You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::OpsWorks::Types::CloudWatchLogsConfiguration

  • Object
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When passing CloudWatchLogsConfiguration as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  enabled: false,
  log_streams: [
      log_group_name: "String",
      datetime_format: "String",
      time_zone: "LOCAL", # accepts LOCAL, UTC
      file: "String",
      file_fingerprint_lines: "String",
      multi_line_start_pattern: "String",
      initial_position: "start_of_file", # accepts start_of_file, end_of_file
      encoding: "ascii", # accepts ascii, big5, big5hkscs, cp037, cp424, cp437, cp500, cp720, cp737, cp775, cp850, cp852, cp855, cp856, cp857, cp858, cp860, cp861, cp862, cp863, cp864, cp865, cp866, cp869, cp874, cp875, cp932, cp949, cp950, cp1006, cp1026, cp1140, cp1250, cp1251, cp1252, cp1253, cp1254, cp1255, cp1256, cp1257, cp1258, euc_jp, euc_jis_2004, euc_jisx0213, euc_kr, gb2312, gbk, gb18030, hz, iso2022_jp, iso2022_jp_1, iso2022_jp_2, iso2022_jp_2004, iso2022_jp_3, iso2022_jp_ext, iso2022_kr, latin_1, iso8859_2, iso8859_3, iso8859_4, iso8859_5, iso8859_6, iso8859_7, iso8859_8, iso8859_9, iso8859_10, iso8859_13, iso8859_14, iso8859_15, iso8859_16, johab, koi8_r, koi8_u, mac_cyrillic, mac_greek, mac_iceland, mac_latin2, mac_roman, mac_turkish, ptcp154, shift_jis, shift_jis_2004, shift_jisx0213, utf_32, utf_32_be, utf_32_le, utf_16, utf_16_be, utf_16_le, utf_7, utf_8, utf_8_sig
      buffer_duration: 1,
      batch_count: 1,
      batch_size: 1,

Describes the Amazon CloudWatch logs configuration for a layer.

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Instance Attribute Summary collapse

Instance Attribute Details


Whether CloudWatch Logs is enabled for a layer.


  • (Boolean)

    Whether CloudWatch Logs is enabled for a layer.


A list of configuration options for CloudWatch Logs.
