You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::LicenseManager::Types::CreateLicenseConfigurationRequest

  • Object
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When passing CreateLicenseConfigurationRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  name: "String", # required
  description: "String",
  license_counting_type: "vCPU", # required, accepts vCPU, Instance, Core, Socket
  license_count: 1,
  license_count_hard_limit: false,
  license_rules: ["String"],
  tags: [
      key: "String",
      value: "String",
  product_information_list: [
      resource_type: "String", # required
      product_information_filter_list: [ # required
          product_information_filter_name: "String", # required
          product_information_filter_value: ["String"], # required
          product_information_filter_comparator: "String", # required

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Description of the license configuration.


  • (String)

    Description of the license configuration.


Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.


  • (Integer)

    Number of licenses managed by the license configuration.


Indicates whether hard or soft license enforcement is used. Exceeding a hard limit blocks the launch of new instances.


  • (Boolean)

    Indicates whether hard or soft license enforcement is used.


Dimension used to track the license inventory.

Possible values:

  • vCPU
  • Instance
  • Core
  • Socket


  • (String)

    Dimension used to track the license inventory.


License rules. The syntax is #name=value (for example,

allowedTenancy=EC2-DedicatedHost). The available rules vary by

dimension, as follows.

  • Cores dimension: allowedTenancy | licenseAffinityToHost | maximumCores | minimumCores

  • Instances dimension: allowedTenancy | maximumCores | minimumCores | maximumSockets | minimumSockets | maximumVcpus | minimumVcpus

  • Sockets dimension: allowedTenancy | licenseAffinityToHost | maximumSockets | minimumSockets

  • vCPUs dimension: allowedTenancy | honorVcpuOptimization | maximumVcpus | minimumVcpus

The unit for licenseAffinityToHost is days and the range is 1 to 180. The possible values for allowedTenancy are EC2-Default, EC2-DedicatedHost, and EC2-DedicatedInstance. The possible values for honorVcpuOptimization are True and False.


  • (Array<String>)

    License rules.


Name of the license configuration.


  • (String)

    Name of the license configuration.


Product information.



Tags to add to the license configuration.


  • (Array<Types::Tag>)

    Tags to add to the license configuration.