You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Types::CreateListenerInput

  • Object
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When passing CreateListenerInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  load_balancer_arn: "LoadBalancerArn", # required
  protocol: "HTTP", # accepts HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, TLS, UDP, TCP_UDP, GENEVE
  port: 1,
  ssl_policy: "SslPolicyName",
  certificates: [
      certificate_arn: "CertificateArn",
      is_default: false,
  default_actions: [ # required
      type: "forward", # required, accepts forward, authenticate-oidc, authenticate-cognito, redirect, fixed-response
      target_group_arn: "TargetGroupArn",
      authenticate_oidc_config: {
        issuer: "AuthenticateOidcActionIssuer", # required
        authorization_endpoint: "AuthenticateOidcActionAuthorizationEndpoint", # required
        token_endpoint: "AuthenticateOidcActionTokenEndpoint", # required
        user_info_endpoint: "AuthenticateOidcActionUserInfoEndpoint", # required
        client_id: "AuthenticateOidcActionClientId", # required
        client_secret: "AuthenticateOidcActionClientSecret",
        session_cookie_name: "AuthenticateOidcActionSessionCookieName",
        scope: "AuthenticateOidcActionScope",
        session_timeout: 1,
        authentication_request_extra_params: {
          "AuthenticateOidcActionAuthenticationRequestParamName" => "AuthenticateOidcActionAuthenticationRequestParamValue",
        on_unauthenticated_request: "deny", # accepts deny, allow, authenticate
        use_existing_client_secret: false,
      authenticate_cognito_config: {
        user_pool_arn: "AuthenticateCognitoActionUserPoolArn", # required
        user_pool_client_id: "AuthenticateCognitoActionUserPoolClientId", # required
        user_pool_domain: "AuthenticateCognitoActionUserPoolDomain", # required
        session_cookie_name: "AuthenticateCognitoActionSessionCookieName",
        scope: "AuthenticateCognitoActionScope",
        session_timeout: 1,
        authentication_request_extra_params: {
          "AuthenticateCognitoActionAuthenticationRequestParamName" => "AuthenticateCognitoActionAuthenticationRequestParamValue",
        on_unauthenticated_request: "deny", # accepts deny, allow, authenticate
      order: 1,
      redirect_config: {
        protocol: "RedirectActionProtocol",
        port: "RedirectActionPort",
        host: "RedirectActionHost",
        path: "RedirectActionPath",
        query: "RedirectActionQuery",
        status_code: "HTTP_301", # required, accepts HTTP_301, HTTP_302
      fixed_response_config: {
        message_body: "FixedResponseActionMessage",
        status_code: "FixedResponseActionStatusCode", # required
        content_type: "FixedResponseActionContentType",
      forward_config: {
        target_groups: [
            target_group_arn: "TargetGroupArn",
            weight: 1,
        target_group_stickiness_config: {
          enabled: false,
          duration_seconds: 1,
  alpn_policy: ["AlpnPolicyValue"],
  tags: [
      key: "TagKey", # required
      value: "TagValue",

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


[TLS listeners] The name of the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) policy. You can specify one policy name. The following are the possible values:

  • HTTP1Only

  • HTTP2Only

  • HTTP2Optional

  • HTTP2Preferred

  • None

For more information, see ALPN policies in the Network Load Balancers Guide.


  • (Array<String>)

    [TLS listeners] The name of the Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation (ALPN) policy.


[HTTPS and TLS listeners] The default certificate for the listener. You must provide exactly one certificate. Set CertificateArn to the certificate ARN but do not set IsDefault.


  • (Array<Types::Certificate>)

    [HTTPS and TLS listeners] The default certificate for the listener.


The actions for the default rule.



The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.


  • (String)

    The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer.


The port on which the load balancer is listening. You cannot specify a port for a Gateway Load Balancer.


  • (Integer)

    The port on which the load balancer is listening.


The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer. For Application Load Balancers, the supported protocols are HTTP and HTTPS. For Network Load Balancers, the supported protocols are TCP, TLS, UDP, and TCP_UDP. You can’t specify the UDP or TCP_UDP protocol if dual-stack mode is enabled. You cannot specify a protocol for a Gateway Load Balancer.

Possible values:

  • HTTP
  • TCP
  • TLS
  • UDP


  • (String)

    The protocol for connections from clients to the load balancer.


[HTTPS and TLS listeners] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported.

For more information, see Security policies in the Application Load Balancers Guide and Security policies in the Network Load Balancers Guide.


  • (String)

    [HTTPS and TLS listeners] The security policy that defines which protocols and ciphers are supported.


The tags to assign to the listener.


  • (Array<Types::Tag>)

    The tags to assign to the listener.