new DescribePipelineExecutionCommand({ PipelineExecutionArn: arn, }); let complete = false; const intervalInSeconds = 15; const COMPLETION_STATUSES = [ PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED, PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED, PipelineExecutionStatus.SUCCEEDED, ]; do { const { PipelineExecutionStatus: status, FailureReason } = await sagemakerClient.send(command); complete = COMPLETION_STATUSES.includes(status); if (!complete) { console.log( `Pipeline is ${status}. Waiting ${intervalInSeconds} seconds before checking again.`, ); await wait(intervalInSeconds); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.FAILED) { throw new Error(`Pipeline failed because: ${FailureReason}`); } else if (status === PipelineExecutionStatus.STOPPED) { throw new Error("Pipeline was forcefully stopped."); } else { console.log(`Pipeline execution ${status}.`); } } while (!complete); } /** * Return the string value of an Amazon S3 object. * @param {{ bucket: string, key: string, s3Client: import('@aws-sdk/client-s3').S3Client}} param0 */ export async function getObject({ bucket, s3Client }) { const prefix = "output/"; const { Contents } = await s3Client.send( new ListObjectsV2Command({ MaxKeys: 1, Bucket: bucket, Prefix: prefix }), ); if (!Contents.length) { throw new Error("No objects found in bucket."); } // Find the CSV file. const outputObject = Contents.find((obj) => obj.Key.endsWith(".csv")); if (!outputObject) { throw new Error(`No CSV file found in bucket with the prefix "${prefix}".`); } const { Body } = await s3Client.send( new GetObjectCommand({ Bucket: bucket, Key: outputObject.Key, }), ); return Body.transformToString(); }

此函数摘自一个文件,该文件使用前面的库函数来设置 SageMaker 管道、执行管道并删除所有已创建的资源。

import { retry, wait } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-timers.js"; import { attachPolicy, configureLambdaSQSEventSource, createLambdaExecutionPolicy, createLambdaExecutionRole, createLambdaFunction, createLambdaLayer, createS3Bucket, createSQSQueue, createSagemakerExecutionPolicy, createSagemakerPipeline, createSagemakerRole, getObject, startPipelineExecution, uploadCSVDataToS3, waitForPipelineComplete, } from "./lib.js"; import { MESSAGES } from "./messages.js"; export class SageMakerPipelinesWkflw { names = { LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE: "sagemaker-wkflw-lambda-execution-role", LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY: "sagemaker-wkflw-lambda-execution-role-policy", LAMBDA_FUNCTION: "sagemaker-wkflw-lambda-function", LAMBDA_LAYER: "sagemaker-wkflw-lambda-layer", SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE: "sagemaker-wkflw-pipeline-execution-role", SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY: "sagemaker-wkflw-pipeline-execution-role-policy", SAGE_MAKER_PIPELINE: "sagemaker-wkflw-pipeline", SQS_QUEUE: "sagemaker-wkflw-sqs-queue", S3_BUCKET: `sagemaker-wkflw-s3-bucket-${}`, }; cleanUpFunctions = []; /** * @param {import("@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/prompter.js").Prompter} prompter * @param {import("@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/logger.js").Logger} logger * @param {{ IAM: import("@aws-sdk/client-iam").IAMClient, Lambda: import("@aws-sdk/client-lambda").LambdaClient, SageMaker: import("@aws-sdk/client-sagemaker").SageMakerClient, S3: import("@aws-sdk/client-s3").S3Client, SQS: import("@aws-sdk/client-sqs").SQSClient }} clients */ constructor(prompter, logger, clients) { this.prompter = prompter; this.logger = logger; this.clients = clients; } async run() { try { await this.startWorkflow(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); throw err; } finally { this.logger.logSeparator(); const doCleanUp = await this.prompter.confirm({ message: "Clean up resources?", }); if (doCleanUp) { await this.cleanUp(); } } } async cleanUp() { // Run all of the clean up functions. If any fail, we log the error and continue. // This ensures all clean up functions are run. for (let i = this.cleanUpFunctions.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { await retry( { intervalInMs: 1000, maxRetries: 60, swallowError: true }, this.cleanUpFunctions[i], ); } } async startWorkflow() { this.logger.logSeparator(MESSAGES.greetingHeader); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.greeting); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingRole.replace( "${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE, ), ); // Create an IAM role that will be assumed by the AWS Lambda function. This function // is triggered by Amazon SQS messages and calls SageMaker and SageMaker GeoSpatial actions. const { arn: lambdaExecutionRoleArn, cleanUp: lambdaExecutionRoleCleanUp } = await createLambdaExecutionRole({ name: this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE, iamClient: this.clients.IAM, }); // Add a clean up step to a stack for every resource created. this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaExecutionRoleCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.roleCreated.replace( "${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE, ), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingRole.replace( "${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE, ), ); // Create an IAM role that will be assumed by the SageMaker pipeline. The pipeline // sends messages to an Amazon SQS queue and puts/retrieves Amazon S3 objects. const { arn: pipelineExecutionRoleArn, cleanUp: pipelineExecutionRoleCleanUp, } = await createSagemakerRole({ iamClient: this.clients.IAM, name: this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE, wait, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(pipelineExecutionRoleCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.roleCreated.replace( "${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE, ), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); // Create an IAM policy that allows the AWS Lambda function to invoke SageMaker APIs. const { arn: lambdaExecutionPolicyArn, policy: lambdaPolicy, cleanUp: lambdaExecutionPolicyCleanUp, } = await createLambdaExecutionPolicy({ name: this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY, s3BucketName: this.names.S3_BUCKET, iamClient: this.clients.IAM, pipelineExecutionRoleArn, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaExecutionPolicyCleanUp); console.log(JSON.stringify(lambdaPolicy, null, 2), "\n"); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.attachPolicy .replace("${POLICY_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY) .replace("${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE), ); await