You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Module: Aws::ECR::Errors

Defined in:


When Amazon EC2 Container Registry returns an error response, the Ruby SDK constructs and raises an error. These errors have the following ancestors:

You can rescue all ECR errors using ServiceError:

# rescue all errors from Amazon EC2 Container Registry
  # do stuff
rescue Aws::ECR::Errors::ServiceError
  # ...

Request Context

ServiceError objects have a #context method that returns information about the request that generated the error, including:

  • #params - The request params
  • #operation_name - Name of the API operation invoked
  • #http_request
  • #http_response
  • etc ...

See Seahorse::Client::RequestContext for more information.

Error Classes

You can rescue a specific error using the error code:

  # do stuff
rescue Aws::ECR::Errors::EmptyUploadException
  # ...

Some of the common errors are listed below:

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: EmptyUploadException, ImageAlreadyExistsException, ImageDigestDoesNotMatchException, ImageNotFoundException, ImageTagAlreadyExistsException, InvalidLayerException, InvalidLayerPartException, InvalidParameterException, InvalidTagParameterException, KmsException, LayerAlreadyExistsException, LayerInaccessibleException, LayerPartTooSmallException, LayersNotFoundException, LifecyclePolicyNotFoundException, LifecyclePolicyPreviewInProgressException, LifecyclePolicyPreviewNotFoundException, LimitExceededException, ReferencedImagesNotFoundException, RepositoryAlreadyExistsException, RepositoryNotEmptyException, RepositoryNotFoundException, RepositoryPolicyNotFoundException, ScanNotFoundException, ServerException, ServiceError, TooManyTagsException, UnsupportedImageTypeException, UploadNotFoundException