You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::MediaStore::Types::PutMetricPolicyInput

  • Object
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When passing PutMetricPolicyInput as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  container_name: "ContainerName", # required
  metric_policy: { # required
    container_level_metrics: "ENABLED", # required, accepts ENABLED, DISABLED
    metric_policy_rules: [
        object_group: "ObjectGroup", # required
        object_group_name: "ObjectGroupName", # required

Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


The name of the container that you want to add the metric policy to.


  • (String)

    The name of the container that you want to add the metric policy to.


The metric policy that you want to associate with the container. In the policy, you must indicate whether you want MediaStore to send container-level metrics. You can also include up to five rules to define groups of objects that you want MediaStore to send object-level metrics for. If you include rules in the policy, construct each rule with both of the following:

  • An object group that defines which objects to include in the group. The definition can be a path or a file name, but it can\'t have more than 900 characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _ (underscore), = (equal), : (colon), . (period), - (hyphen), ~ (tilde), / (forward slash), and * (asterisk). Wildcards (*) are acceptable.

  • An object group name that allows you to refer to the object group. The name can\'t have more than 30 characters. Valid characters are: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, and _ (underscore).
