在 Amazon SQS 中发送消息 - Amazon 适用于 Ruby 的 SDK
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在 Amazon SQS 中发送消息

以下示例通过 us-west-2 区域中 URL 为 URL 的 Amazon SQS 队列发送消息“Hello world”。

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 require 'aws-sdk-sqs' require 'aws-sdk-sts' # Sends a message to a queue in Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). # # @param sqs_client [Aws::SQS::Client] An initialized Amazon SQS client. # @param queue_url [String] The URL of the queue. # @param message_body [String] The contents of the message to be sent. # @return [Boolean] true if the message was sent; otherwise, false. # @example # exit 1 unless message_sent?( # Aws::SQS::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1'), # 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/111111111111/my-queue', # 'This is my message.' # ) def message_sent?(sqs_client, queue_url, message_body) sqs_client.send_message( queue_url: queue_url, message_body: message_body ) true rescue StandardError => e puts "Error sending message: #{e.message}" false end # Full example call: def run_me region = 'us-east-1' queue_name = 'my-queue' message_body = 'This is my message.' sts_client = Aws::STS::Client.new(region: region) # For example: # 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/111111111111/my-queue' queue_url = 'https://sqs.' + region + '.amazonaws.com/' + sts_client.get_caller_identity.account + '/' + queue_name sqs_client = Aws::SQS::Client.new(region: region) puts "Sending a message to the queue named '#{queue_name}'..." if message_sent?(sqs_client, queue_url, message_body) puts 'Message sent.' else puts 'Message not sent.' end end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__

以下示例 通过 us-west-2 区域中 URL 为 URL 的 Amazon SQS 队列发送消息“Hello world”和“How is the weather?”。


如果您的队列是 FIFO 队列,则除了 message_group_idid 参数外,还必须包括 message_body 参数。

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 require 'aws-sdk-sqs' require 'aws-sdk-sts' # Sends multiple messages as a batch to a queue in # Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS). # # @param sqs_client [Aws::SQS::Client] An initialized Amazon SQS client. # @param queue_url [String] The URL of the queue. # @param entries [Hash] The contents of the messages to be sent, # in the correct format. # @return [Boolean] true if the messages were sent; otherwise, false. # @example # exit 1 unless messages_sent?( # Aws::SQS::Client.new(region: 'us-east-1'), # 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/111111111111/my-queue', # [ # { # id: 'Message1', # message_body: 'This is the first message.' # }, # { # id: 'Message2', # message_body: 'This is the second message.' # } # ] # ) def messages_sent?(sqs_client, queue_url, entries) sqs_client.send_message_batch( queue_url: queue_url, entries: entries ) true rescue StandardError => e puts "Error sending messages: #{e.message}" false end # Full example call: def run_me region = 'us-east-1' queue_name = 'my-queue' entries = [ { id: 'Message1', message_body: 'This is the first message.' }, { id: 'Message2', message_body: 'This is the second message.' } ] sts_client = Aws::STS::Client.new(region: region) # For example: # 'https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/111111111111/my-queue' queue_url = 'https://sqs.' + region + '.amazonaws.com/' + sts_client.get_caller_identity.account + '/' + queue_name sqs_client = Aws::SQS::Client.new(region: region) puts "Sending messages to the queue named '#{queue_name}'..." if messages_sent?(sqs_client, queue_url, entries) puts 'Messages sent.' else puts 'Messages not sent.' end end run_me if $PROGRAM_NAME == __FILE__