You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::Kendra::Types::ConfluenceSpaceConfiguration

  • Object
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When passing ConfluenceSpaceConfiguration as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  crawl_personal_spaces: false,
  crawl_archived_spaces: false,
  include_spaces: ["ConfluenceSpaceIdentifier"],
  exclude_spaces: ["ConfluenceSpaceIdentifier"],
  space_field_mappings: [
      data_source_field_name: "DISPLAY_URL", # accepts DISPLAY_URL, ITEM_TYPE, SPACE_KEY, URL
      date_field_format: "DataSourceDateFieldFormat",
      index_field_name: "IndexFieldName",

Specifies the configuration for indexing Confluence spaces.

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Specifies whether Amazon Kendra should index archived spaces.


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies whether Amazon Kendra should index archived spaces.


Specifies whether Amazon Kendra should index personal spaces. Users can add restrictions to items in personal spaces. If personal spaces are indexed, queries without user context information may return restricted items from a personal space in their results. For more information, see Filtering on user context.


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies whether Amazon Kendra should index personal spaces.


A list of space keys of Confluence spaces. If you include a key, the blogs, documents, and attachments in the space are not indexed. If a space is in both the ExcludeSpaces and the IncludeSpaces list, the space is excluded.


  • (Array<String>)

    A list of space keys of Confluence spaces.


A list of space keys for Confluence spaces. If you include a key, the blogs, documents, and attachments in the space are indexed. Spaces that aren\'t in the list aren\'t indexed. A space in the list must exist. Otherwise, Amazon Kendra logs an error when the data source is synchronized. If a space is in both the IncludeSpaces and the ExcludeSpaces list, the space is excluded.


  • (Array<String>)

    A list of space keys for Confluence spaces.


Defines how space metadata fields should be mapped to index fields. Before you can map a field, you must first create an index field with a matching type using the console or the UpdateIndex operation.

If you specify the SpaceFieldMappings parameter, you must specify at least one field mapping.
