使用 fo SES r JavaScript (v3) SDK 的亚马逊示例 - Amazon SDK for JavaScript
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使用 fo SES r JavaScript (v3) SDK 的亚马逊示例

以下代码示例向您展示了如何通过在 Amazon 上使用 Amazon SDK for JavaScript (v3) 来执行操作和实现常见场景SES。


场景是向您展示如何通过在一个服务中调用多个函数或与其他 Amazon Web Services 服务结合来完成特定任务的代码示例。



以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateReceiptFilter

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import { CreateReceiptFilterCommand, ReceiptFilterPolicy, } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; const createCreateReceiptFilterCommand = ({ policy, ipOrRange, name }) => { return new CreateReceiptFilterCommand({ Filter: { IpFilter: { Cidr: ipOrRange, // string, either a single IP address ( or an IP address range in CIDR notation ( Policy: policy, // enum ReceiptFilterPolicy, email traffic from the filtered addressesOptions. }, /* The name of the IP address filter. Only ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, or dashes. Must be less than 64 characters and start and end with a letter or number. */ Name: name, }, }); }; const FILTER_NAME = getUniqueName("ReceiptFilter"); const run = async () => { const createReceiptFilterCommand = createCreateReceiptFilterCommand({ policy: ReceiptFilterPolicy.Allow, ipOrRange: "", name: FILTER_NAME, }); try { return await sesClient.send(createReceiptFilterCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 CreateReceiptFilter” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateReceiptRule

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import { CreateReceiptRuleCommand, TlsPolicy } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; const RULE_SET_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleSetName"); const RULE_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleName"); const S3_BUCKET_NAME = getUniqueName("S3BucketName"); const createS3ReceiptRuleCommand = ({ bucketName, emailAddresses, name, ruleSet, }) => { return new CreateReceiptRuleCommand({ Rule: { Actions: [ { S3Action: { BucketName: bucketName, ObjectKeyPrefix: "email", }, }, ], Recipients: emailAddresses, Enabled: true, Name: name, ScanEnabled: false, TlsPolicy: TlsPolicy.Optional, }, RuleSetName: ruleSet, // Required }); }; const run = async () => { const s3ReceiptRuleCommand = createS3ReceiptRuleCommand({ bucketName: S3_BUCKET_NAME, emailAddresses: ["email@example.com"], name: RULE_NAME, ruleSet: RULE_SET_NAME, }); try { return await sesClient.send(s3ReceiptRuleCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to create S3 receipt rule.", err); throw err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 CreateReceiptRule” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateReceiptRuleSet

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import { CreateReceiptRuleSetCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; const RULE_SET_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleSetName"); const createCreateReceiptRuleSetCommand = (ruleSetName) => { return new CreateReceiptRuleSetCommand({ RuleSetName: ruleSetName }); }; const run = async () => { const createReceiptRuleSetCommand = createCreateReceiptRuleSetCommand(RULE_SET_NAME); try { return await sesClient.send(createReceiptRuleSetCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to create receipt rule set", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 CreateReceiptRuleSet” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 CreateTemplate

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import { CreateTemplateCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("TestTemplateName"); const createCreateTemplateCommand = () => { return new CreateTemplateCommand({ /** * The template feature in Amazon SES is based on the Handlebars template system. */ Template: { /** * The name of an existing template in Amazon SES. */ TemplateName: TEMPLATE_NAME, HtmlPart: ` <h1>Hello, {{contact.firstName}}!</h1> <p> Did you know Amazon has a mascot named Peccy? </p> `, SubjectPart: "Amazon Tip", }, }); }; const run = async () => { const createTemplateCommand = createCreateTemplateCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(createTemplateCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to create template.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 CreateTemplate” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteIdentity

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import { DeleteIdentityCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const IDENTITY_EMAIL = "fake@example.com"; const createDeleteIdentityCommand = (identityName) => { return new DeleteIdentityCommand({ Identity: identityName, }); }; const run = async () => { const deleteIdentityCommand = createDeleteIdentityCommand(IDENTITY_EMAIL); try { return await sesClient.send(deleteIdentityCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to delete identity.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeleteIdentity” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteReceiptFilter

