You are viewing documentation for version 2 of the AWS SDK for Ruby. Version 3 documentation can be found here.

Class: Aws::WAFV2::Types::ForwardedIPConfig

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When passing ForwardedIPConfig as input to an Aws::Client method, you can use a vanilla Hash:

  header_name: "ForwardedIPHeaderName", # required
  fallback_behavior: "MATCH", # required, accepts MATCH, NO_MATCH

The configuration for inspecting IP addresses in an HTTP header that you specify, instead of using the IP address that's reported by the web request origin. Commonly, this is the X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header, but you can specify any header name.

If the specified header isn't present in the request, AWS WAF doesn't apply the rule to the web request at all.

This configuration is used for GeoMatchStatement and RateBasedStatement. For IPSetReferenceStatement, use IPSetForwardedIPConfig instead.

AWS WAF only evaluates the first IP address found in the specified HTTP header.

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The match status to assign to the web request if the request doesn\'t have a valid IP address in the specified position.

If the specified header isn\'t present in the request, AWS WAF doesn\'t apply the rule to the web request at all.

You can specify the following fallback behaviors:

  • MATCH - Treat the web request as matching the rule statement. AWS WAF applies the rule action to the request.

  • NO_MATCH - Treat the web request as not matching the rule statement.

    Possible values:

    • MATCH
    • NO_MATCH


  • (String)

    The match status to assign to the web request if the request doesn\'t have a valid IP address in the specified position.


The name of the HTTP header to use for the IP address. For example, to use the X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header, set this to X-Forwarded-For.

If the specified header isn\'t present in the request, AWS WAF doesn\'t apply the rule to the web request at all.


  • (String)

    The name of the HTTP header to use for the IP address.