You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::MediaConnect::Types::UpdateFlowOutputRequest

  • Object
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When passing UpdateFlowOutputRequest as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  cidr_allow_list: ["__string"],
  description: "__string",
  destination: "__string",
  encryption: {
    algorithm: "aes128", # accepts aes128, aes192, aes256
    constant_initialization_vector: "__string",
    device_id: "__string",
    key_type: "speke", # accepts speke, static-key
    region: "__string",
    resource_id: "__string",
    role_arn: "__string",
    secret_arn: "__string",
    url: "__string",
  flow_arn: "__string", # required
  max_latency: 1,
  output_arn: "__string", # required
  port: 1,
  protocol: "zixi-push", # accepts zixi-push, rtp-fec, rtp, zixi-pull, rist
  remote_id: "__string",
  smoothing_latency: 1,
  stream_id: "__string",
  vpc_interface_attachment: {
    vpc_interface_name: "__string",

The updates that you want to make to an existing output of an existing flow.

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to this flow. These IP addresses should be in the form of a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) block; for example,


  • (Array<String>)

    The range of IP addresses that should be allowed to initiate output requests to this flow.


A description of the output. This description appears only on the AWS Elemental MediaConnect console and will not be seen by the end user.


  • (String)

    A description of the output.


The IP address where you want to send the output.


  • (String)

    The IP address where you want to send the output.


The type of key used for the encryption. If no keyType is provided, the service will use the default setting (static-key).




  • (String)


The maximum latency in milliseconds for Zixi-based streams.


  • (Integer)

    The maximum latency in milliseconds for Zixi-based streams.



  • (String)


The port to use when content is distributed to this output.


  • (Integer)

    The port to use when content is distributed to this output.


The protocol to use for the output.

Possible values:

  • zixi-push
  • rtp-fec
  • rtp
  • zixi-pull
  • rist


  • (String)

    The protocol to use for the output.


The remote ID for the Zixi-pull stream.


  • (String)

    The remote ID for the Zixi-pull stream.


The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.


  • (Integer)

    The smoothing latency in milliseconds for RIST, RTP, and RTP-FEC streams.


The stream ID that you want to use for this transport. This parameter applies only to Zixi-based streams.


  • (String)

    The stream ID that you want to use for this transport.


The name of the VPC interface attachment to use for this output.