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import { DeleteReceiptFilterCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; const RECEIPT_FILTER_NAME = getUniqueName("ReceiptFilterName"); const createDeleteReceiptFilterCommand = (filterName) => { return new DeleteReceiptFilterCommand({ FilterName: filterName }); }; const run = async () => { const deleteReceiptFilterCommand = createDeleteReceiptFilterCommand(RECEIPT_FILTER_NAME); try { return await sesClient.send(deleteReceiptFilterCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Error deleting receipt filter.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeleteReceiptFilter” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteReceiptRule

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import { DeleteReceiptRuleCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const RULE_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleName"); const RULE_SET_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleSetName"); const createDeleteReceiptRuleCommand = () => { return new DeleteReceiptRuleCommand({ RuleName: RULE_NAME, RuleSetName: RULE_SET_NAME, }); }; const run = async () => { const deleteReceiptRuleCommand = createDeleteReceiptRuleCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(deleteReceiptRuleCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to delete receipt rule.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeleteReceiptRule” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteReceiptRuleSet

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import { DeleteReceiptRuleSetCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const RULE_SET_NAME = getUniqueName("RuleSetName"); const createDeleteReceiptRuleSetCommand = () => { return new DeleteReceiptRuleSetCommand({ RuleSetName: RULE_SET_NAME }); }; const run = async () => { const deleteReceiptRuleSetCommand = createDeleteReceiptRuleSetCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(deleteReceiptRuleSetCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to delete receipt rule set.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeleteReceiptRuleSet” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 DeleteTemplate

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import { DeleteTemplateCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("TemplateName"); const createDeleteTemplateCommand = (templateName) => new DeleteTemplateCommand({ TemplateName: templateName }); const run = async () => { const deleteTemplateCommand = createDeleteTemplateCommand(TEMPLATE_NAME); try { return await sesClient.send(deleteTemplateCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to delete template.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 DeleteTemplate” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 GetTemplate

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import { GetTemplateCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("TemplateName"); const createGetTemplateCommand = (templateName) => new GetTemplateCommand({ TemplateName: templateName }); const run = async () => { const getTemplateCommand = createGetTemplateCommand(TEMPLATE_NAME); try { return await sesClient.send(getTemplateCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 GetTemplate” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListIdentities

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import { ListIdentitiesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const createListIdentitiesCommand = () => new ListIdentitiesCommand({ IdentityType: "EmailAddress", MaxItems: 10 }); const run = async () => { const listIdentitiesCommand = createListIdentitiesCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(listIdentitiesCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to list identities.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 ListIdentities” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListReceiptFilters

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import { ListReceiptFiltersCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const createListReceiptFiltersCommand = () => new ListReceiptFiltersCommand({}); const run = async () => { const listReceiptFiltersCommand = createListReceiptFiltersCommand(); return await sesClient.send(listReceiptFiltersCommand); };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 ListReceiptFilters” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 ListTemplates

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import { ListTemplatesCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const createListTemplatesCommand = (maxItems) => new ListTemplatesCommand({ MaxItems: maxItems }); const run = async () => { const listTemplatesCommand = createListTemplatesCommand(10); try { return await sesClient.send(listTemplatesCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to list templates.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 ListTemplates” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SendBulkTemplatedEmail

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import { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName, postfix, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; /** * Replace this with the name of an existing template. */ const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("ReminderTemplate"); /** * Replace these with existing verified emails. */ const VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 = postfix(getUniqueName("Bilbo"), "@example.com"); const VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 = postfix(getUniqueName("Frodo"), "@example.com"); const USERS = [ { firstName: "Bilbo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1 }, { firstName: "Frodo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL_2 }, ]; /** * * @param { { emailAddress: string, firstName: string }[] } users * @param { string } templateName the name of an existing template in SES * @returns { SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand } */ const createBulkReminderEmailCommand = (users, templateName) => { return new SendBulkTemplatedEmailCommand({ /** * Each 'Destination' uses a corresponding set of replacement data. We can map each user * to a 'Destination' and provide user specific replacement data to create personalized emails. * * Here's an example of how a template would be replaced with user data: * Template: <h1>Hello {{name}},</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 1: <h1>Hello Bilbo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination 2: <h1>Hello Frodo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> */ Destinations: users.map((user) => ({ Destination: { ToAddresses: [user.emailAddress] }, ReplacementTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: user.firstName }), })), DefaultTemplateData: JSON.stringify({ name: "Shireling" }), Source: VERIFIED_EMAIL_1, Template: templateName, }); }; const run = async () => { const sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand = createBulkReminderEmailCommand( USERS, TEMPLATE_NAME, ); try { return await sesClient.send(sendBulkTemplateEmailCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 SendBulkTemplatedEmail” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SendEmail

