获取有关 Amazon CloudWatch 警报的信息 - Amazon 适用于 Ruby 的 SDK
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获取有关 Amazon CloudWatch 警报的信息

以下代码示例显示了有关 Amazon 中可用指标警报的信息 CloudWatch。

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 require 'aws-sdk-cloudwatch' # Displays information about available metric alarms in Amazon CloudWatch. # # @param cloudwatch_client [Aws::CloudWatch::Client] # An initialized CloudWatch client. # @example # describe_metric_alarms(Aws::CloudWatch::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1')) def describe_metric_alarms(cloudwatch_client) response = cloudwatch_client.describe_alarms if response.metric_alarms.count.positive? response.metric_alarms.each do |alarm| puts '-' * 16 puts 'Name: ' + alarm.alarm_name puts 'State value: ' + alarm.state_value puts 'State reason: ' + alarm.state_reason puts 'Metric: ' + alarm.metric_name puts 'Namespace: ' + alarm.namespace puts 'Statistic: ' + alarm.statistic puts 'Period: ' + alarm.period.to_s puts 'Unit: ' + alarm.unit.to_s puts 'Eval. periods: ' + alarm.evaluation_periods.to_s puts 'Threshold: ' + alarm.threshold.to_s puts 'Comp. operator: ' + alarm.comparison_operator if alarm.key?(:ok_actions) && alarm.ok_actions.count.positive? puts 'OK actions:' alarm.ok_actions.each do |a| puts ' ' + a end end if alarm.key?(:alarm_actions) && alarm.alarm_actions.count.positive? puts 'Alarm actions:' alarm.alarm_actions.each do |a| puts ' ' + a end end if alarm.key?(:insufficient_data_actions) && alarm.insufficient_data_actions.count.positive? puts 'Insufficient data actions:' alarm.insufficient_data_actions.each do |a| puts ' ' + a end end puts 'Dimensions:' if alarm.key?(:dimensions) && alarm.dimensions.count.positive? alarm.dimensions.each do |d| puts ' Name: ' + d.name + ', Value: ' + d.value end else puts ' None for this alarm.' end end else puts 'No alarms found.' end rescue StandardError => e puts "Error getting information about alarms: #{e.message}" end # Full example call: def run_me region = '' # Print usage information and then stop. if ARGV[0] == '--help' || ARGV[0] == '-h' puts 'Usage: ruby cw-ruby-example-show-alarms.rb REGION' puts 'Example: ruby cw-ruby-example-show-alarms.rb us-east-1' exit 1 # If no values are specified at the command prompt, use these default values. elsif ARGV.count.zero? region = 'us-east-1' # Otherwise, use the values as specified at the command prompt. else region = ARGV[0] end cloudwatch_client = Aws::CloudWatch::Client.new(region: region) puts 'Available alarms:' describe_metric_alarms(cloudwatch_client) end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__