this.prompter.checkContinue(); // Attach the Lambda execution policy to the execution role. const { cleanUp: lambdaExecutionRolePolicyCleanUp } = await attachPolicy({ roleName: this.names.LAMBDA_EXECUTION_ROLE, policyArn: lambdaExecutionPolicyArn, iamClient: this.clients.IAM, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaExecutionRolePolicyCleanUp); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.policyAttached); this.logger.logSeparator(); // Create Lambda layer for SageMaker packages. const { versionArn: layerVersionArn, cleanUp: lambdaLayerCleanUp } = await createLambdaLayer({ name: this.names.LAMBDA_LAYER, lambdaClient: this.clients.Lambda, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaLayerCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingFunction.replace( "${FUNCTION_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION, ), ); // Create the Lambda function with the execution role. const { arn: lambdaArn, cleanUp: lambdaCleanUp } = await createLambdaFunction({ roleArn: lambdaExecutionRoleArn, lambdaClient: this.clients.Lambda, name: this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION, layerVersionArn, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.functionCreated.replace( "${FUNCTION_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION, ), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingSQSQueue.replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", this.names.SQS_QUEUE), ); // Create an SQS queue for the SageMaker pipeline. const { queueUrl, queueArn, cleanUp: queueCleanUp, } = await createSQSQueue({ name: this.names.SQS_QUEUE, sqsClient: this.clients.SQS, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(queueCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.sqsQueueCreated.replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", this.names.SQS_QUEUE), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.configuringLambdaSQSEventSource .replace("${LAMBDA_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION) .replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", this.names.SQS_QUEUE), ); // Configure the SQS queue as an event source for the Lambda. const { cleanUp: lambdaSQSEventSourceCleanUp } = await configureLambdaSQSEventSource({ lambdaArn, lambdaName: this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION, queueArn, sqsClient: this.clients.SQS, lambdaClient: this.clients.Lambda, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(lambdaSQSEventSourceCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.lambdaSQSEventSourceConfigured .replace("${LAMBDA_NAME}", this.names.LAMBDA_FUNCTION) .replace("${QUEUE_NAME}", this.names.SQS_QUEUE), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); // Create an IAM policy that allows the SageMaker pipeline to invoke AWS Lambda // and send messages to the Amazon SQS queue. const { arn: pipelineExecutionPolicyArn, policy: sagemakerPolicy, cleanUp: pipelineExecutionPolicyCleanUp, } = await createSagemakerExecutionPolicy({ sqsQueueArn: queueArn, lambdaArn, iamClient: this.clients.IAM, name: this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY, s3BucketName: this.names.S3_BUCKET, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(pipelineExecutionPolicyCleanUp); console.log(JSON.stringify(sagemakerPolicy, null, 2)); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.attachPolicy .replace("${POLICY_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE_POLICY) .replace("${ROLE_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE), ); await this.prompter.checkContinue(); // Attach the SageMaker execution policy to the execution role. const { cleanUp: pipelineExecutionRolePolicyCleanUp } = await attachPolicy({ roleName: this.names.SAGE_MAKER_EXECUTION_ROLE, policyArn: pipelineExecutionPolicyArn, iamClient: this.clients.IAM, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(pipelineExecutionRolePolicyCleanUp); // Wait for the role to be ready. If the role is used immediately, // the pipeline will fail. await wait(5); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.policyAttached); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingPipeline.replace( "${PIPELINE_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_PIPELINE, ), ); // Create the SageMaker pipeline. const { cleanUp: pipelineCleanUp } = await createSagemakerPipeline({ roleArn: pipelineExecutionRoleArn, functionArn: lambdaArn, sagemakerClient: this.clients.SageMaker, name: this.names.SAGE_MAKER_PIPELINE, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(pipelineCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.pipelineCreated.replace( "${PIPELINE_NAME}", this.names.SAGE_MAKER_PIPELINE, ), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.creatingS3Bucket.replace("${BUCKET_NAME}", this.names.S3_BUCKET), ); // Create an S3 bucket for storing inputs and outputs. const { cleanUp: s3BucketCleanUp } = await createS3Bucket({ name: this.names.S3_BUCKET, s3Client: this.clients.S3, }); this.cleanUpFunctions.push(s3BucketCleanUp); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.s3BucketCreated.replace("${BUCKET_NAME}", this.names.S3_BUCKET), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log( MESSAGES.uploadingInputData.replace( "${BUCKET_NAME}", this.names.S3_BUCKET, ), ); // Upload CSV Lat/Long data to S3. await uploadCSVDataToS3({ bucketName: this.names.S3_BUCKET, s3Client: this.clients.S3, }); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.inputDataUploaded); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.prompter.checkContinue(MESSAGES.executePipeline); // Execute the SageMaker pipeline. const { arn: pipelineExecutionArn } = await startPipelineExecution({ name: this.names.SAGE_MAKER_PIPELINE, sagemakerClient: this.clients.SageMaker, roleArn: pipelineExecutionRoleArn, bucketName: this.names.S3_BUCKET, queueUrl, }); // Wait for the pipeline execution to finish. await waitForPipelineComplete({ arn: pipelineExecutionArn, sagemakerClient: this.clients.SageMaker, wait, }); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.outputDelay); // The getOutput function will throw an error if the output is not // found. The retry function will retry a failed function call once // ever 10 seconds for 2 minutes. const output = await retry({ intervalInMs: 10000, maxRetries: 12 }, () => getObject({ bucket: this.names.S3_BUCKET, s3Client: this.clients.S3, }), ); this.logger.logSeparator(); await this.logger.log(MESSAGES.outputDataRetrieved); console.log(output.split("\n").slice(0, 6).join("\n")); } }