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import { SendEmailCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const createSendEmailCommand = (toAddress, fromAddress) => { return new SendEmailCommand({ Destination: { /* required */ CcAddresses: [ /* more items */ ], ToAddresses: [ toAddress, /* more To-email addresses */ ], }, Message: { /* required */ Body: { /* required */ Html: { Charset: "UTF-8", Data: "HTML_FORMAT_BODY", }, Text: { Charset: "UTF-8", Data: "TEXT_FORMAT_BODY", }, }, Subject: { Charset: "UTF-8", Data: "EMAIL_SUBJECT", }, }, Source: fromAddress, ReplyToAddresses: [ /* more items */ ], }); }; const run = async () => { const sendEmailCommand = createSendEmailCommand( "recipient@example.com", "sender@example.com", ); try { return await sesClient.send(sendEmailCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 SendEmail” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SendRawEmail

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使用 nodemailer 发送带附件的电子邮件。

import sesClientModule from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; /** * nodemailer wraps the SES SDK and calls SendRawEmail. Use this for more advanced * functionality like adding attachments to your email. * * https://nodemailer.com/transports/ses/ */ import nodemailer from "nodemailer"; /** * @param {string} from An Amazon SES verified email address. * @param {*} to An Amazon SES verified email address. */ export const sendEmailWithAttachments = ( from = "from@example.com", to = "to@example.com", ) => { const ses = new sesClientModule.SESClient({}); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ SES: { ses, aws: sesClientModule }, }); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { transporter.sendMail( { from, to, subject: "Hello World", text: "Greetings from Amazon SES!", attachments: [{ content: "Hello World!", filename: "hello.txt" }], }, (err, info) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(info); } }, ); }); };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 SendRawEmail” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 SendTemplatedEmail

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import { SendTemplatedEmailCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName, postfix, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; /** * Replace this with the name of an existing template. */ const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("ReminderTemplate"); /** * Replace these with existing verified emails. */ const VERIFIED_EMAIL = postfix(getUniqueName("Bilbo"), "@example.com"); const USER = { firstName: "Bilbo", emailAddress: VERIFIED_EMAIL }; /** * * @param { { emailAddress: string, firstName: string } } user * @param { string } templateName - The name of an existing template in Amazon SES. * @returns { SendTemplatedEmailCommand } */ const createReminderEmailCommand = (user, templateName) => { return new SendTemplatedEmailCommand({ /** * Here's an example of how a template would be replaced with user data: * Template: <h1>Hello {{contact.firstName}},</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> * Destination: <h1>Hello Bilbo,</h1><p>Don't forget about the party gifts!</p> */ Destination: { ToAddresses: [user.emailAddress] }, TemplateData: JSON.stringify({ contact: { firstName: user.firstName } }), Source: VERIFIED_EMAIL, Template: templateName, }); }; const run = async () => { const sendReminderEmailCommand = createReminderEmailCommand( USER, TEMPLATE_NAME, ); try { return await sesClient.send(sendReminderEmailCommand); } catch (caught) { if (caught instanceof Error && caught.name === "MessageRejected") { /** @type { import('@aws-sdk/client-ses').MessageRejected} */ const messageRejectedError = caught; return messageRejectedError; } throw caught; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 SendTemplatedEmail” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 UpdateTemplate

