AWS SDK Version 3 for .NET
API Reference

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Configure the ZonalConfig object if you want CodeDeploy to deploy your application to one Availability Zone at a time, within an Amazon Web Services Region. By deploying to one Availability Zone at a time, you can expose your deployment to a progressively larger audience as confidence in the deployment's performance and viability grows. If you don't configure the ZonalConfig object, CodeDeploy deploys your application to a random selection of hosts across a Region.

For more information about the zonal configuration feature, see zonal configuration in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

Inheritance Hierarchy


Namespace: Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model
Assembly: AWSSDK.CodeDeploy.dll
Version: 3.x.y.z


public class ZonalConfig

The ZonalConfig type exposes the following members


Public Method ZonalConfig()


Public Property FirstZoneMonitorDurationInSeconds System.Int64

Gets and sets the property FirstZoneMonitorDurationInSeconds.

The period of time, in seconds, that CodeDeploy must wait after completing a deployment to the first Availability Zone. CodeDeploy will wait this amount of time before starting a deployment to the second Availability Zone. You might set this option if you want to allow extra bake time for the first Availability Zone. If you don't specify a value for firstZoneMonitorDurationInSeconds, then CodeDeploy uses the monitorDurationInSeconds value for the first Availability Zone.

For more information about the zonal configuration feature, see zonal configuration in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

Public Property MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone Amazon.CodeDeploy.Model.MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone

Gets and sets the property MinimumHealthyHostsPerZone.

The number or percentage of instances that must remain available per Availability Zone during a deployment. This option works in conjunction with the MinimumHealthyHosts option. For more information, see About the minimum number of healthy hosts per Availability Zone in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

If you don't specify the minimumHealthyHostsPerZone option, then CodeDeploy uses a default value of 0 percent.

For more information about the zonal configuration feature, see zonal configuration in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

Public Property MonitorDurationInSeconds System.Int64

Gets and sets the property MonitorDurationInSeconds.

The period of time, in seconds, that CodeDeploy must wait after completing a deployment to an Availability Zone. CodeDeploy will wait this amount of time before starting a deployment to the next Availability Zone. Consider adding a monitor duration to give the deployment some time to prove itself (or 'bake') in one Availability Zone before it is released in the next zone. If you don't specify a monitorDurationInSeconds, CodeDeploy starts deploying to the next Availability Zone immediately.

For more information about the zonal configuration feature, see zonal configuration in the CodeDeploy User Guide.

Version Information

.NET Core App:
Supported in: 3.1

.NET Standard:
Supported in: 2.0

.NET Framework:
Supported in: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5