You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::EventBridge::Types::PutTargetsRequest

  • Object
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When passing PutTargetsRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  rule: "RuleName", # required
  event_bus_name: "EventBusNameOrArn",
  targets: [ # required
      id: "TargetId", # required
      arn: "TargetArn", # required
      role_arn: "RoleArn",
      input: "TargetInput",
      input_path: "TargetInputPath",
      input_transformer: {
        input_paths_map: {
          "InputTransformerPathKey" => "TargetInputPath",
        input_template: "TransformerInput", # required
      kinesis_parameters: {
        partition_key_path: "TargetPartitionKeyPath", # required
      run_command_parameters: {
        run_command_targets: [ # required
            key: "RunCommandTargetKey", # required
            values: ["RunCommandTargetValue"], # required
      ecs_parameters: {
        task_definition_arn: "Arn", # required
        task_count: 1,
        launch_type: "EC2", # accepts EC2, FARGATE
        network_configuration: {
          awsvpc_configuration: {
            subnets: ["String"], # required
            security_groups: ["String"],
            assign_public_ip: "ENABLED", # accepts ENABLED, DISABLED
        platform_version: "String",
        group: "String",
      batch_parameters: {
        job_definition: "String", # required
        job_name: "String", # required
        array_properties: {
          size: 1,
        retry_strategy: {
          attempts: 1,
      sqs_parameters: {
        message_group_id: "MessageGroupId",
      http_parameters: {
        path_parameter_values: ["PathParameter"],
        header_parameters: {
          "HeaderKey" => "HeaderValue",
        query_string_parameters: {
          "QueryStringKey" => "QueryStringValue",
      redshift_data_parameters: {
        secret_manager_arn: "RedshiftSecretManagerArn",
        database: "Database", # required
        db_user: "DbUser",
        sql: "Sql", # required
        statement_name: "StatementName",
        with_event: false,
      dead_letter_config: {
        arn: "ResourceArn",
      retry_policy: {
        maximum_retry_attempts: 1,
        maximum_event_age_in_seconds: 1,

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule. If you omit this, the default event bus is used.


  • (String)

    The name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule.


The name of the rule.


  • (String)

    The name of the rule.


The targets to update or add to the rule.


  • (Array<Types::Target>)

    The targets to update or add to the rule.