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import { UpdateTemplateCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const TEMPLATE_NAME = getUniqueName("TemplateName"); const HTML_PART = "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"; const createUpdateTemplateCommand = () => { return new UpdateTemplateCommand({ Template: { TemplateName: TEMPLATE_NAME, HtmlPart: HTML_PART, SubjectPart: "Example", TextPart: "Updated template text.", }, }); }; const run = async () => { const updateTemplateCommand = createUpdateTemplateCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(updateTemplateCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to update template.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 UpdateTemplate” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 VerifyDomainIdentity

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import { VerifyDomainIdentityCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { getUniqueName, postfix, } from "@aws-doc-sdk-examples/lib/utils/util-string.js"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; /** * You must have access to the domain's DNS settings to complete the * domain verification process. */ const DOMAIN_NAME = postfix(getUniqueName("Domain"), ".example.com"); const createVerifyDomainIdentityCommand = () => { return new VerifyDomainIdentityCommand({ Domain: DOMAIN_NAME }); }; const run = async () => { const VerifyDomainIdentityCommand = createVerifyDomainIdentityCommand(); try { return await sesClient.send(VerifyDomainIdentityCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to verify domain.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 VerifyDomainIdentity” 中的。

以下代码示例演示如何使用 VerifyEmailIdentity

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// Import required AWS SDK clients and commands for Node.js import { VerifyEmailIdentityCommand } from "@aws-sdk/client-ses"; import { sesClient } from "./libs/sesClient.js"; const EMAIL_ADDRESS = "name@example.com"; const createVerifyEmailIdentityCommand = (emailAddress) => { return new VerifyEmailIdentityCommand({ EmailAddress: emailAddress }); }; const run = async () => { const verifyEmailIdentityCommand = createVerifyEmailIdentityCommand(EMAIL_ADDRESS); try { return await sesClient.send(verifyEmailIdentityCommand); } catch (err) { console.log("Failed to verify email identity.", err); return err; } };
  • 有关API详细信息,请参阅 “Amazon SDK for JavaScript API参考 VerifyEmailIdentity” 中的。



SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

演示如何使用 Amazon Transcribe 开发一款能够实时录制、转录和翻译实时音频的应用程序,并使用亚马逊简单电子邮件服务 (Amazon) 通过电子邮件将结果发送到电子邮件中。SES


  • Amazon Comprehend

  • Amazon SES

  • Amazon Transcribe

  • Amazon Translate

以下代码示例说明如何创建一个 Web 应用程序,该应用程序可跟踪 Amazon Aurora Serverless 数据库中的工作项目,并使用亚马逊简单电子邮件服务 (AmazonSES) 发送报告。

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

演示如何使用 Amazon SDK for JavaScript (v3) 创建一个 Web 应用程序,该应用程序可跟踪 Amazon Aurora 数据库中的工作项目,并使用亚马逊简单电子邮件服务 (AmazonSES) 通过电子邮件发送报告。此示例使用由 React.js 构建的前端与 Express Node.js 后端进行交互。

  • 将 React.js 网络应用程序与集成 Amazon Web Services 服务。

  • 列出、添加以及更新 Aurora 表中的项目。

  • 使用 Amazon 发送已筛选工作项的电子邮件报告SES。

  • 使用随附的 Amazon CloudFormation 脚本部署和管理示例资源。


  • Aurora

  • Amazon RDS

  • 亚马逊RDS数据服务

  • Amazon SES

以下代码示例演示如何构建一个使用 Amazon Rekognition 按类别检测图像中对象的应用程序。

SDK对于 JavaScript (v3)

演示如何使用 Amazon Rekogn Amazon SDK for JavaScript ition 和,创建一款应用程序,该应用程序使用 Amazon Rekognition 按类别识别位于亚马逊简单存储服务 (Amazon S3) Simple S3 存储桶中的图像中的对象。该应用程序使用亚马逊简单电子邮件服务 (AmazonSES) 向管理员发送一封包含结果的电子邮件通知。


  • 使用 Amazon Cognito 创建未经身份验证的用户。

  • 使用 Amazon Rekognition 分析包含对象的图像。

  • 验证 Amazon 的电子邮件地址SES。

  • 使用 Amazon 发送电子邮件通知SES。


  • Amazon Rekognition

  • Amazon S3

  • Amazon SES